Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Rook Blonko[]

Magister Rook Blonko is Ben's new partner after Gwen and Kevin left the team. He is a Revonnahgander from the planet Revonnah. He was a Plumber promoted to the rank of Magister. Rook is now the main pilot of the new Rust Bucket.

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Rook is tall, with periwinkle-blue colored fur, black markings and fur on the top of his face, and pointed ears. The middle of his face, his chest and his stomach are white. He has black stripes on his shoulders, waist, lower legs and lower arms. He carries the Proto-Tool on his shoulder and wears a very durable white-and-black updated version of the Proto-Tech Armor.


Rook is not as naive as he was two years ago, and remains as the most calm and responsible of the team.

Powers and Abilities[]

Rook is a highly skilled combatant, both from his Plumber training and the tutelage of his Revonnah Kai teacher, Kundo. In addition to being Kundo's top student, Rook has since supplemented this fighting style with other techniques and tactics from his various missions as a Plumber, ultimately being able to best his teacher in fair combat.

Rook can jump several stories high. Rook has also been shown to be very nimble and has impressive acrobatic skills, and he is also a master in terms of strategy and battle tactics.

Rook has advanced knowledge of magic, and he is quite proficient in the usage of technology and machinery having shown a remarkable skill for creating electronic jamming devices when he fashioned an electron entanglement disruptor to escape an electromagnetic barrier.


  • Proto-Tool: Rook uses the Proto-Tool to help him in battle. He is adapted to using the Proto-Tool as a sword, bow, grappling hook, blaster, and various other things.
  • Proto-Tech Armor: Rook now wears the updated Proto-Tech Armor, which is strong enough to protect Rook from a major explosive shock wave. It is now indestructible, as the only thing shown to be able to damage his former armor, which was Kundo's "stone-cutter" technique, now does not affect it at all.


Rook can't handle high temperatures for long periods of time, due to having fur, he does not like beam scans as the Z bosons condense on his fur, making him itch, and he is also a 'by-the-book' Plumber and at times can be too rigid. As a result, he can sometimes be at a disadvantage when facing against an unpredictable foe and needs to 'think-outside-of-the-box'.



  1. And Then There Were 10 Again
  2. Quicksand
  3. Double Trouble
  4. It's Cool in the Cold
  5. Galactic Arena

