Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Newtreon: Azmuth is infected with the W.A. Virus!

Bishop: We need-

Newtreon: A fire potion. Yes, yes. I know.

Quin: Why are you doing all of this, anyway.

Newtreon: I am seeing how you stoped us.

Bishop: We stop you?

Newteron: Well, yes... but I am just rewatching all of this as if it was a movie- oh! There is my past self coming! Got to go! Tut tut!


Future Newtreon dissapears as the present Newtreon walks into the room

Bishop: I have one question to ask you, New-tree-on-

Newtreon: Don't call me that!

Bishop: If you are 'all knowing', than how did I get out of the Black Hole?

Newtreon: The power from the Omnitrix used the energy of-uh... the next alien you will turn into and made a small portal. Simple.

Bishop: And why is Azmuth infected with the W.A Virus?

Newtreon: I was just... experimenting.

Vilgax the Third walks in

Vilgax: Let's take these guys down for good.

Vilgax presses Annihilatrix

Annihilagator: Don't move, Rook Bishop. Just watch.

Annihilagator presses Annhilatrix

Annihilagator Annihiliator: Now we fight.

Bishop dials Brainfreeze

Bishop's Thoughts: Brainfreeze has enough power to bring me out of a black hole?

Bishop presses Omnitrix

Bishop grows bigger and bigger and bigger until he reaches the celing. Then he grows fur, his eyes are replaced by hearts-

Bishop: FUZZY WUZZY!!!!

Fuzzy Wuzzy punches down Annihilagator Annihiliator. But he gets back up and creates a Cyclone of fire which half burns Fuzzy Wuzzy. Quin gets into action by shooting a lightning arrow at Annihilagator Annihiliator. Newtreon just stands in the corner, enjoying the show.

Annihilagator Annihiliator burns Fuzzy Wuzzy, making him change back

Bishop runs up to Annihilagator Annihiliator and Punches the Annihilatrix using his Omnitrix. 

Omnitrix: Ultimates transfered

Bishop slams Omnitrix as hard as he can. Ono: Do not move, Vilgax the Third. Really, Do not.

Azmuth crawls straight to Vilgax the Third and sends him back in time.

Ono: And now for you Newtreon, you get your wish.

Ono slaps Omnitrix

Ultimate OnoI can not defeat you, myself, Newtreon. But I can do this...

Ono shoots five plugs that connect to every outlet. Then he emits a low frequency signal, which connects to every plumber badge and base in 1,000 demensions. Ultimate Ono: Attention, plumbers in any demension, as I am Rook Bishop, High commander of the plumbers, I declare, on this man...


To be Continued in the next series- Bishop 10: Time War


Aliens Used[]

By Bishop:

By Vilgax the Third
