Pyromic Diseldia are Firemander's species in Culture that alike. They live on the planet Xaimea. Yhe hottest planet in their home solar system Koi
Pyromic Diseldias look like red humanoid lizards with ears. They're small in size as average adult of specie get's to 5,5ft tall, tallest get's to 6,5ft tall. Their scales painted in various shades of red, to better hide in redness of their planet's surface. Eyes are yellowish and nearly unblinkable.
Pyromic Diseldias come from hottest planet of their solar system, so it's only natural for them to evolve to have heat resistance. They survived harsh winds, predators and frequent volcanic activities by being small, agile and fast to run away from problem. So their babies grow much faster and around 6 month can fully walk. Of corse they don't fully protected from heat, so their tails acts as thermal regulators, overheated blood pump there to cool down, like what elephants do with their large ears back at Earth. But if heat barely bearable thay can throw it from their mouth, as thick goopy flammable baal that explodes from touch. Winds there harsh, it's like you're standing in harshest tornado, so they adapted to withstand it, by having claws and deadly (for most humans) grip.
If we look at their sexual deformism, at first glance male much shorter than females,but have much longer tails than them. But if we look at it from a biological point of view, without taking into account the obvious differences between both sexes, males much stronger than female counterpart, but at same time they're faster than males. They reproduce by laying eggs.
Powers and Abilities[]
- They live in Xaimea a Koi systems own Venus,so they have heat resistance to bear this boiling hell;
- They have insane grip so they can even climb up at smooth wall, it's just they won't be smooth wall after them;
- Due to their size they're much faster and agile than athlete human. But they have shortened stamina;
- If overheated they'll shoot explosive goop out of their mouth.
- Xaimea's average temperature is much higher than Earth's or any planet with similar climate. It's too cold too their likeness;
- They're still vulnerable to heat they're just much resistance to it, so thats why Heatblast's fire will finish them momentarily;
- Their planet usually so hot water becomes steam and any dermis can't survive there, so they will get hypothermia;
- Atmosphere of Xaimea is thick. Higher you are higher is atmospheric pressure is to you, making mountains at Xaimea inhabitable even for locals, as you get crushed by atm. So it's only natural taht they fear heights/
[haven't figured it out yet]
Notable Pyromic Diseldia[]
- Firemander (Omnitrix DNA sample)
Notable Evolved Pyromic Diseldia[]
Notable Pyromic Diseldia Hybrid[]
Notable Pyromic Diseldia Fusions[]
- Pyromic Diseldias were inspired by Klee from 'Genshin Impact'.