Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

The Random Actors were the unnamed people who chimed in to voice Ben's aliens, as well as villains and friends of Ben, in the Ben 10: Alien Universe "in-world" game (meaning, this game was made by people in the timeline; this game exists in the timeline, not outside). Their personalities are listed here.

The Random Actors have two scheduled appearances for Back in Action: Alien Universe. The first one parodies Video Games.


Random Actor #1​[]

The first random actor voiced Kevin (who was reluctant to sit in a chair and record his voice for a video game) and Spidermonkey. His talent in the two fields parodies the real-life acting personalities of Dee Bradley Baker (voice for all Alien Force and Ultimate Alien Omnitrix/Ultimatrix aliens, excluding Rath and Clockwork) and Greg Cipes (voice for Kevin Levin and more notably Beast Boy on Teen Titans).

Random Actor #2[]

The second random actor favored voicing older characters, such as Azmuth, Hex, Clancy, and Alien X. He was originally offered a role for Max Tennyson, but his role in the video game didn't last till the end. His being cast as Max in the first place parodies the real-life acting personality of Paul Eiding (voice for Max Tennyson as well as some DNAliens and Highbreed, and Kickin' Hawk in Omniverse). He co-voiced for Heatblast.

Random Actor #3[]

This actor voiced Llamman and co-voiced Hornette, Wildmutt, Grey Matter, and Vulkanus's Pickaxe Aliens. This actor was originally offered the role of Julie when she turned down wanting to play her, and later on, Gwen Tennyson. When she did not fit the true voice for Gwen, she was cast for what she loved to do most: voices that played with her voice. Her passion for working her voice as well as wanting to play female characters parodies real-life acting personalities of Dee Bradley Baker (see Random Actor #1 for more information) and Tara Strong (voice for 10/11-y/o Ben Tennyson/Upgrade and Pakmar in Omniverse; and more notably Buttercup in PowerPuff Girls).

Random Actor #4[]

The final actor (who voiced in the final game) played Gorilloma and co-voiced Grey Matter. He was a temporary character looking for a first role in a video game. His personality with the voices was based on real-life acting personality of Jim Ward (voice for the original series XLR8).

Random Actor #5[]

The fifth actor will appear only in the animated/written episodes that feature the random actors. She did not voice any characters in the final game, but did pitch story and is due a great amount of credit on choosing the voice actors.


  • The Random Actors' names will be revealed in the written/animated episodes.