The Omni-Sword is an item in Brian 10 (Rebooted).
The Omni-Sword looks like a white longsword, with the Omnitrix symbol on the hilt. A trigger is also present on the hilt.
As its name suggests, the Omni-Sword can change forms and gain the abilities of another species. For example, in Pyronite Form, the sword would become a flaming sword and the user would be able to manipulate fire with it.
Alien Forms[]
The sword transforms to a flaming sword, which lets the user manipulate fire. The sword is also resistant to heat attacks.
Weapon Forms[]
Four forms are confirmed so far.
Sword Form[]
“ | Sword Form! | ” |
–-Transformation announcement |
Default form. See Appearance section.
Rod Form[]
“ | Rod Form! | ” |
–-Transformation announcement |
The sword transforms to a long rod, which can release energy ropes and can be used as a whip or to tie enemies.
Axe Form[]
“ | Axe Form! | ” |
–-Transformation announcement |
The sword transforms to a battle axe which can be used one-handed.
Gun Form[]
“ | Gun Form! | ” |
–-Transformation announcement |
The sword transforms to two handguns. They can combine to form a larger gun.