Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Roccelt Rease
General Information
Species Anodeity
Home World Altor Dominus
Age Unknown
Occupations Prince of A.D.
Aliases Roc
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Spectral Mana
DNA Cloaking
Relatives Serena
Voice Actor Any Volunteers?

Roccelt Rease is a hero in Get Animated. He first appeared in 'Adventure Awaits' briefly but formally in Know your Mana. He is an Anodeity from the planet Altor Dominus.


Like an Anodite, but with the fashion sense of one from Ledgerdomain.


Mysterious yet helpful.

Powers and Abilities[]

Spectral mana. Unlike an Anodite, he can use mana in multiple different ways by using different types of energy infused into the mana.

DNA cloaking. It allows him to blend with the local populace. He can control it but it takes a lot of focus.

Shapeshifting. He tends not to use this ability much but does come in handy when he needs to change his DNA cloak.


Like all energy beings, he can be drained dry of his energy. He can recover but it would take years upon years to return to full strength. If not, it might kill him.

Long life. It is an emotional weakness for living for years on end can be taxing on your emotions.

DNA cloaking. You get the aliens weakness not just their strengths.


Since the beginning of everything, he has been around. He is friends with Metroy Eccholt and Eranova Xandolt from the Planet Erden. His teacher and mentor was Verdona Tennyson before she met Max that is.

Before that, he was a child of reason and understanding. Serena and Bellicus are his parents but only Paradox knows that and can do nothing for him. His people are now just empty shells or pure energy for the lucky ones.

He was present when Aggregor came to the Forge of Creation but was in another location and could not intervene for he had to keep Paradox from being noticed by the locals.



  • Serena: Mother
  • Bellicus: Father


Love Interests[]

  • Eranova: Childhood crush.
  • Emilia:



  • Appearance 1
  • Appearance 2
  • Etc.


  • He is the last of his kind.
  • His name is pronouces 'Rock-kelt', as for the last name it rhythms with 'Please'.

