Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Raptor Raider
Mad Neon Raptor Rider
General Information
Species Harpy
Home World Earth
Body Harpy
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Flight
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Speed
Sharp Talons
Enhanced Stealth
Cold Immunity
First Appearance TBA

Raptor Raider is the Power Watch's DNA sample of a Harpy from the planet Earth.


Raptor Raider looks like a young woman with orange feathery wings instead of arms. She has short orange hair with a red area in the middle of her hair. Her wings have exposed thumbs like a bat, each ending in a sharp black claw. Her wingspan is about 4 meters. She wears a black shirt exposing her stomach, a red bandage is tied above her stomach, she wears black and orange shorts. She wears grey and orange pauldrons on her shoulders with purple feathers attached. She has scaly legs with talons instead of feet, she wears kneepads with orange spikes.

She wears the Power Watch on her stomach.

Powers & Abilities[]

She can fly long distances and she is able to carry heavy objects with ease.

Her talons are quite dexterous being able to use them as actual hands to grab onto objects or persons.

She can lay around 2-3 eggs a week (But due to the Omnitrix's time limit, it is nearly impossible for that to happen).

For some reason she's immune to intense freezing temperatures.


Similar to other harpies, she has bad memory sometimes forgetting things that happened a few seconds ago. When she actually tries to remember something, her brain quickly starts "overheating" and steam comes out of her head.

She can't fly if her wings are wet.

Due to her hollow bones, she's vulnerable to crush-type damage or if something heavy falls on her, she'll get unconscious.


  • Land Animal
  • Poultry
  • Raptor
  • Owl