This is the version of Portaler that appears on Earth-68, the universe owned by Dioga beta. Portaler is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of an unknown species from an unknown planet.
Portaler resembles a cross between a turtle and a beetle. He has segmented yellow arms and legs that end in stumps, with blue sleeve-like plating on his shoulders. He has a turtle-like face with sunken green eyes and visible nostrils, and has two beetle-like antennae ending in yellow bulbs. His skin is green, and has a blue, yellow and red circular pattern on his stomach. On his back is a blue, turtle-like shell with a red rim and red rock-like spikes on it.
When used by the Intellectuary, his right eye is permanently closed.
Powers and Abilities[]
Portaler can curl up into a ball and roll. His primary power is to create vortex shaped portals to travel through. He use the portal to create holes in walls. The portals created have incredible suction power, and can materialize in between an object to sever it in half, sucking it in afterwards.
Same as canon Portaler. He can't talk, only able to make squeaky noises.