Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Revenge of Cookie Monster is a fan made episode of Ben 10: Stupidity Force. It is written by Jackison the |||. This is a sequel to Cookies And Milk.


When Ship turns into a toaster Ben wants cookies so Ship makes toaster cookies which brings back the Cookie Monster.


Ben: Kevin! Meh hungy again!

Kevin: Later dude.

Ben: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Who gonna make meh cookies! How about you Jack?

Me: Stop breaking the fourth wall!

Ben: That was broken a long time ago when Me, Gwen, Carl

Me: Kevin

Ben: And Eggy were fighting off Omi, Tyran Brian and another dude.

Me: Dan

Ben: Yeah. Then later Omi rebuilds and calls it the fifth wall then I break it again and met Ancy and Sklie.

Me: Whatever.

Ben: How dare you insult me, Benjy Kirby Tenny!

Me: What the f-

Ben: Die! (Transforms) Waybig!

Waybig stepped on me. Ben reverted.

Ben: Wait. If Jack is dead who will write the episode?

Suddenly a figure comes in.

Ben: Yay! An actually good director!

???: Yes.

Ben: It's Adam Sandberg!

Audience: Boo! He stinks! Boo! We like Kevin James better! He is even an director he is an actor stupid!

Ben: Well of course I'm stupid that's why the show is called Stupidity Force. Duh. And they say I'm the stupid one. ENOUGH BREAKING THE WALL. (Transforms) Clockwork! Later suckers!

He teleported back.

Ben: Kevin meh hungy!

Kevin: Later dude.

He left.

Ben: Wait! I forget my line where I go NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh poo.

Suddenly Ship as a toaster is next to Ben.

Ben: Oh my god! How the fudge did you get here! I'm crazy! He just appeared outta nowhere! OMG!

Ship: lolwut

Ben: You aren't supposed to talk yet! Where is Eggy!

Eggy: KRAWK.

Ben: Hi. Ship make me cookies!

Ship: Ship ship.

He made cookies. The cookies morphed together and made Cookie Monster.

Cookie Monster: I have returned!

Ben: Not for long! (Transforms) Eatle!

Eatle took a bite out of Cookie Monster.

Eatle: Oh Ship! These cookies are burnt!

Ship: Ship ship!

Eggy: KrawkyoukrawkidiotkrawkBenkrawkyoukrawkcankrawkunderstandkrawkthis.

Eggy pooped out a egg on Cookie Monster.

Cookie Monster: Ew! He popped on me! No! I'm melting! Melting......

He died.

Eatle: I just realized something. (Transforms) Cookie Guy!

He ate himself.


Adam Sandberg: Well. What did you think?


  • Ben
  • Eggy
  • Ship
  • Kevin
  • Audience
  • Adam Sandberg
  • Jack
  • Omi
  • Dan
  • Brian
  • Sklie
  • Tyran
  • Ancy
  • Gwen

Aliens Used[]

  • Waybig
  • Clockwork
  • Eatle
  • Cookie Guy


  • Cookie Monster
  • A Bee that stung Clockwork that nobody noticed.