Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"PREPARE TO FIZZLE! In.... pordge."

Porridgemungousaur is a transformation used by Ogrend Trolundi and the Ultimatrix and Flumpyflix's fusion of a Slopsopod and Vaxasaurian.


Porridgemungousaur has a dinosaur-like head with a prominent underbite, three eyes, and a spiked bowl on top. It has a thick neck attached to its head and torso. It has one large, slug foot and two arms with tentacle-like hands on the ends of them that are attached to its torso. It is entirely made up of a yellowish-brown, slimy substance (porridge). The Ultimatrix / Flumpyflix symbol is on its chest.



Porridgemungousaur is first used after being unlocked by Ogre using Gus. It is used to break into Tuuga's (now Malware's) ship and then fight Malware alongside Fly before fusing with Fly as Porridge and going ultimate.


Porridgemungousaur is used for the second time to beat up a resident inside of a Pavlova World. Ogre stays as Porridgemungousaur for a vast period of time which ultimately leads to him being captured by a hungry King Albombo and his guards due to being made of porridge.

Porridgemungousaur is used for the third time to beat up M. Ogre is then eaten by and dies to the Bombeisaurus as the transformation thanks to the Slopsopod DNA.

Powers and Abilities[]

Due to being part Slopsopod, Porridgemungousaur is made of a porridge-like substance that can shapeshift. It can also absorb more porridge into its body.

Due to being part Vaxasaurian, Porridgemungousaur has enhanced strength, enhanced durability, and can alter its size.


Like Porridge, Porridgemungousaur is edible.

Porridgemungousaur, while being able to fit into small spaces, may end up losing / need to lose mass or limbs when doing so due to its somewhat large size

Porridgemungousaur is somewhat weak to the Vaxasaurian natural predator, the Kaosseffexx Ultimasauria.


Porridgemungousaur comes from the combination of the names of the aliens that are fused to make it: Porridge and Humungousaur.


  • Porridgemungousaur is the first and only fusion in the Trixters.
  • Porridgemungousaur, despite having the consistency and looks of porridge, does not taste like porridge and instead has a meaty taste.