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Ben 10: Haunted
Season 1, Episode 44
Written by Ghost King001
Directed by Ghost King001
Episode Guide
Nebula X Mystery


Aboard the Technodrome, the H.I.V.E are playing videogames against the Punks. Billy Numerous walks in with snacks.

Billy: Hey fellars, got the snacks!

His comrades grabs anything in his clutch, leaving him high and dry.

Billy: Hey!

Rocksteady: What`s the big deal? There`s more.

Billy: No, there`s not!

Jinx: Stop whining.

Billy: No! I`ve had it with how you all treat me! I`m going to blow off some steam!

He marches out angrily. His teammates don`t care.

Seemore: Don`t you think we`re being a little harsh?

Gizmo: Nope.

Scrag: Not really.

Bebop: Who cares?

Theme song!

Billy uses a trans-dimensional portal to go back to Earth, intending to go on a crime spree. He then duplicates himself.

Billy Original: Ok Billys, you know the job!

The Billys nod and split up, self replicating with every step they take. They then commit a city wide crime spree. A few of them invade the stadium during a car show.

Billy: Hey Billy? You see what I see?

Billy #2: I sure do Billy, let`s snag it!

They rush the stadium and overpower the guards, stealing a monster truck.

Billys: Woooo!

They speed off, crashing through a wall to escape. Elsewhere, another Billy Brigade discover Undertown`s location and steal from any alien they can.


Billy: Gotta catch us first little man!

They laugh and run off. Pakmar gives chase. Suddenly, the Billys are bowled over by Canonbolt.

Cannonbolt: Rodeo`s over Billy. Hands up.

Billy: Ok,

He raises his hands, his clones do the same. But they then replicate again and tackle Cannonbolt. They laugh as they take turns beating him up. He curls up into a ball and rolls over them.

Cannonbolt: There`s too many of them! Either Ditto, Echo Echo or Buzzshock can deal with them efficiently.

He stops and turns into Ditto.

Ditto: Hey Billy, prepare to be out-copied!

Billy: That a challenge? NOBODY outnumbers Billy Numerous!

The Billys run off, fleeing Undertown. Ditto chases after them, only to realize it was a trap. A whole army of Billys greets him outside.

Billy: Get him!

The Billys charge and fight Ditto. They seem to be winning, but suddenly an explosion sends them flying. Ditto had transformed into Ball Weevil in a last ditch effort, and it seems to have payed off.

Ball Weevil: Close one. But I was on the right track. Maybe Billy has a limit to his cloning.

He then spies another Billy army carrying a bridge.

Ball Weevil: How can he carry that!?

He creates a goo ball and rolls over to the Billys. They don`t pay attention to him.

Ball Weevil: Game`s over Bill-.

He then gets fired upon by a Plumber tank. Billy exits and laughs.

Billy: You sure do have some nice toys back at your HQ little bug. Boy were your friends surprised to see us!

More Plumber tanks roll up, they then fire at any building they feel like. Will Harangue then sets up a report on TV.

Will Harangue: Will Harangue here live at the studio, an army of identical people have overrun the city! No doubt in kahoots with Ben Tennyson.

Suddenly Billy kicks open the door.

Billy Original: Ah! Wrong!

He then replicates and takes over the newsroom.

Will: What are you doing! Get out or else!

Billy Original: Hmmm...nah.

He shoves him out of his chair.

Billy Original: We rolling Billy?

Billy #2: Yes sir, Billy.

Billy #3: You look great Billy!

Billy Original: Aw shucks, thanks Billy. Attention Bellwood, by now you must`ve noticed I overran your streets and took over your city. Let`s cut to Billy at City Hall!

Billy replicates again, leaving his new copy to host while he then steals a car and drives over to city hall with a cameraman.

Billy Original: Oh Mayor. Open up!

He kicks down the door. The Mayor quivers under their desk. He grabs the Mayor by the shirt and tosses them out.

Billy Original: Now, ya`ll answer to me!

Other Billys holler and hoot after seeing this on the news. Nobody can seem to stop him. Suddenly a few are zapped by Buzzshock.

Billy: I told you before little man, nobody. But NOBODY outnumbers Billy Numerous!

The Billys growls and replicate more. they then join with the other Billys to create an large army.

Billy #2: Any last words?

Buzzshock replicates too, Billy growls and also replicates. Eventually Billy grunts, but no other Billy appears. He glances over to see a Billy conjoined to him.

Billy #3 and 3 1/2: Uh oh.

The Billys then get pulled towards the original Billy at city hall. Billy grows dizzy with every copy reabsorbed into his body. He lets out a scream of anguish as every clone gets reabsorbed, dazing him.

Billy: Aw dang.

He topples over, defeated. Buzzshock smirks and turns back.

Ben: And that takes care of that.

Billy is soon arrested by the Plumbers and put into maximum security.

Billy: Just wait until I get out, ya`ll will be sorry!

Max: Sure we will.

The Plumbers leave Billy to his own devices within his cell. He sighs, waiting for his powers to reactivate from cooldown.

Billy: Man, I hate being alone.


Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Billy Numerous briefly takes over Bellwood before being arrested.

Minor Events[]

  • Billy is revealed to have a limit of how many times he can duplicate.
  • Billy reveals he hates being alone.


  • Ben Tennyson
  • Will Harangue
  • Rocksteady
  • Jinx
  • Seemore
  • Scrag
  • Gizmo
  • Bebop


  • Billy Numerous

Aliens Used[]

  • Cannonbolt
  • Ditto
  • Buzzshock


This episode has some homages to the Teen Titans episode "Overdrive".


  • Billy Numerous is currently incarcerated.
  • Billy stealing a bridge is a homage to Overdrive.
  • Billy hates being alone, this explains why he`s so energetic and talks with himself if nobody else will.