Ben 10: Unbound | |
Season 1, Episode 1 | |
Air date | 9/5/14 |
Written by | lSteve Dragon |
Directed by | Steve |
Episode Guide | |
Previous A New Dawn |
Next Return of a Hero: Part 2 |
Return of a Hero: Part 1 is the first episode of Ben 10: Unbound.
The episode begins in Vilgax's spaceship. A droid approaches him
(Droid): Master Vilgax , sir.
(Vilgax): What?
(Droid): We have some news about the boy Ben Tennyson.
(Vilgax): What is it?
(Droid): The creator of the Omnitrix , Azmuth has given him a brand new one.
(Vilgax): Hm...a new Omnitrix , you say? Turn the ship around.
(Droid): Why?
(Vilgax): We're heading to Earth so I can take the Omnitrix and destroy Ben Tennyson!
Comment: tut, tut. He never learns, does he?
Theme Song!
We now see Ben , Gwen , Kevin and Rook fighting a Techadon. Rook blastes him with the Proto-Tool. Kevin absorbs the ground and punched the Techadon but it had no affect. Gwen fire a blast of mana at the Techadon but the Techadon grab her and threw her into Rook and Kevin.
(Gwen , rubbing head): Ben , now would be a good time to transform.
(Ben): (scrolls through Omnitrix) Hold on. Come on Omnitrix , gimme something good.
He smacked the Omnitrix and transformed.
(Upgrade): Upgrade! Aw yeah!
He merged with the Techadon. Upgrade slowly started to change.
(Upgrade): What the-?
(Kevin): It's taking over you!
(Upgrade almost completely changed):WELL KEVIN HELP!!!
Comment: Yeah kevin, help!
Gwen stares at Kevin for a while.Then Gwen attacks the Techadon.
Rook aims at the Techadon's head but is hit and misses.
Comment: How does the most accomplished plumber EVER miss WITH A PROTO-TOOL?
(Upgrade completely changed): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He blastes Gwen , Kevin and Rook into a wall.
(Rook): Ben! Try to take control of yourself.
Comment: This ain't no disney movie, kid
(TechaGrade): Must. Destroy. Humans.
Comment:An alien Robot targeting humans? This seems familiar.
Before he can do anything , the Omnitrix started beeping and reverted TechaGrade back into Ben and a destroyed Techadon. Gwen run over to Ben.
(Gwen): You okay?
(Ben , rubbing head): Yeah , I'm fine.
(Kevin): Seems like it.
(Rook): No it does not, Mr Levin.
Kevin face palms.
(Rook): Oh , expession?
(Kevin): Duh.
Comment: So Cliche'
(Ben , getting up): Come on . let's go for some milkshakes.
The four walk away from the destroyed Techadon. Meanwhile , in Vilgax's ship , Vilgax is sitting on his chair.
(Vilgax): Hm...
(Droid): What is it , master Vilgax?
(Vilgax): The techadon didn't work, even after it possesed Tennyson.
(Droid): You sent that, my lord?
(Vilgax): No, but I convinced the Techadon masters to as a test. Now, you are getting on my nerves.
(Droid): Sorry Lor-
He doesn't finish because Vilgax shoots him in the chest with a laser and then smashes his head.
(Vilgax): Now, for some scheming!
He goes and plots some evil thoughts.
comment: I'm pretty sure Vilgax doesn't plan like that
(Vilgax): What could be the perfect way to destroy Tennyson?
He stops and thinks.
(Vilgax): I got it!
Ben is on his bed reading a comic.
(Ben): Ah , Sumo Slammers rule! (drinks milkshake)
Comment: I don't get the entertainment in watching fat warriors fight buff robots. And win. It's unrealistic.
He gets a message on the Omnitrix.
(Ben): Ugh...
He answers.
(Ben): Yello?
(Gwen , through the Omnitrix): Ben!
(Ben): Ohai Gwen.
(Gwen): Ssserpent is attacking Undertown and we need your help!
(Ben): Kinda busy...
Comment: Commando Gwen is weird.
(Ben): Okay...(he hangs up and heads to Undertown)
Ssserpent is spitting acid on Kevin's metal coat.
(Kevin): AHHHH! Ben, help!
(Ben, heroically): No need to fear, Diamondhead is here!
Comment: Nice fail, Ben
He slaps his omnitrix, but instead of Diamondhead, he gets Bloxx
(Bloxx): Bloxx? He'll melt me!
(Ssserpent): I never thought of that, but thanks for the idea!
Rook slashes Ssserpent from behind.
(Kevin): Ok, Rook's OK.
Comment:....... HE'S FLIPPING AWESOME!
Gwen fire a mana blast at Ssserpent.
(Ssserpent): ...Really?...
Comment: Great, so now he has mana immunity, but can be run over? That's messed up.
(Gwen): Yes , really.
Ssserpent spit acid at Gwen but Bloxx got in the way.
(Bloxx): OW!
(Ssserpent): Foolish Tennyson , you cannot ssstop m-(Vilgax's ship lands in Undertown)
(Vilgax): I would say that I could stop you, but I want destroy them just as much.
He then shoots lasers at Ssserpent anyway.
Comment: ...... He's also not immune to lasers. Immune to: Mana, Steel hammers. Not immune to: Giant Balls, Lasers. G figure
(Vilgax): Though I do hate you.
Bloxx backs away very slowly, Gwen, Kevin, and Rook doing the same. Vilgax turns to them.
(Bloxx, suudenly): Eh, screw it!
He turns into Sawmpfire
(Swampfire): Eat methane!
Comment: How does Ben even know what that means?
He shots fireballs at Vilgax but Vilgax blocks it and knocks Swampfire into a wall.
(Vilgax): Ben Tennyson , I have come for you!
(Swampfire): Cool story (gets up) But I can't let you get away with whatever you're planning , Vilgax.
(Vilgax): Oh , I think you will.
(Swampfire): Okay...(times out) Now? Seriously?
Comment: Well that was bad timing.
(Vilgax): Yes, seriously. I have a special death planned for you...
He reaches out his hand to choke Ben.
(Ben): Gwen, the trick we practiced!
(Vilgax): WHAT?
(Gwen):Right! Energio!
Ben's Omnitrix glows pink, then green, now fullt recharged.
Comment: Good trick
Ben transforms
(Jetray): Jetray! Haven't used this dude in a while!
He fires neuroshocks but it backfires hitting him.
Comment: Epic Fail!
(Rook): What happened?
(Jetray): I haven't use Jetray since I have the Ultimatrix. I forgot how to use him.
Comment: See, even Ben thinks Omniverse should have brought back Jetray!
(Rook): Oh. (fires at Vilgax)
(Vilgax): An Aerophibian? Not a problem, Tennyson!
Vilgax sets up a wired electrified netting.Jetray can't fly without touching it, so he transforms again.
Comment: Always prepared, is he?
(XLR8): Sorry to give you the old run around!
Comment: Video Game reference!..... that no one probably got.
He then makes tornadoes around Vilgax LIKE A BOSS
(Vilgax): STOP IT! (he grabs XLR8 and presses the Omnitrix , reverting him).
(Vilgax): Now , Ben Tennyson. You will perish!
Comment: DUN DUN DUN
Major Events[]
Upgrade , Bloxx , Swampfire , Jetray and XLR8 make their Unbound debuts.
- Ben Tennyson
- Gwen Tennyson
- Kevin Levin
- Rook Blonko
- Vilgax
- Techadon
- Droid (deceased)
- Ssserpent
Aliens Used[]
- Upgrade (first reappearance)
- Bloxx (first reappearance) (accidental transformation , selected alien was Diamondhead)
- Swampfire (first reappearance)
- Jetray (first reappearance)
- XLR8 (first reappearance)
- The episode debuts the creator's five favorite aliens
- XLR8's quote, "Sorry to give you the old run around" is a reference to The Ben 10: Omniverse video game