Project Sentinels is a project run by the Elite. It was created to aide in the Invasion of the Galaxy by altering the DNA of its subjects.
Hint of a new experiment was first mentioned by Osiran in Alien Invaders when he talked with a figure about being one of its first test subjects. A beta test of the Sentinel DNA alteration was seen in Time Bomb when the recruits went to Ranova and found Clark, but they were later able to cure him using the Shuffler. In And Then There Were None, Khyber and the Blast Masters worked to get Project Sentinels back under the Elite's control. This has been confirmed to be further elaborated on in the comics and the Young Plumbers: Rise of the Sentinels video game. Also in And Then There None, Bink, Water, and Rob, as well as Osiran, were seen in the pods being transported.
The creator confirmed that the exact method of experimentation will be revealed in Rise of the Sentinels.
Key People[]
- The Elite
- Khyber
- The Blast Masters
- Clark
- Bink
- Water
- Rob
- Osiran
Sentinel Clones[]
In Ghosts in the Machine, clones of the three recruits who were part of Project Sentinels came to the Academy to try and trick the recruits, but they were later defeated and killed.