Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

RazrEdge, is an all new alien in Ben 10: Galaxy Hero.

He returns in Ben 10 Galactic Legends.

File:RazrEdge by kjmarch.jpg

By K.J March

RazrEdge is the Omnitrix's DNA Sample of a Slicertoid from Cutzzafrenzia.

Powers and Abilities[]

RazrEdge is an alien with the sharpest blades in the universe, being able to slice even diamond with exceptional ease. In addition to this, his blades grow significantly larger when filled with agression, making him twice as deadly.

RazrEdge also has incredible speed and reflexes, making him more than a match for some opponents in hand-to-hand combat.


RazrEdge strength is only equal to a adult human and has a somewhat fragile body. RazrEdge's blades also contain metal making magnetism a big problem for him. 


  • He was made by K.J March.
  • Originally, being rash and reckless was a weakness for RazrEdge.