Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Albedo Omnimatrix
General Information
Creator Unknown
User Albedo Bloodson
Type DNA Alterer
First Appearance A Present From Space

The Omnimatrix is a watch-like device, used by Alex.


The Omnimatrix resembles a wrist watch. Its face plate is now square instead of round, and has a white and green color scheme. The faceplate is black with two green stripes forming an outline for the hourglass of the intergalactic peace symbol. When the faceplate is slid back, the Omnimatrix's core is revealed.


  • The Omnimatrix has a DNA scanner.
  • The Omnimatrix has the quick change feature.
  • The Omnimatrix has a Master Control.
  • The Omnimatrix can add extra features to alien forms (Goop's anti-gravity disk, NRG's suit, etc.) in order to make them safer/more usable.
  • The Omnimatrix can be controlled by Voice Command.
  • The Omnimatrix can synchronize with another Omnitrix.
  • The Omnimatrix has built in Universal Translator.
  • The Omnimatrix has a digital watch.
  • The Omnimatrix has a Life-Form Lock function which allows Albedo to stay in an alien form for an extended period of time
  • The Omnimatrix adapts the user's clothing to the alien he/she transforms into.


Active Mode is the Omnimatrix's default mode. Normally Active Mode is active when the Omnimatrix can be used and nothing is wrong.

Recharge Mode's main purpose is to keep the Omnimatrix from damaging the user. Recharge Mode is activated when the Omnimatrix runs out of time. It takes around 2 minutes.


Unlocked aliens[]

Alien Species When and how it was Unlocked/Obtained
Heatblast Pyronite Heatblast was first unlocked prior the series
Wildmutt Vulpimancer Wildmutt was first unlocked prior the series
Diamondhead Petrosapien Diamondhead was first unlocked prior the series
XLR8 Kineceleran XLR8 was first unlocked prior the series
Grey Matter Galvan Grey Matter was first unlocked prior the series
Four Arms Tetramand Four Arms was first unlocked prior the series
Stinkfly Lepidopterran Stinkfly was first unlocked prior the series
Jaws Piscciss Volann Jaws was first unlocked prior the series
Upgrade Galvanic Mechamorph Upgrade was first unlocked prior the series
Ghostfreak Ectonurite Ghostfreak was first unlocked prior the series
Cannonbolt Arburian Pelarota Cannonbolt was first unlocked prior the series
Wildvine Florauna Wildvine was first unlocked prior the series
Blitzwolfer Loboan Blitzwolfer was first unlocked prior the series
Snare oh Thep Khufan Snare Oh was first unlocked prior the series
Frankenstrike Transylian Frankenstrike was first unlocked prior the series
Perk Predatory Perk Gourmand Perk Predatory was first unlocked prior the series
Ditto Splixson Ditto was first unlocked prior the series
Eye Guy Opticoid Eye Guy was first unlocked prior the series
Way Big To'kustar Way Big was first unlocked prior the series
Arctiguana Polar Manzardill Arctiguana was first unlocked prior the series
Swampfire Methanosian Swampfire was first unlocked prior the series
Echo Echo Sonorosian Echo Echo was first unlocked prior the series
Humungousaur Vaxasaurian Humungousaur was first unlocked prior the series
Jetray Aerophibian Jetray was first unlocked prior the series
Big Chill Necrofriggian Big Cill was first unlocked prior the series
Chromastone Crystalsapien Chromastone was first unlocked prior the series
Brainstorm Cerebrocrustacean Brainstorm was first unlocked prior the series
Spidermonkey Arachnichimp Spidermonkey was first unlocked prior the series
Goop Polymorph Goop was first unlocked prior the series
Alien X Celestialsapien Alien Xwas first unlocked prior the series
Murk Predatory Murk Gourmand Murk Predatory was first unlocked prior the series
Lodestar Biosovortian Lodestar was first unlocked prior the series
Rath Appoplexian Rath was first unlocked prior the series
Nanomech Nanochip Nanomech was first unlocked prior the series
Water Hazard Orishan Water Hazard was first unlocked prior the series
AmpFibian Amperi AmpFibian was first unlocked prior the series
Armodrillo Talpaedan Armodrillo was first unlocked prior the series
Terraspin Geochelone Aerio Terraspin was first unlocked prior the series
NRG Prypiatosian-B NRG was first unlocked prior the series
Fasttrack Citrakayah Fasttrack was first unlocked prior the series
ChamAlien Merlinisapien ChamAlien was first unlocked prior the series
Shockquatch Gimlinopithecus Shockquatch was first unlocked prior the series
Eatle Unknown Eatle was first unlocked prior the series
Clockwork Chronosapien Clockwork was first unlocked prior the series
Jury Rigg Unknown Jury Rigg was first unlocked prior the series
Bloxx Segmentasapien Bloxx was first unlocked prior the series
Gravattack Galilean Gravattack was first unlocked prior the series
Crashhopper Crashhopper's Species Crashhopper was first unlocked prior the series
To Be Unlocked ??? ???

Ultimate Forms[]

Normal Form Ultimate Form
Swampfire Ultimate Swampfire
Humungousaur Ultimate Humungousaur
Spidermonkey Ultimate Spidermonkey
Big Chill Ultimate Big Cill
Cannonbolt Ultimate Cannonbolt
Echo Echo Ultimate Echo Echo
Wildmutt Ultimate Wildmutt
Way Big Ultimate Way Big
Arctiguana Arctiguana
Gravattack Ultimate Gravattack
Rath Ultimate Rath
??? ???


