Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Unknown
Home World Verum Salvatio Prison Ship
Body Fiery 'soul'
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Belief Empowerment
Belief Manipulation
Heat Generation
Enhanced Physiology
Equipment Metallic skeletal shell

Purgatorium is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a unknown species whose planet is unknown, but only exists on the Verum Salvatio Prison Ship. They are free use.


Purgatorium appears as a metallic shell - which cannot be distinguished from an actual body from most distances - which resembles that of an adult human skeleton in most areas. Its 'bones' are thicker, and it reaches about seven feet while standing. Furthermore, within its 'ribcage' is its true form - a 'soul' surrounded by dark orange flames. These flames illuminate the rest of Purgatorium's body, and cause temperatures around it to reach at average 38°C (approx. 100°C). Its head does not resemble that of a human skull, however, but more closely to the skull of a goat, complete with the bone remnants of horns. Its mouth spreads across its face and is spiked, resembling that of a Jack-O-Lantern. The placement of its Omnitrix symbol depends on the user, but is usually obscured from view.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Belief Empowerment
    • Purgatorium's primary abilities revolve around belief. It feeds off of (primarily religious) belief, and members of its species often cement themselves as incarnation of Satan, the Devil, or other demons relating to religion in order to maximise its feed. This is understandably not difficult to do, considering its status as a seven foot tall walking goat-headed hell skeleton.
    • Whether or not those near it believe in 'it', if they hold a strong nondefinite (that is, whatever it is is not proven as fact) belief in something, Purgatorium is able to feed on it. This is often amplified by Purgatorium's presence, as in religious individuals their fear of it (moreso if they believe it to be a demon of some kind) may lead them to pray or otherwise turn to their God.
    • While this belief is often in religious figures, it may also be a belief in someone.
  • Belief Manipulation
    • Purgatorium's feeding process naturally tends to enhance their victim's belief - whether or not this is just an effect of its presence. The victim(s) may find it harder to abandon their faith in what they believe in, and irrational beliefs may grow. This influence, however, is usually somewhat inperceptile.
  • Hellfire
    • Purgatorium's 'soul', which appears as dark orange fire, creates a large amount of heat, and can warm up Purgatorium or the area around it. It may also serve to further intimidate victims, due to mythological links with Hell and evil.
  • Enhanced Physiology
    • Purgatorium's natural physiology exceeds that of a human in every aspect, and multiplies as it feeds.


  • Belief Reliance
    • Unsurprisingly, Purgatorium's biggest weakness is that it feeds on belief, and therefore becomes weaker and can potentially become harmless when faith is little, or not present, in those around it. This may be a pitfall for Omnitrix users, as seeing a member of another species transform into Purgatorium may encourage the fact that it is not a demon of any kind, especially if the subject already knows what an Omnimatrix is.
  • Reliance on Intimidation
    • Purgatorium's ability to make those around it believe in it is solely down to how well it can intimidate and convince them. An incompotent user - especially a child - may fail at this, and therefore be powerless with the form.
  • Uncontrollable Heat
    • The heat Purgatorium's 'soul' gives off cannot be changed to be either hotter or colder, and this may be to the detriment to those around it.

Biological Information[]

Little is known about Purgatorium's species, other than it being endangered, with only a few members left on its existence. Its origin planet is unknown - although some theorise it to be placed in the Anur system due to its nature - and the last remaning members of its species live and breed on the Verum Salvatio Prison Ship.

Members of the species have been present on Earth in past, displaying equal-to-or-above human intelligence and targeting priests and cults to feed on. It's unknown if the member seen in times such as the 1500s and the 1700s are the same or different individuals. No record of it leaving the planet or death has been found, but scans have displayed that it is no longer present in the 2010s.

The Verum Salvatio Prison Ship is a massive, high-security vessel spanning the volume of a larger planet, such as Jupiter. Its original purpose was to restrain the most heinous and dangerous species or members of a species, and initially it lived up to that, providing billions of wide prison rooms which allowed for the securement of species no matter how large or active they were. However, conditions soon began to devolve into that comparable of abuse, with 'inmates' given minimal food and drink, and many often dying in captivity. Long ago, the vessel lost its connection with its owners and currently drifts aimlessly in space, never to release or take in any new prisoners. However, the robotic wardens and guards are not aware of this fact, and continue to tend to the prisoners as they did previously. As thousands of years have passed, many species now only exist on the Prison Ship, due to other members of its species becoming extinct, as is the case for Purgatorium's race. The remaning members survive on the other prisoners' (potentially hopeless) belief in escape one day, and have made the impossibly wide space of the Prison Ship their new - and only - home.


If Purgatorium appears in your series, add it here.

  • A sample of Purgatorium's species is present in Sydney Armidale's Omnimatrix - named Servant of Evil by her.


  • The alien's creation was inspired by listening to the song Purgatorium by お月さま交響曲 / Moon Symphony, and its name is taken from such. Furthermore, 'purgatorium' is Latin for 'purgatory'.
  • Sydney's name for it, Servant of Evil, is a song created by Akuno-P with the VOCALOID vocal synthesis software (using the voicebank of Kagamine Len). It is part of The Evillious Chronicles, a narrative comprised of roughly 70 songs which tell a story spanning a few hundred years.
  • The prison ship's name, Verum Salvatio, is Latin for "truly salvation" (although it can be translated in a number of different ways) and is a lyric of the aformentioned song Purgatorium.


  • Purgatorium was created to have a primarily religious theme, and something that would fit somewhat with Halloween.
  • Purgatorium's goat skull was inspired by goats (and goat skulls) being associated with Satanic beliefs, and in general being collated with the Devil.
  • The Minotaur from the Doctor Who episode The God Complex was not used as inspiration for this, although Hannah noticed the number of similarities while typing the page up.