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Redux Spidermonkey
General Information
Species Re-Evolved Arachnachimp
Body Four-Armed Monkey
Normal Form Spidermonkey
Powers and Abilities

Webbing Generation
Web Swinging
Web Ensnarement
Web Constructs
Gliding (via Web Constructs)
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Jumping
Enhanced Acrobatics
Enhanced Speed (via Web Swinging)
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Reflexes
Enhanced Flexibility
Small Space Maneuvering
Enhanced Hearing
Wall Scaling
Web Scaling
Prehensile Tail
Prehensile Feet

Voice Actor Dee Bradley Baker

Redux Spidermonkey is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an artificially re-evolved Arachnachimp.


Redux Spidermonkey is a small monkey-like alien with blue fur. He has two arms, four legs, four fingers on each hand and four toes on each foot. He has a dark blue face with three fake green eyes on each side, and two fangs. He has a patch of dark blue fur around his neck, with a horizontal blue stripe running across the middle. His torso thins out below his chest, elongating into a tail with four green eyes, which are his real ones. His tail also has the same patch of dark blue fur with a blue stripe that is around his neck. The Omnitrix symbol is on his chest.

Transformation Sequence[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Redux Spidermonkey has the ability to expel webbing using a silk as strong as steel cable from his skin or tail. His webbing is very sticky, meaning he can use it to trap opponents or blind them by shooting webbing in their face. Redux Spidermonkey can also shape his webs into slings to swing across vast distances.

Redux Spidermonkey can use his webbing to create web constructs, such as a web slingshot. By creating web wings, Redux Spidermonkey can glide in the air.

Redux Spidermonkey has enhanced strength.

Redux Spidermonkey is very durable considering his size. By secreting webbing from his skin, he can cover himself in webs to grant him further durability.

Redux Spidermonkey can jump high in the air and has enhanced reflexes.

Redux Spidermonkey has enhanced agility and enhanced acrobatic skills.

Redux Spidermonkey has enhanced flexibility, allowing him to perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and comfortably stay in any position he chooses as long as he needs without effort or strain. His flexibility also enables him to fit through small spaces.

Redux Spidermonkey has hearing superior to a human's.

Redux Spidermonkey's paws can stick to and be used to scale vertical surfaces.

Redux Spidermonkey's feet and tail are both prehensile, enabling him to hold and carry multiple objects as if they are extra hands.


Generating webs takes up energy. As such, Redux Spidermonkey must be careful not to overexert himself.

Redux Spidermonkey's webs can be torn apart by species with as much or more strength than a Cerebrocrustacean.

Redux Spidermonkey can get tangled by his own webs. Furthermore, enemies can easily use his webs to their advantage.

Redux Spidermonkey's webs can be frozen and made brittle by the ice breath of a Polar Manzardill. They can also be dissolved by heat generated by a Crystalsapien.

Redux Spidermonkey is vulnerable to electricity.

Redux Spidermonkey is vulnerable to strong winds, such as a tornado generated from a Geochelone Aerios.

Redux Spidermonkey can be rendered unconscious if hit by a sedative quill from a member of Argit's species.

Redux Spidermonkey can be trapped within slime.




  • Redux Spidermonkey's design is based on concept art for Spidermonkey by Eric Canete.