Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
User Jaden Purpnil
Creator Azmuth
Type DNA Alteration Device
Similar Technology Omnimatrix
First Appearance And Then There Was Evil

The Parasitic Omnimatrix or Parasitrix for short is an Omnitrix in The De-Spacer that was used by Jaden Purpnil.


The Parasitrix appears as a purple and dark purple hourglass symbol coming out the user's body.



  • The Parasitrix has a DNA scanner.
  • The Parasitrix has a quick change feature.
  • The Parasitrix synchronizes with the user's mind and body.
    • Till the synchronization is completed, the Parasitrix will mistransform, however after it's completed the user will be able to transform by only thinking about it.
  • The Parasitrix can synchronize with another Omnitrix and communicate with it.


  • The Parasitrix has a built-in Universal Translator.
  • The Parasitrix can be used as a communicator.
  • The Parasitrix can protect other Omnitrix Users if their Omnitricies confirm that they are safe, by causing damage to its own user.
  • The Parasitrix has different levels of transformation.
    • Those levels vary from only one part of the user body to his whole body.
    • Jaden has access to all levels of transformation but prefers to stick with his own body as much as possible.
  • The Parasitrix can absorb the energy of its user for different purposes. Mainly to recharge faster when Jaden is in danger, or to repair itself.
    • Using this normally damages the user's body, and could kill him/her if overused.


Active Mode - the Parasitrix's default mode - the Parasitrix can be used and nothing is wrong.

Recharge Mode - keeps the Parasitrix from damaging the user by staying transformed for too long. It's deactivated automatically, once the Parasitrix is recharged.


Alien Species When and how it was Unlocked/Obtained
Heatblast Pyronite Heatblast was first unlocked prior to the series
Diamondhead Petrosapien Diamondhead was first unlocked prior to the series
Upgrade Galvanic Mechamorph Upgrade was first unlocked prior the series
Ghostfreak Ectonurite Ghostfreak was first unlocked prior to the series
Blitzwolfer Loboan Blitzwolfer was first unlocked prior to the series
Snare-Oh Thep Khufan Snare-Oh was first unlocked prior to the series
Four Arms Tetramand Four Arms was first unlocked prior to the series
Swampfire Methanosian Swampfire was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix
Big Chill Necrofriggian Big Chill was first unlocked prior to the series
Chromastone Crystalsapien Chromastone was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix
Water Hazard Orishan Water Hazard was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix
Armodrillo Talpaedan Armodrillo was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix
Fasttrack Citrakayah Fasttrack was first unlocked prior to the series
Shocksquatch Gimlinopithecus Shocksquatch was first unlocked prior to the series
Crashhopper Crashhopper's Species Crashhopper was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix
Gravattack Galilean Gravattack was first unlocked sometime after Jaden gains the Parasitrix


  • At first, it was built to communicate with Plumber Badges and work as one, but Jaden once hacked it and changed those functions.
  • The colored stripes that appear on the Jaden's body are a result of the fact, that the Parasitrix first attached itself to the wrong part of his body, and it's trying to reach the right one.
    • In order to work perfectly and has the maximal level of synchronization with the wielder, the Parasitrix must be attached to his/her heart.
  • Despite its multiple, dangerous for the user, side effects, the Parasitrix is the best and most powerful Omnimatrix ever created in Earth-210.