"We're going to Orgulon! Wait, thats a guy."
"Its also the name of a planet. And the species. And every member of the species."
Orgulon are a species in the Trixters universe. They live on the planet Orgulon.
Orgulon are split into two forms: Lesser and Greater.
Lesser Orgulon are floating blue beings with four appendages on their head. They have one eye in the center that is smaller than their greater counterpart's.
Greater Orgulon have two small blue arms and two large blue legs. Their eye is much larger than their lesser counterpart's.
The Orgulon species come from a branch of an ancient species dubbed by modern day scientists as "Cirganilon". The species was located on the planet Zeztee however after a war on that planet, many of the species moved to the other planet in the binary system which is now called Orgulon. It is here that they evolved into the Orgulon species. They gained the ability to secrete a cyan gel that they feed to selected Orgulon larvae to turn them into Greater Orgulon who act as a form of government for the planet and rule over the Lesser Orgulon. Due to starting off with a head start and now having natural born leaders, they advanced very quickly and formed a highly advanced society within a couple milennia. Around this point they started attempting to send lesser Orgulon to Zeztee, the previously mentioned planet. After successfully pulling off their first mission, they discovered that it was already inhabited by a species known as the Citronians who were just as advanced as themselves. The two planets declared peace with eachother up until recently after all of Citronians' society collapsed and reverted to a more primitive state. Since then the two species have cut off contact.
Lesser Orgulon act like regular civilians and have quite varied personalities and behaviours like Humans.
Greater Orgulon almost all either love advancement, good at politics, and / or are incredibly controlling.
Powers and Abilities[]
Lesser Orgulon have the ability to fly partially due to their light weight.
Lesser Orgulon can use the appendages on their head to telekinetically move objects around. Typical Lesser Orgulon can only carry up to around 85 kg.
Greater Orgulon have the power to manipulate all Organic Material. Since the planet Orgulon has little to no plantlife or anything similar other than its fungal patch, the subjects of this are typically Lesser Orgulon.
Lesser Orgulon's appendages are quite sensitive.
See Orgulon.
Notable Orgulon[]
Greater Orgulon[]
- Orgulon (the Ultimatrix's sample of a Greater Orgulon)
- Orgulon (the Omnitrix's former sample of a Greater Orgulon, now manifested into a real being. DNA donor of Orgulon)
- Ogre (1/72 Greater Orgulon)
- The Orgulon gel works by tapping into and reinstating genetic material similar to the Orgulon's ancestors, the previously mentioned Cirganillon. This is why Greater Orgulon look more like Citronians than the Lesser Orgulon since Citronians are even closer related to the Cirganillon.