Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information


Home Planet:

The Semblant Tear


Rocky Humanoid

Other Info

Escape Artistry
Enhanced Digging
Mineral Detection
Mineral Absorption
Night Vision
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Strength


Evil Personality
Sonic Noises
Emotion Shifting

First Appearance:


Notoreious is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a B'Aigee from The Oreiginal Branch in The Semblant Tear. He is a free use alien made by Blake.


Notoreious is a rocky alien with an oversized head. His body is made of brown, dark grey, and reddish-brown rocks. Rubies decorate his entire body. A rock wrapped around his head resembles a pronounced brow, with black openings in the rock beneath it revealing his geometric eyes.

Notoreious wears the Simplicitrix embedded into his chest.


Notoreious is evil, regardless of the user's disposition. Unless scrounging for minerals to intake, Notoreious will be destroying things at random and will attack anything that moves, with the intent to kill.


  • Notoreious is terrifyingly good at escape artistry, making it so trapping him is an ineffective means of trying to defeat him. This also helps when he is in caves or mines in search of minerals, as he can get out even if it seems impossible.
  • Notoreious is able to detect minerals deep underground, and absorbs them as sustenance.
  • Notoreious can see in the dark.
  • Notoreious has enhanced durability and strength.


  • Unless the user is evil, Notoreious' personality makes him a very bad alien choice.
  • Notoreious' gems can shatter when exposed to sonic noises.
  • Notoreious' emotions shift to become exaggerated reflections of those around him. Regardless of prior disposition or current emotion, Notoreious will find some means of removing the individual responsible for his emotional shift in order to no longer be altered.


If Notoreious appears in your series, add it here!


  • Notoreious's name is a play on "notorious" and "ore."
  • Notoreious's species name is meant to be paired with his actual name, acting as a reference to The Notorious B.I.G.
  • Notoreious's Semblant Tear Branch name is a play on "ore" and "original."


  • Notoreious was the fifth in an experiment of having several people give attributes for a single alien, independent of each other, with Blake needing to figure out the design and the way all the powers could come together cohesively.
  • Notoreious' name was originally going to be "Neforeious," playing off of "nefarious" and "ore," as a nod to Cinder Fall's usage of "nefarious" in RWBY Chibi, though it changed upon realizing notorious would be the better pun.
Blake's Free Use Aliens
Original Aliens 10rec | Body Mass | Buguiled | Calmybara | Christmas Pine | Copy Cat | Crane Fly | Emolt | Geletitan | Gift Chomp | Level-Headed | Loveseat | Mad Hatter | Mammyth | Mantis Shrimp | Moondate | Neburlesque | Notoreious | Ovirreaptor | Poison Dart | Pole Mancer | RAD Scientist | Reverbatim | Rodentist | Rulerus | Sea Change | Simpleten | Snot Goblin | Spectrock | Time Relapse | Whalping Hand
Fusions ChamAlien X | Grey Arms | Heatblastrodactyl | Slapbolt | Surge X | Way Big Chill
Ultimate Forms AmpFibian | Armodrillo | Jetray | Slapback
Omni-Enhanced Forms Alien X | Big Chill | ChamAlien | Echo-Echo | Goop | Grey Matter | Gutrot | Humungousaur | Jetray | Kickin Hawk | Mole-Stache | Ripjaws | Snare-Oh | Spidermonkey | Swampfire
Omni-Kix Forms Bullfrag | Fasttrack | Nanomech | NRG
Ben 23 Aliens Dr. Manatom | Teenage Alien Windy Turtle | Water Botter
Mad Ben Aliens Stealth Killer
Mutations Armodrillo
Omni-Spell Forms Four Arms
Antitrix Aliens Bangolin | Brickhouse | Dream Reaper | Fobwatch | Geneius | Hazmatron | Speedline