Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
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The PM Nemetrix is a version of Ketu's 9th Omnitrix created by Neuroticus and used by SupresLime. It is Level 19 technology.


  • This DNA alterer stores DNA samples of non-sapient beings, often predators of aliens in the Omnitrixes.
  • Like all Omnitrixes, it can alter the DNA of the user, in this case a cell created by SupresLime and Neuroticus.
  • It can be used properly only by non-sapient beings.
  • It can scan non-sapient DNA.

Known DNA samples[]

Species Homeworld Prey
Testux Litorna Cancerpes
Sand Ripper Khoros Tetramand
Buglizard Lepidopterra Lepidopterran
Omnivoracious Galvan Prime Galvan
Crabdozer Pyros Pyronite
Coronavirus[1] Earth Human

