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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Pod Bombs
General Information
User Erika Turner
Type Bombs of all different uses
First Appearance A Change of Face

Pod bombs are small bombs that Erika had made in the episode A Change of Face. She had made them specifcally to even out her strengths with Charmcaster because her Aspect Goggles weren't enough for Charmcaster's magic.

Although Erika didn't really have such a good throwing arm, it'd be accidently thrown other places and she'd miss her enemies far off. When reuniting in Alien Force, she tended to use the sleep bombs more often, since explosions were much more dangerous.


They are small like bombs that appear the size of golf balls. They are grey and metalic and can be thrown on the unto whatever to engage large explosions on impact. They all consist of different things but they all look similar, which throws villians off, making them not know what to expect.


  • Bomb pods- Pods that can be used to throw at her enemies and explode on impact. She used it on Kevin 11 once while in battle and it was shown to be quite impressive. Although it didn't hurt him much its still powerful enough to blow up a car, in addition to the explosion. They're also timed bombs used for better plans.
  • Sleeping pods- Pods that can fume out gas moments after it hits the ground. It can cause an opponent to fall into a deep slumber that can only last for a few hours.
  • Flash pods- Pods that burst on impact. Once on contact, they explode with such large flashes of lights. It can cause an opponent to be stunned or confused by the lights. It's brightness are so strong that it can cause vision blurriness.
  • Screen pods- Pods used for cover. It can be thrown and fume out heavy thick smoke for cover and escape.