Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
This page was the Featured Alien of December 2024
This page was the Featured Alien of 2025


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General Information
Species Efenaddoi
Home World Dhowff
Body Humanoid Platypus
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Fusion
Venomous Spur
Mental Link (via Venomous Spur)
Brainwave Manipulation (via Mental Link)
Telepathic Static (via Mental Link)
Underwater Breathing
Enhanced Swimming
Voice Actor Dee Bradley Baker

PlatypUs is the Infinimatrix's DNA sample of an Efenaddoi from the planet Dhowff in Ben 10: Protector of the Omniverse.


PlatypUs is a three-foot tall humanoid platypus with yellow fur and a purple bill and tail, and purple feet. He has green oval-shaped eyes under his bill. The Infinimatrix symbol is on his chest.

Under ultraviolet light, PlatypUs gains a teal glow.

Transformation Sequence[]

Ben slams down the Infinimatrix's dial and is engulfed in a green light.

As the transformation track begins playing, Ben hovers in a dark green background with light green bubbles pulsating rapidly behind him.

Powers and Abilities[]

Through physical contact, PlatypUs can fuse himself with another organic being, sharing their powers and weaknesses. He shares equal control of the fused body with the other being, and both of their personalities balance out.

Using sensors on his bill, PlatypUs can sense the weak bioelectric fields generated by living beings and use it to locate them.

PlatypUs has a venomous spur on the back of each leg. By stabbing others, PlatypUs can establish a mental link with them, and can manipulate the five types of their brainwaves, affecting their awareness and wakefulness.

  • Delta (Frequency below 4 Hz): This brainwave is associated with deep sleep, loss of bodily awareness, and unconscious repairment of the body.
  • Theta (Frequency between 4 - 7 Hz): This brainwave is associated with deep meditation, sleep, dreams, increased creativity and memory, and reduced conscious awareness.
  • Alpha (Frequency between 7 - 13 Hz): It is depicted as physical and mental relaxation, meditation, and visualization. Individuals in this state have a clear and tranquil mind, posing attributes to accomplish any task without stressing.
  • Beta (Frequency between 13 - 32 Hz): Known as the conscious brain state, beings are consciously aware and observant of their surroundings. However, it can be associated with high amounts of stress, anxiety or panic attacks, or highly disturbed mental states in some cases.
  • Gamma (Frequency above 32 Hz): Known as the brainwave of higher consciousness, hyper-awareness, and higher cognitive development. This brainwave is associated with learning, memory generation, understanding problem solving, logical thinking, and information categorization.

By establishing a mental link with another being, PlatypUs can project telepathic static in their mind that disrupts higher brain functions. The effects can include the ruination of the other being's concentration or causing them to spout gibberish/behave erratically.

PlatypUs can breathe and swim fast underwater.


PlatypUs cannot merge with inorganic or technorganic beings, or Celestialsapiens.

PlatypUs can be forced to separate from his fusions by the other being if they have enough willpower, or if the Infinimatrix times out.

Species and Planet Information[]

Traditionally, married Efenaddoi couples fuse for life, signifying that they have become one in all aspects.

An Efenaddoi's spur acts as a defense mechanism, allowing them to incapacitate both predator and prey. Relatedly, they will not shy away from eating their victims.

Dhowff is primarily a beach planet with many dangerous species, with the Efenaddoi being the dominant sapient species. The planet's food chain is complicated, as instead of a strict food chain, many species eat other species without regard for size. Due to this, most species from other planets prefer to steer clear of Dhowff.




PlatypUs' name is a portmanteau of the words "platypus" and "us", referring to his platypus-like appearance and his fusion ability, respectively.


  • Credit to Ultra3000 for PlatypUs' venomous spur, electrolocation and the integration of purple in his color scheme.
  • PlatypUs speaks in a high-pitched, throaty voice.
Ben 10: Protector of the Omniverse
Ben Tennyson - Gwen Tennyson - Kevin Levin
Azmuth - Bellicus - Carl Tennyson - Cash Murray - Charlie Grant - Crystal Phoenix - Emily - Frank Tennyson - Galvan Soldiers - Gluto - Jimmy Jones - Jonesy - J.T. - Julie Yamamoto - Kenneth Tennyson - Max Tennyson - Myaxx - Mr. Baumann - Natalie Tennyson - Pakmar - Plumbers (Bromeba - Chortle - Elliot - Fistina - Jerry - Magister Patelliday - Magister Prior Gilhil - Maryana Autumn - Morty - Plumbers' Helpers (Alan Albright - Cooper Daniels - Helen Wheels - Manny Armstrong - Pierce Wheels) - Professor Paradox - Sandra Tennyson - Serena - Ship - Tetrax Shard - Zed
Regular Aliens
Alien X - Ampfibian - Antigravitesla - Arctiguana - Armodrillo - Astrodactyl - Atomix - Ball Weevil - Big Chill - Bob the Blob - Braindrain - Brainstorm - Brute Fource - Bullfrag - Bungee Sponge - Buzzshock - Cannonbolt - Chamalien - Chromastone - Clockwork - Construx - Crashhopper - Diamondhead - Ditto - Domino - Eatle - Echo Echo - Embiggensect - Evomania - Eye Guy - Fasttrack - Four Arms - Frankenstrike - Funguy - Ghostfreak - Glitch - Goop - Gravattack - Grey Matter - Gurge - Gutrot - Heatblast - Heavysplitter - Hippopotamass - Humungousaur - Jetray - Juryrigg - Kickin' Hawk - Lodestar - Manifold - Mealymouth - Mimisthetic - Mind Games - Mole-Stache - Nanomech - NRG - Octolord - Overflow - Pesky Dust - Plantapocalypse - Porquillpine - Porturtle - Prodigy - Purebred - Pushback - Rath - Retouch - Ripjaws - Rock Bottom - Sandbox - Shocksquatch - Slow Hands - Snakepit - Snare-Oh - Snark Tanque - Soulcatcher - Sparkhenge - Spidermonkey - Spitter - Squidstrictor - Stinkfly - Swampfire - Terraspin - Terrorsaur - Thriller Whale - Timbrewolf - Toepick - Upchuck - Upgrade - Venomsnake - Vine-al Warning - Waterhazard - Way Big - Whampire - Wildmutt - Wildvine - Wolf Calendar DS - XLR8
Ultimate Forms
Ultimate Arctiguana - Ultimate Big Chill - Ultimate Cannonbolt - Ultimate Echo Echo - Ultimate Goop - Ultimate Gravattack - Ultimate Humungousaur - Ultimate Rath - Ultimate Spidermonkey - Ultimate Swampfire - Ultimate Way Big - Ultimate Wildmutt
Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 0
Azmuth's Invention - Wrath of the Xenocytes - The Trouble With Doubles - Escape From the Infinimatrix - Bait - Fusing Some Enemy Butt - Factorial Doom - Wrath of Vilgax - A Trip To...Nowhere - To The Past - Clown Catastrophe - Forever Stealing - Rumors and Lies - Summer Again - Truce - Ultimate Escape - Hero's Challenge - Controlled - Ben-Blank: Protectors of the Omnigizer - Prom Not To Be - Doom Date - Behind the Mask - Quest to Conquer - When Things Are Altered - Play It Back Again - Ben 10: Fall of the Omniverse - Surprise Visit - The Chronian Invasion - Aggression

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