Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Pakyoth
Home World Extraurer
Body Trunkless Elephant
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength
Armored Head
Fire Constructs
Classification Fauna
First Appearance TBA

Rammoth is an alien from Tech 10: Combalien Evolution.


Rammoth's abilities include:

  • Enhanced Strength
    • Rammoth is strong enough to cleanly break through a brick wall while charging without any noticeable change in speed.
  • Armored Head
  • Fire Constructs
    • Rammoth is able to spew fire from his tail that can take various shapes, including dual fire tusks that wrap around his head to face his target.
  • Heat Immunity


Rammoth is a large, orange-furred quadruped that resembles a trunkless elephant. The front of his head is almost entirely covered in a thick bony armor, with his mouth being located on the top of his head. His tail ends in a metallic spout that he uses to shoot fire, and the Ultimatrix symbol is on his right shoulder.


Rammoth's agility is less than impressive, to say the least.

Planet and Species Information[]

Rammoth is a Pakyoth from Extraurer.

Extraurer is an odd planet in that it's a lush garden paradise that's constantly on fire. Just about every other life form spews fire or heat in some way, and fire constantly erupts from cracks in the ground. Pretty much every life form on the planet evolved to thrive in these conditions, resulting in large amounts of beautiful flora and fauna that just so happen to be on fire.

The Pakyoth are a peaceful species that are able to use basic tools created via their fire constructs, which allows them to build complicated machinery with as much freedom as any sentient species with opposable thumbs. Their primary food source is fruit grown on tall, tough trees, and they evolved their ramming skull and upwards-facing mouth to knock the fruit from these trees and eat them as they fall.
