This is the teaser for Omni-World & Sem 2.10: Connected Through Time. If you don't know what teasers are,
Omni-World & Sem 2.10: Connected Through Time | |
Season None, Episode Teaser | |
Written by | Ancy |
Directed by | Ancy |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Omni-World & Sem 2.10: Connected Through Time |
Next Omni-World & Sem 2.10: Connected Through Time |
they are short trailers to get people in the mood and pumped for the release. This is supposed to do the same.
In a world where aliens live at peace...
We see Ditto and Eyeguy in the kitchen, as Ditto is reading a letter.
(Ditto): Your creator, Ancient Ministerz...
(Eyeguy): Why the Z?
(Ditto): I dunno!
... They must meet aliens at war.
(Ditto and Sem): Who... are you? Stop repeating me! DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO! ... My grandma made apple pie while my toilet kissed the president! ...
(Sem): Wow, this Ancient guy really is our creator.
(Ditto): And a repetitive one, he is.
Featuring Omni-World...
The gang is overlooking a strange futuristic city.
(Ditto, voiceover): We have to defeat them...
And Sem 2.10...
The trio are fighting Techadon-looking robots with jet legs, and Sem is Hothead.
(Sem, voiceover): Or else they will destroy our universes!
...Together at last.
Both the trio and the gang are getting their buts kicked by the robots. Sem is still Hothead. We see that Ancy is looking at them through a screen, while he's sitting in a wooden chair. He is chained to it. He looks like Prisoner 775 from the original Ultimate Alien.
(Ancy): I really have to make a series about super ninja death robots, so they next time this happens, I CAN ACTUALLY GET OUT OF HERE!
Omni-World & Sem 2.10: Connected Through Time. Coming to a wikia page near you.