Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Psykid is the Model-X's DNA Sample of a Goalatarian from the planet Goalatar.


Psykid is a bulbous-headed, short-statured alien. His skin is varying shades of brown, the skin around his eyes being a lighter shade than the rest of his body. Psykid has three eyes with the third being set upright on his forehead. Psykid's attire is that of a comfortable orange and black bathrobe with an hourglass symbol woven into the design. It's long enough to cover his feet, although they're the same color as his skin apart from black sock-like designs over them.

The Model-X symbol appears on the robe's belt.


  • Telekinesis: Psykid is able to manipulate the environment around him with his mind by moving objects around with simple thoughts. He can also control himself and do stuff like floating.
  • Telepathy: Psykid is able to freely interact with any sentient being's mind, able to coherently read their thoughts and interpret them.
  • Mental Projection: Psykid is able to create 3D Projections through his mind, usually to display the thoughts of people. He can also use this ability to project someone else's mind.


  • Psykid's short stature allows for enemies to easily bully him around.
  • He can't read the minds of non-sentient beings, as their thoughts are too scrambled.
  • Psykid does need a variable amount of concentration to use his powers, so anything that may distract him or disorient him is a problem.

History and Appearances[]



  • The Goalatarians exist within the original Ben 10 series, their first and only appearance being in one of the Ben 10 comics.