Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Inhabitants: Pizzasapien
Nickname(s): The Pizza Planet
First Appearance None

Panemadoro is a planet that is home to the Pizzasapiens. It is a free usage planet and can be used by any series.


Panemadoro has an appearance similar to a giant oven, as seen from space.

Its ground is made from crust and its oceans are made of various cheeses. Architecture is made from different types of toppings including pepperoni, peppers and others. The core of the planet is made from a sauce solution which can erupt onto the planet's surface through bubble-like structures acting as volcanoes.


Panemadoro used to be a regular planet that had an appearance similar to Earth. During this time, the Pizzasapiens had set out to the stars, leaving the planet uninhibited for a long while. Once the Pizzasapiens returned from their crash landing on the planet, Earth, they brought back what they thought were Earth's natural resources, which were actually ingredients in order to make pizza. Using these "natural resources", the Pizzasapiens had managed to fuse them with the planet, itself; giving it its pizza-like features that it has currently.

Before the pizza infusion change, architecture was village-like and involved into small cities (similar to that of Earth). Afterwards, buildings started taking influence from famous Earth structures like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Known Inhabitants[]


  • This is Brandon 10's first random planet, if that is even a thing.
  • This planet hasn't been used in any series yet so it has not made any appearances.
  • Panemadoro could possibly come from the word, Pomodoro, which means to indicate a sauce that is made from tomatoes.
    • It could also origin from Pan Pizza.
  • On the planet, eating pizza is a crime and is punishable by extreme measures. Most likely because the pizza is inhabiting the planet.
  • Travel plans are being discussed about opening Panemadoro to other worlds so they can explore their terrain and culture. This might be put off though after realizing that tourists might just want to eat the civilians.
  • Despite the fact that everything resembles a pizza in some form or another, from space, the planet looks like a giant oven for some reason. While many of the Pizzasapien scientists have been trying to decipher this for years, one possible solution that has arisen from an inscription in the ancient catacombs of Panemadoro. The inscription reading, "Why not?".

