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ben 10: Haunted
Season 1, Episode 57
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Ledgerdomain Bound
Ben 10 Season


A few warships would be seen hovering over Bellwood. Benevelon would be beamed down from the mothership.

Benevelon: People of Earth, I come to bring you peace!

The citizens of Bellwood begin to cheer, that is until lasers begin firing at them and the city.

Benevelon: Yes, yes...enjoy your peace!

Ben arrived to fight him and his minions. Meanwhile the collective fear of the people of Bellwood would also be picked up by someone. Someone who thrives off of fear. The camera moves from Bellwood to a realm in ruins, multiple doorways can be seen boarded up. A clawed hand reached for a doorknob and began to pull violently.

Theme song!

The camera pans out, revealing the Boogieman still trying to escape his fallen realm.

Boogieman: Ben Tennyson! You had no right to seal me in like this!

He yelled to himself as he kept trying to break free. He pulled harder on the knob, but it broke off of the door and sent Boogieman tumbling. He would angrily tap against the floor while trying to brainstorm ways to get out.

Boogieman: If only I had enough fear power to escape. But that would take at least a city wide panic to-.

He stopped as he smelled something familiar. He took a deep whiff as his eyes glowed menacingly.

Boogieman: Fear, delicious fear. Enough to help me escape!

He ran towards the direction where it was coming from, arriving to a chained and boarded up doorway. He would then slash at the barrier, bent on escaping. Eventually the Boogieman succeeded and flung open the doorway. It glowed as Boogie laughed.

Madison would be hiding in her room, scared of Benevelon`s invasion. Suddenly she heard her closet door creak open as an eerie glow formed from within. She would hide under the bed as hooved feet walked out.

Boogieman: Fear, so much delicious fear! Sweet, wonderful, powerful fear!

He seemed to glow from the power the fear was giving him. He then casually stalked out of Madison`s house and onto the streets, choosing to travel by shady alleyways. He would wait patiently for night to come. Once night fell he began to hunt anybody he could, scaring them mercilessly. The fear he gained made him even stronger, he would laugh at this.

Meanwhile, the Police had been receiving reports of the Boogieman and shrugged them off, thinking it was just a prankster. Ben would overhear the chatter on the radio.

Ben: No way. First Benevelon and now the Boogieman?

He groaned as he sped away on his new Tenn-Speed. Ben arrived at the movie theater and saw people running out and screaming.

Ben: Please just be a really scary movie.

The Boogieman then crashed out of the building, being noticeably larger from the fear he gained over the past few hours. He noticed Ben and snarled.

Boogieman: YOU!

Ben let out an "eep" of worry as he turned into Toepick, hoping to scare the empowered Boogieman into submission. His face cage opened, Boogieman just yawned at this.

Boogieman: I`ve seen worse. Did you REALLY think you could scare ME?

Toepick turned back.

Ben: Um...yes?

Boogieman: Too bad for you.

He then let out a sonic screech which sent Ben flying into a building. Ben weakly got up as Boogieman crept closer to him.

Boogieman: After you`re out of the way, there will be nobody to stop me from scaring children again! Who knows? After tonight I may move up to kids and teens!

Ben: No, I won`t let you.

Boogieman: I was hoping you`d say that!

Boogieman then shapeshifted into a giant version of Malware.

Boogie Malware: Ben Tennyson! Give me your Omnitrix!

Ben backed away, Boogieman then shifted into Vilgax.

Boogie Vilgax: Give me the Omnitrix or else!

Ben: Never! Why do you even need it Boogieman!

The Boogieman then shifted back to his previous form.

Boogieman: So I can destroy it, then you`ll never stand in my way again!

Ben: You want my Omnitrix? Come get it!

Boogieman snarled and shrunk slightly at Ben`s courage. Ben turned into Humungosaur so he could deal with the Boogieman on equal terms. Both giants fought to the death, trying to defeat one another. Boogieman was punched in the jaw and was sent flying into a building. He growled and got up, having slightly shrunk again.

Boogieman: You foolish boy, how are you not scared?

Humungosaur: When you turned into Malware and Vilgax, you reminded me I`ve dealt with worse. You`re nothing compared to the real threats I`ve faced!

Boogieman: Oh no?

He read Ben`s mind and turned into the Jersey Devil, he screeched and flew at Humungosaur. Humungosaur bashed him over the head and knocked him to the ground. Boogieman then shrunk more and more with each minute until he was back to normal height. Ben turns back.

Ben: It`s over Boogieman. Come along quietly!

Boogieman glared at Ben before smiling. He then sonic screeched at him, allowing him to escape into the night.

Ben: Yeh, you better run you coward! Next time you WON`T get away!

Ben held his arm, it throbbed from pain. He then slowly limped his way over to his motorcycle and drove off.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • The Boogieman returns and is now loose in Bellwood.

Minor Events[]

  • Benevelon tries to invade Bellwood but is beaten.


  • Ben Tennyson
  • Madison
  • Pedestrians
  • Movie Goers
  • Boogieman`s Victims
  • Cash
  • J.T.


  • The Boogieman
  • Malware (Illusion)
  • Vilgax (Illusion)
  • Jersey Devil (Illusion)

Aliens Used[]

  • Toepick
  • Humungosaur



  • Boogieman is now loose in Bellwood, having taken shelter in an abandoned amusement park.
  • Benevelon was defeated offscreen and was arrested.
  • Ghost King was going to appear as an illusion brought on by the Boogieman, but this was decided against.
  • Cash and J.T. cameo as two of the Boogieman`s victims.