OmniSword City is a location in A-B10's Saga. Is the city in which Adora and Ben 10'000 operates in the future. It is on Earth, near Mt. Rushmore.
It is an urban town made up of tall buildings and skyscrapers where both humans and extraterrestrials live together. It is surrounded by Mt. Rushmore and nearby woods. In the center stands the headquarters of Adora and Ben 10'000.
Ultimate Princesses of Power Alien[]
Locations and Landmarks[]
- Adora and Ben 10,000's Headquarters
- OmniSword City University
- Adora statue
- Ben 10'000 statue
Known Inhabitants[]
- OmniSword City is sometimes called New Xenon by alien visitors.
- The signs are written in alien languages like Galvan, Uxorite and Gourmand.
- OmniSword City is a modified Ben 10's Omnitrix City. The only thing that differentiates the two versions of the city is the HQ aspects.