Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"I'm... completely fine!!! I'm immortal!!! There's so much blood everywhere around me oh god oh no I'm bleeding oh no oh no oh no he-"

Ragdoll is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Flumpyflix's sample of a Speysheyce from Plahnitt.


Ragdoll is a humanoid alien with a putrid green head and purple, slouched torso. Its head is melting onto its torso. It has two black bead eyes and a small line mouth. It has nine lighter purple tendrils that are partially entangled with each other, five on its left side and four on its right. It has two thin, asymnetrical legs that are the same colour as its tendrils. The Flumpyflix symbol is on its forehead.


Ragdoll is first used as a mistransformation. It attempts to kill the hijackers' crew with varying degrees of success, possessing one of them temporarily, launching itself out of said crew member, and then summoning 4 ghosts to ACTUALLY kill them this time, all completely accidentally and in rapid succession. Ragdoll is then shot by a different crew member, with Ogre believing they are immortal before noticing they are bleeding and accidentally going to the spirit realm for like maybe 15 seconds.

Powers and Abilities[]

Ragdoll has various ghostly, spiritual powers (i.e. possession, mediumship, and foresight).

Ragdoll is unable to feel any kind of pain.


Ragdoll has difficulty controlling its spiritual powers and they are often activated randomly and rapidly.

Ragdoll is not invulnerable despite feeling no pain, meaning that they could be injured severely without even noticing.


Ragdoll comes from the word "ragdoll", a doll made of cloth which is often linked to spirits and the dead, more specifically voodoo.


Trixters Aliens
Fly Akhuhoth | B.A.N.G. | Bee | Beer Float | Bellend | Ben Santa | Ben Sigma | Ben Woke | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Bleedgore | Boar Galore | Cfoolu | Clam-Cannon | Clippy | Dishcleaner | Drumz | epictuskski | Evil Killy Boy | Finfant | Fly Guy | Flyer | Frederickson | Glorben | Gobblegun | Homunculus | horse walks in | I'm Getting My Piece Of The Pie | I'M GONNA DIE | Longnose | Man | Monkey Rub Together for Static Electricity | Orange | Orangutan | Overround | Plot Armour | Pologre | Porridge | Prism | Pyrogre | Rattical | Retro Bro | Salmonai | Shmumbus | Snailien | Sputter | the brick | The Freakster | The Wurst | True Englutenment | Useless Bug | Vincent | Walkatrout | Western Corn Rootworm | Whatever | X | Zeus | Zimglops
Ogre Abraham Lincoln | All my Buddies | Ben Acquaintance | Ben Santa | Ben Woke | Billblegum | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Camel | Clam-Cannon | Clavi Gnat | cur.sys | DJ P1MPL3 P0PP3R | Dutto | Extension Cord | Fabricator | Fast-Rack | Fishneck | Flying Money | Glorben | Green Boy | Gus | Ismail | Jo Trout | Marco | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Parry the Platypus | Porridgemungousaur | PowerCow | Quark Fella | Ragdoll | Rowboat | Ruseter | Scorpion | SlugSlug | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | Turtatoll
Fish 2Daniel | Asterophora | Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir Man | Jitterbug | Mawlight | Onion | Pompaw | Rook, Line, N' Tinker | Scapegoat | Speedawn | Sputter Annihilator | Starlight Starbright | Zimglops
Roach Carboneetle | Cruttnacker | Jabberwocky | Pinuncian | Snake Oil Snailsman
P03 Clavi Gnat | Flying Meatball | Ismail | Porridge God | The Evil Computer
The Nut Bleebo | cork walks in
Ultimates All my Buddies | Ben Woke | Camel | Flying Money | Meatster | Nut | Orange | Orgulon | Porridge | Porridgemungousaur | Rowboat | Scorpion | Sputter | Sputter Annihilator | the brick | The Morning | True Englutenment |
Dream Aliens Gus | Heartwarming | M | Spungousaur
Other Burger Boy | Goop | Gorilla | Orangutan