Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Rina Yamamoto (山本 里奈, Yamamoto Rina) is a 17-year-old girl who is the first year college student. She forming a contract with Galvanic Mechamorph engineer Ultra-Omega to transforms into Cyber Upgrade (サイバーアップグレイド, Saibā Appugureido) to fight DNAliens and the Mutantborgs in order to protect the universe.


Rina Yamamoto in Upgrade Form (Masked)

UG-09 Cyber Upgrade.

Rina Yamamoto! Access granted!

–Cybertrix Access Card announcement


–Transformation call

Cyber Upgrade! Complete!

–Transformation announcement

This is her basic form of Cyber Upgrade.

Powers & Abilities[]

Upgrade is completely amorphous as she can switch between liquid and robotic bipedal form. The nanites that makes up her body allows Upgrade to reshape and move like liquid even though she's a solid being. Due to this, she can reshape herself to let projectiles or blows pass through her by creating a hole in her body at will. Her physiology also makes her extremely flexible. Upgrade's shapeshifting abilities allow her to grow technological spikes and tentacles, even when merging with technology.

Upgrade can alter her body shape to match or mimic the body structure of another species, such when she morphed into a Tetramand and grew an extra pair of arms. She can also alter her own size.

Upgrade's DNA is "programmed" with blueprints of every alien technology, allowing her to merge with and possess any technology by encasing herself over it. The size of the device is not significant and she controls it as naturally as she would her own body. When she merges, she enhances the technology into "ultra-tech", making it far more advanced and futuristic beyond human capability, causing new features to form. After she separates from a machine, it returns to normal.

Upgrade's technological possession can work on non-electrical machinery, such as a row machine in a gym. This ability extends to even sentient beings that are mechanical in nature, like Chronosapiens and probably Nanochips.

Upgrade can reconfigure technology to suit any situation, like transform Kentaro's van into a battle armor, with an arsenal of heavy energy weapons, or even retractile robotic manipulator arms.

Possessing technology allows Upgrade to transform it with seemingly no limit, such as merging with a baseball pitching machine and turning it into a tripod-like robot that fires a seemingly infinite amount of baseballs.

Upgrade can make her head or face appear anywhere on the machines she possesses.

Upgrade can merge with organic beings.

Upgrade can enhance certain devices, just by touching them.

By energizing her biomechanical blood, Upgrade can launch a powerful purple plasma blast from her eye.

Upgrade can form energy constructs such as an energy spike and can generate a beam of light that can harm an Ectonurite, though mostly while merged with machinery and upgrading them into weapons.

Upgrade can travel through electrical currents and phase through most technology.

Upgrade can reshape her body to resemble a parachute in order to gently descend and glide through the air before landing safely.

Being inorganic, Upgrade is able to survive in the vacuum of space.

Due to being made of living metal, Upgrade is able to regenerate herself.

Upgrade possesses enhanced strength.

Upgrade is durable enough to withstand a blast from the Proto-Tool without physical damage.

Upgrade can generate electrical charges capable of shocking her opponents into submission.

Upgrade can separate and release a part of her into technologies and control them without fully merging to them.

Due to being technological, Upgrade possesses digitalized vision.

Upgrade can repair damaged machinery with ease and come out unscathed.

Upgrade can turn her hands into weapons or tools, such as maces and a flashlight.

Upgrade can extend parts of her body into cable or hand-like structures.

Having a vast library to draw upon, Upgrade may be able to mimic and shapeshift into technology and non-electrical items.


Upgrade's control over machines is not absolute.

Upgrade is sensitive to electromagnetic pulses/fields and magnetic fields.

Upgrade can be hurt if she is pulled and stretched hard enough.

If she is being continuously attacked, Upgrade cannot regenerate herself.

Upgrade can be affected by technorganic viruses.

Despite her enhanced durability, Upgrade is weak against acid and intense heat such as lava. This is because any sort of corrosive can upset her delicate chemistry.

Being a swarm of nanomachines, Upgrade is weak against electricity.

Alternate Forms[]

Cyber Upgrade Vehicle Mode

UG-09 Cyber Upgrade EV Car

Cyber Upgrade Combiner Mode

UG-09 Cyber Upgrade EV Car (Lower Left Arm Form)

Cyber Henkei!

–Vehicle mode call

Vehicle Mode!

–Vehicle mode transformation announcement


–Combination announcement

Combiner Mode!

–Combiner mode transformation announcement

By switching her Cybertrix dial to its vehicle mode, Upgrade can transform into her mecha form, UG-09 Cyber Upgrade EV Car. In this form, Upgrade can combine as the lower left arm of Cyber Omni-Kaiser combination.

