Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Red Triangle Gang were a gang of barbaric circus performers who plagued Tokyo.

A vast majority of their members dress as clowns, with red triangles over their left eye.

Little was known of their past besides what Kentaro deciphered from newspaper clippings. They came from the Red Triangle Circus, a once-celebrated circus that visited Tokyo. After the Red Triangle Circus returned after a brief hiatus, it sported a new addition: a freak-show featuring a Poodle Lady, the World's Fattest Man and an Aquatic Bird Boy. After numerous reports of missing children, FBI closed down the circus fairgrounds, but at least one freak-show performer vanished before he could be questioned.

Notable Members (all of them incarcerted)[]


  • Organ Grinder -Field leader
  • Poodle Lady
  • Thin Clown
  • Fat Clown
  • Knifethrower Dame
  • Tattooed Strongman
  • Sword Swallower
  • Snake Woman

Other notable members[]

  • Acrobatic Thug
  • Terrifying Clown
  • Firebreather

Minor clown thugs[]

  • Rocket Launcher Clown
  • Crossbow Clown
  • Spinning Clown
  • Nunchaku Clown
  • Dagger Clown
  • Screaming Clown
  • Unicycle Clown




Masquerade! Mutant Up!

–Transformation announcement

As Masqueradeborgs, their powers are enhanced strength.


Their strength are limited.
