Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Ollie Alan Gelfand is a character in Evan Billion. He is a member of F.I.N.D.


Ollie is a tall, red alien that is made up of several skateboard segments: His body is a long board with a light green line running up it. His feet are short, bent boards with green lines. His head is the end of a board. Wheels connect his arms to his body. His arms are made up of two boards each, with three wheel-like fingers on each hand.

Ollie speaks with skateboard lingo, but applies it to everyday life instead of just limiting it to skateboarding.


Ollie can transform into a skateboard. When he becomes a skateboard, he can become a variety of different sizes. The smallest size he can become is the size of a baby, and the biggest is the size of a house. When Ollie transforms, he can create other skateboards and attach those skateboards to himself. As a skateboard, Ollie's speed and force are increased incredibly, allowing him to jump extremely far and high.

