Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Psioknights are a species from the planet Psionith from Earth-83.


Psioknights are a rather unsociable species, preferring to be left alone to their research, and are often quite hostile towards anyone who interrupts their work. Their drive for knowledge is strong to a fault, even going so far as to genetically engineer their legs so that they could get from project to project faster.

The average Psioknight lifespan is around a thousand years, though a good number of them have been living longer than this through the power of technology.


Psionknights are masters of psionics, which allows them to read minds and move objects with mere thought. A select few have been rumored to be capable of seeing the future, specifically the exact time and date of someone's death, but the Psioknights themselves refuse to comment on this.

Their well-developed minds naturally gift them with impressive intelligence, though it is doubtful as to how they stand in comparison to a species like the Galvan.

In addition to their mental abilities, they have genetically engineered their legs to increase their speed, and are generally able to reach speeds of around 175 MPH.

Notable Psioknights[]
