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Mutant Drake
Season 3, Episode 3
Air date 1/11/20
Written by Brandon
Directed by Brandon
Episode Guide
Dark Turns

New Recruits is the thirty-sixth episode of the series, Mutant Drake.


In the city, the day after, a fog surrounds around the city as the building tower through the mist. The sky is unclear and dark as if the day hasn’t really started at all. And through the fog, a bellowing and mildly distorted scream echoes across. On the street, some people can be seen running down the street as a man on fire runs out of an apartment building.

Man on Fire: Please! Someone help me! I’m not supposed to be like this! Someone!

He continues running off while a woman crashes from above, knocking over a news stand. She rises to her feet with wings apparently beneath her arms.

Woman: Almost had it.

A police siren is then heard which alarms the woman. She then runs off, soon taking off into the air and gliding away. A police cruiser then stops in the middle of the road and the officers step out, watching this woman fly off.

Police Officer, on the radio: Yeah, it looks like we’re getting more activity in this area too.

Operator, over the radio: Copy that. The Commissioner says to observe for now. Engage only if aggressive or if you feel lives are in danger.

Police Officer, on the radio: Roger that. (to the other officer) Alright, let’s move out.

The officers return to the cruiser as it takes off again. A figure then steps from an alleyway, watching them leave the scene then turns to the darkness. The figure soon walks into the light in the middle of the alleyway where a different figure is standing there. The original figure is a lanky, thuggish individual with baggy pants and a bandana covering his hair.

Thuggish Person: The cops are gone. Looks like whatever it is is still happenin’ out there.

Figure: It doesn’t matter. With the city is a state like this, we’ll be able to move beyond our little hole in the ground and onto some bigger targets.

Thuggish Person: L-Like what, boss?

Figure: Get the boys ready. It’s time we collect debt early.

Title Sequence

The scene continues a view of the city. The scene starts to zoom away from the city to show that the view was really on a screen; specifically the screen in the main room in Helper Headquarters. The team appears to be assembled together, watching the footage unfold.

Helper Headquarters
March 18, 9:08 EDT

The screen shows security footage from convenience stores and banks with incidents transpiring of people using powers entire to rob or suddenly having them activated without their acknowledgement. Drake crosses his arms, watching with a stern expression as Fionna glances over to read his expression.

Jake: Where’s this footage from?

Adam raises his head from his laptop as he looks over at Jake from the couch.

Adam: Oh, I was able to hack into some small establishments with surveillance equipment. These are just a few picks but this kind of stuff is happening all over the city- all at once. People with no prior record of being Mutant suddenly having abilities and using them, whether they want to or not.

Emmett: All of these were from yesterday, right?

Adam: Yesterday, today- the hour of the second Incident was even live.

Drake: I’m not surprised. The first Incident was just like that.

Danny: (scoff) Yeah, I think we all know what it was like when the first Incident struck. Never thought we’d have to face another one.

Danny pauses for a moment then looks over at Jake, who seems a little pressed.

Danny: Erk! I meant most of us.

Jake: It’s alright, Danny. I can’t imagine what it must have been like but if it’s anything like this… (sigh) this could be pretty bad if we don’t do anything.

Drake: I can’t stand here and let this happen to my city.

Emmett: We don’t exactly have a lot of options here, Drake. We don’t know what Reeves did or if there’s a way to reverse it. These are ordinary people getting their entire lives changed. They’re probably confused or, if we’re lucky, some of them haven’t even discovered that they have Mutant abilities yet.

Jake: I guess it’ll buy us some time but it won’t last forever. We have to figure out something while we can.

Fionna: Even if there was a way to reverse it, should we? They’re Mutants now. Do we have the right to take that away from them.

Drake: Some of us were born like this. Others, it was thrown at us. I don’t think there are a lot of people who chose to have powers… to become like us. It might be a better question to ask if we have the right to have someone Human- stay a Mutant.

Jake: Either way, it seems we don’t have an option to do either. We should keep an eye out, make sure no one is hurting themselves and help where we can. Basically some recon for now. It’s going to take some time to actually understand what’s going on and how to deal with it but that doesn’t mean we should just stand around either.

Danny: Well, it’s a good thing we have some back up.

Emmett: You mean Emma? You do realize she doesn’t have any abilities, right? That’ll be like throwing Adam into battle. Uh- no offense, Adam.

Adam: None taken. There’s a reason I work behind the screen here. Besides, I couldn’t agree more. The last thing I- well, we should want is for Emma to be in any danger.

Jake: Still… we need as many hands as we can get. Even if she’s not a Mutant, she can still be a valuable member of this team. There’s also the uh- other one.

Adam: Oh yes, Mr. Grumpy Mcgee.

Adam types on his laptop and looks to the screen which shows footage of Elias in a small room- not unlike a cell.

Drake: ...How is he?

Adam: Well, he’s been in there for about a day. Woke up about a couple of hours after you. Whatever happened down there… must’ve really knocked him out cold.

Drake: He was using his powers. It’s powerful but he can’t control it. Not yet, anyways.

Emmett: So now we train him? Sorry but he was working for Reeves, may I remind you. Should we really be so quick to trust him?

Jake: He saved Drake and he’s been down there with him the longest. It’s his call.

Drake glances from Jake to the floor, in thought. He then looks up at the screen. The scene then cuts over to the room with Elias sitting on a bench, staring ahead at the metallic wall before him. The door then opens with Elias turning to his head to the entryway, only to see the Vigilante step into the room. Elias’ eyes lower before he turns to glance back at the wall.

Elias: So? What do you want? Not going to let me out, are you?

Vigilante: Something like that. How are you doing?

Elias: Nothing’s broken, if that’s what you mean.

Vigilante: You flew over after using your power. I’m guessing it was too powerful for you to handle.

Elias: Well, I haven’t exactly had powers before so yeah- I guess that’s what happened. What about it?

Vigilante: Reeves’ experiment caused an Incident.

Elias: What kind of incident?

Vigilante: The Incident.

Elias: ...Oh. (pause) How bad?

Vigilante: Its energy spread across the entire city. Many have been affected- mutated and gained powers like you and his group. We could use some… help.

Elias: You’re asking me to help you?

Vigilante: We could use that power on our side. Besides, this could be your chance to show who you’re really standing for.

Elias: Hey, I saved you!

Elias gets up in haste- squaring up to the Vigilante.

Vigilante: I know. And now I’m asking if you can help us save others. You may have asked for your powers but there are people out there suffering because of them! You don’t have to do anything… it’s your choice. I just wanted to be the one to give it to you.

Elias looks at the Vigilante but turns away with a grunt, clearly in thought. The Vigilante remains where he is- almost like a statue, with a slight tilt of his head to differentiate him from one. The door can then be heard opening once again as another person enters the room.

Person: I think that’s enough for now, Vigilante. Mr. Hernandez can’t get too worked up.

The Vigilante glances over as the person brushes past him. The Vigilante’s mouth stretches in slight surprise.

Vigilante: You…

Professor Lloyd Richards helps Elias back to the bench and proceeds to check his pressure.

Elias: I already told you, I’m fine. I don’t need anymore check-ups!

Prof. Richards: Yes, you did say that. And what happened last time?

Elias: ...I- I fell over. But that’s besides the point!

Prof. Richards, removing the pressure detector: Relax, this should be one of the last ones. Rest assured.

The Professor sets the device on the table and looks over at the Vigilante- who is still staring at him. He sighs and walks over to the Vigilante, placing a hand on his shoulder as he escorts him from the room.

Prof. Richards: I must apologize. It seems I caught you at a disadvantage. Come, let’s give the patient some room.

The two exit the room and stand in the hallway, as the door closes after them.

Vigilante: What are you doing here, Professor? I thought you wanted to stay in hiding… back in Tennessee.

Prof. Richards: That was… before. I realized that hiding away and not using my gift was a mistake. One that you helped me avoid when I helped you save that young girl.

Vigilante: ...Kate.

Prof. Richards: Yes. And then the invasion happened and I found myself, troubled by what occurred. You see, I see the future- I can see things that are about to happen. So how? How could I live with myself knowing that destruction awaits while I sit about doing nothing to avoid it?

Vigilante: I’m sure you had your reasons.

Prof. Richards: Well- I have my reasons for being here. I decided to move.

Vigilante: Move?

Prof. Richards: Well, yes. To New York. Tennessee was more of a retirement plan but if I want to help people again then this is where I belong. With you, the Helpers. They offered me a position as a consort where I can offer my expertise and assistance whenever you need it.

Vigilante: So you can tell us the future then.

Prof. Richards: Like I said before, my abilities are varied now. They aren’t as strong as they were in my younger years. But, if I can… when I can- then yes. I’ll use my gifts as best I can. To avoid ruin and help those in need. I’ll be honest with you. There is another reason why I wanted to join. It was that young man… John. He was good to me but he- he read my journal. I assume he wanted to change the future, save the life of that young girl. I feel responsible for his passing. I know this won’t bring him back but- I really hope it can help me feel more at ease.

Vigilante: ...It wasn’t your fault. John- He did what he did to save her. To save everyone. And I think he’d be happy to know you’re trying to do the right thing.

Prof. Richards: ...Thank you. I think I really needed to hear that from someone. Well- (clears throat) It’s going to be a grand pleasure working with you as it has been for quite some time now. But now that we are a team, as you might say, then perhaps you could tell me more about our stubborn patient and shed some light on why we’re detaining him.

Vigilante: Uh-

A blue blur then speeds in and Danny appears besides both the Vigilante and Prof. Richards, arms around both their shoulders.

Danny: Oh hey. I saw you guys down the hall and had to race on over. So you two finally met. Awesome!

Vigilante: We’ve met before.

Danny: Re-met. Met again. Y-You know what I mean, heh.

Prof. Richards: I tell you this before. And I must keep saying it over and over again, Daniel. Please, approach me with a little more pace in your step! I’m not as spry as I used to be.

Danny: Sorry, sorry, Professor. You know me! I get a little excited sometimes…

Vigilante: You know the Professor?

Danny: Oh yeah, totally. He’s been helping us out for quite a while now. He has this little house by Greenwich Village and it’s like the coolest place to hang out. Well, y’know, aside from this place.

Prof. Richards: I don’t really see how making conversation over tea and engineering is ‘cool’ but I appreciate the candor, Daniel.

Danny: The Professor understands mechanics better than the others so we always have something to talk about. Plus it helps when something breaks around here.

Vigilante: And it’s not you that’s breaking something?

Danny: Well, that’s the thing about being a mechanic with super speed. You can just fix the stuff that you keep breaking.

Prof. Richards: Astonishing logic, as always, Daniel. Which reminds me- were you not aware of the additional assistance the Helpers get?

Vigilante: Well, there’s Adam. He’s working here, right?

Danny: Oh, you poor, poor thing. He hasn’t got a clue.

Prof. Richards: Well, perhaps, it would be better if you were to educate him. Now, I have more pressing matters to attend to. I shall see you two gentlemen at a later time.

The professor walks off while Danny wraps his around the Vigilante’s shoulder, as the two walk down the hall the way Danny came in.

Danny: So, while the Professor does work with us here, he isn’t the only help we get around here. There are the others.

Vigilante: What do you mean the others?

The scene cuts to the main room where the Helpers are gathered together. The door leading to the halls then opens with the Vigilante and Danny entering. The Vigilante looks up and stops.

Vigilante: What? Really?

Before him, Blaine Winters turns to face him- his brown frock coat flowing with grace before coming down with a gentle descent. Winters gives a cheeky smile- chuckling as he strokes his goatee. He starts walking over to meet with the two that entered.

Blaine: A pleasure again to meet with you, Vigilante.

Vigilante: I’m surprised. I didn’t expect you to come out all the way to the city to help us out.

Blaine: A surprise, you say? I find myself quite full of them. But do not worry, traveling here was not as inconvenient as it may seem.

Danny: Yeah. Apparently, he has a house here too. Well, not a house, more like a-

Vigilante: Shop?

Danny: Yeah, actually. How… How did you know?

The Vigilante glances over at Blaine who chuckles again as a response.

Blaine: You’re more clever than I give you credit for. Working with you as well as the others will definitely be a welcome experience.

Vigilante: You say that like you’re… joining the team or something.

Blaine: Me? Oh no. I couldn’t possibly engage in such actions. At least, for longer than a short while. You have my expertise… I fear that you may be needing it in situations this team will find… quite unusual. However, a position on this team is quite the offer, my child.

Vigilante: I’m sure the others said something already but… we could use some help against this new Incident.

Blaine: Well, allow me to offer you an enthralling substitute.

Blaine grabs the ridge of his coat and steps to the side- his arm extended as to spread out his coat. He then lets out, with his coat returning back to form and a young girl standing behind where he once was. She appears to be a young girl- a teenager- with an outfit type similar to the one Blaine wears. She wears a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves underneath an under-bust corset. She also wears long, black finger less gloves, high knee-socks, dark colonial shoes, a traditional skirt and a leather belt for containing items- including a pouch at the side- over which. Covering her is a blue cloak with a hard to make out design tailored on the inside as she clings to the edges- keeping it close to her. Her hair is black and long with zagged curl coming down from the side of her face and her eyes are hazel.

Drake: Who is she?

Blaine: This is Zara. She’s my daughter.

Jake: While Mr. Winters is going to be working with us as a consultant, his daughter can help out during missions as an actual team member.

Blaine: I want my daughter to join this team because it’ll be good for her to learn how to interact with other people. You see, she’s from a small village outside of the city- she doesn’t get out too often to meet fresh faces.

Vigilante: ...I can relate.

He approaches her but she steps back, uneasy-like. The Vigilante stops and nods subtly. He then turns to Blaine.

Blaine: It may take longer than you think. However, I have no doubt that her abilities will come of great use to this team. I’ve been training her for quite some time now, so that she is ready to use her abilities when she needs them. It’s just- she’s quite reserved and needs the experience to bolster her mettle. I believe all she needs is some motivation- a push, rather- to get her in the right direction and reach her true potential. I believe that push maybe with this team, the Helpers.

Jake: We’ll do what we can but I’m sure it’ll be great to have her alongside us.

Emmett: You mentioned training. What does that entail?

Blaine: Plenty of practice, not to mention a few lessons in the use of sleight of hand. Anything to make her the best at what she can do.

Danny: And what can she do exactly?

Blaine: Essentially, she is capable of the same prowess as myself.

Danny: Y-Yeah, that… didn’t really answer the question.

Blaine: Heh. Needless-to-say, you’ll soon see for yourself. Now I must be off for there are many things that need tending.

Jake takes a step towards Zara and kneels before her.

Jake: Hi. We’re the Helpers. My vigilante name is Defender but you can call me Jake. (points to Emmett) That’s Leviathan (then Fionna) and Ember.

Leviathan smiles while Fionna seems to be studying her with her hand resting against her chin. Zara eyes all three of them before turning away and walking off. Jake looks at the spot where she was standing as if she was still there, only with a slightly exasperated expression. He then looks up and Blaine who scratches the side of his face- almost out of chagrin.

Blaine: It’s uh- natural, I assure you. She’ll grow out of it… eventually.

Jake: R-Right…

Blaine, turning to the door: Well, erm- if any of you should ever need it, you know where to find me.

Vigilante: Do we?

Blaine: Check your palm.

The Vigilante checks his hand and sees a business card there- with an address for Blaine’s Magic Shop printed on the front.

Blaine: And now you do. Take care, everyone. And best of luck, Zara. I’m sure you’ll do well.

Zara watches as her father leaves and turns to the Helpers- whose eyes are now on her. She covers herself with her cloak more and walks away from the team, finding a more isolated place in the main room to stay. The Helpers look among themselves.

Danny: Well, this is going to work out famously.

Fionna: I’m curious about her power. I didn’t get a sense of it around her. Then again, she wouldn’t let us get close to her to begin with.

Vigilante: Blaine works in… bizarre ways. If he says she’ll open up later then we just have to wait.

Jake: Sadly, waiting is something we don’t really have the pleasure of doing. More and more reports are coming in about people suddenly getting powers from their new-found mutations. We have incident reports, assaults that normally would not have happened, some robberies. The city’s seen worse but this has the makings of an upcoming disaster.

Vigilante: A mutant army and then an alien invasion. All of these things were building up and I never saw them coming. But now, now we have a chance to stop this from getting out of hand.

Danny: You really think normal citizens are just going to overthrow an entire city just because they’re Mutants now?

Emmett: Everyone is different but in situations like these, it’s easier to do what you please without the responsibility that comes with all that power. It’s in those moments where people get hurt and lines get crossed.

Fionna: I’ll admit, even in my experience helping fellow Mutants, some have grown tired of repression and other factors- using their powers to lash out or fall for the temptation of just having them. If that can happen to someone who was born with them, I can only imagine what it must feel like to have them instantly given to you, just like that.

Jake: In any case, we should make sure the things that happening now don’t get too extreme. But it’s a big city and there’s only five of us.

Danny: We can take the newbies! That’d be fun, right?

Jake: Come on, that’s too dangerous. We can’t just throw them into the unknown like that; even we don’t know what we’re getting ourselves into. Plus they don’t know anything about how we do things or even what to do when they’re out there. We need to focus on training them, helping them understand what it means to be a vigilante. But we also need to focus on the big picture here: saving the city.

Emmett: So what’s the strategy here?

Jake: We split the team up. Some of go out- do some recon and damage control, we’ll cover what we can. The rest- train the new guys.

Fionna: You really think we need to be focusing on that right now?

Drake: No, Jake has a point. Trouble only just starting breaking out. If it gets worse, we’ll need more than just us helping the city.

Jake: I’ll stay behind. I think as leader of the team, it makes sense to teach them how to be Helpers.

Emmett: I might be able to help as well. I mean, I’m no teacher but learning complicated stuff is sort of in the business. I might be able to brush that off on them. I hope…

Jake: I’m sure you’ll be great.

Danny: Well, that’s two then. Guess Drake and I will hit the field then.

Fionna: What’s that supposed to mean? You think I’m staying behind?

Danny: Hey, you’re the one that seemed interested in their powers.

Fionna: Why don’t you stay and teach them?

Danny: Me teach? I took me a while to get myself back in school. You definitely have more of a-

Fionna: More of a what?

Danny: Wise mentor vibe? I dunno. It was a compliment…

Fionna: It was an attempt. (sigh) Alright, I can stay and teach them if you want, Jake.

Jake: Actually, I had a different idea.

Fionna and Danny turn to Jake- somewhat surprised.

Danny: Wait, you did? Who did you want to stay at Headquarters then?

Jake glances over at the Vigilante. A short moment passes before everyone else looks over at him as well.

Vigilante: What?

Fionna: Drake?

He’s silent for a bit then turns to Jake with a sudden realization.

Vigilante: M-Me?!

Jake: Yeah. I was hoping you’d stay with us and help them out.

Vigilante: ...No.

Jake, surprised: No?

Vigilante: Yeah. I didn’t join up for this.

The Vigilante leaves the room- with the remaining Helpers left behind. Jake follows after, leaving the room as well. In the hallway, the Vigilante takes off his goggles with a frustrated grunt. Jake steps into the hallway and jogs after him.

Jake: Hey. Come on, just hear me out.

Drake: Why me? The city needs help and you want me to stay behind?

Jake: You said this was a good idea. That I had a point. You agreed with me.

Drake: I agreed with the idea… not me actually doing it.

Jake: Look, I understand. You want to help. We all do. It’s in the name, man. But we can’t help those people… the city if we’re underhanded. I’m doing my best out here- everyone is- but… what if it’s not enough? If we can train them… make them Helpers, the city has a better chance at being saved.

Drake: Even if we train them… can we? We’re not adults. We’re not trainers. And I’m not sure if I want to be. Back in the MCA, things were different. My earliest memories were in that place. I was tested on… trained to be the best I can be, to use my forms as weapons.

Jake: I didn’t know. When they trained me… it felt like I was getting some purpose again, y’know? After waking up in a world I didn’t know with a power I never had, learning to control it was like learning to fit in. I’m not really sure how to explain but I think a big part of that was Owens. Even though he wasn’t the Owens you knew, he was the one that I got to know.

Drake: I guess it just shows how much things have changed. Owens changed, it didn’t seem like that at first but I guess he really did. We all did… even me.

Jake: ...Things don’t have to be the way they were for you. The MCA was what we were. The Director gave us a chance to be something better so we can really save the city. And now that we’re Helpers- we can give that chance to them too.

Drake: ...Alright. I’ll train them. I trust the others to do what they can.

Jake: Thanks. Seriously… making calls like that are never as easy as I make them look. (beat) Come on, let’s get to the training room- the others know what to do.

Jake walks on ahead.

Drake: You go without me. There’s… something I have to do first.

The scene cuts back to the room with Elias staring ahead at the wall. The sound of the door opening is heard but Elias doesn’t flinch. A moment of silence passes by before he sighs to himself.

Elias: What do you want?

In the- still open- doorway, the Vigilante stands- looking ahead at Elias.

Vigilante: Your answer.

Elias: Why? You said you didn’t trust me.

Vigilante: We can... work on that. I want to trust you.

Elias, glancing over: Huh?

Vigilante: You saved me… you saved Kate. You were a help to us then. All I’m asking is if you’ll be a help to us now.

Elias: I feel like this is going to come full circle back to Reeves.

Vigilante: It might. He started this, remember? But this isn’t about him right now. The city is in danger and will be in more danger if we can’t handle the situation. If you won’t do it for us, then you could just do it for them. The people who didn’t ask for powers and the people who are victims because of it.

Elias turns to gaze down at the floor- hands laying against his knees. The Vigilante continues watching him for quite some time before speaking.

Vigilante: I see.

A pause.

Vigilante: I understand.

He turns back to the way he came and starts stepping outside.

Elias: Wait.

He stops.

Elias: You can show me how to control my powers? So I can use it to help others?

Vigilante: ...Yes.

Elias had been glancing at the Vigilante after he had asked his question. And now he turns his head back down- only now, he’s looking down at his hand; holding it with the other. His fingers then curl up into a fist and his face tightens ever so slightly. With a sudden jerk, he turns and rushes to his feet- fists clenched and his voice almost as a shout.

Elias: Alright! I’m in.

The Vigilante turns to the side and looks over at Elias.

Elias: Besides, you still owe me for saving your behind back at the facility.

A smile grows on his face- like a sly smirk with teeth showing.

Elias: Teaching me how to control my powers is the least you can do. (chuckle)

Vigilante: Hmph. Alright then. Let’s get ready.

Elias: Huh? Ready for what?

Vigilante: Ready for training.

The Vigilante leaves the room, walking ahead into the view; which acts as a transition to a wide and open room. The white walls appear to have a hexagon-like pattern. The floors- however- are still white but have square patterns with thick black lines to separate them apart.

Helper Headquarters: Training Room
March 18, 12:32 EDT

In the room- close to what appears to be a golden entryway- are three individuals in blue tracksuits; Emma, Zara and Elias. However, their positions are rather different with Zara being close to the entryway door, Emma being somewhat in the middle and Elias close to the edge of the golden plating that separates the entryway floor from the actual training grounds. Elias performs some leg exercises while Emma glances over at him.

Elias: You’ve got something to say or are you gonna keep checking me out?

Emma: Wha-! Hey, I wasn’t checking you out, you jerk!

Elias: You were trying to see what type of person I am. You were checking for details. That’s what I meant. (turns to Emma) What did you think I was saying?

Emma, blushing: Uh- well, um… I thought you were insinuating something.

Elias: Oh yeah? Well just don’t assume things about me. Really pisses me off.

Emma, under her breath: Well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine…

Elias: Did you just say something?!

Emma, caught off guard: Uh-

Voice: Alright, that’s enough, you two.

Emma looks ahead and Elias turns his head with a snarl. Coming up to the edge of the entryway, a pair of boots step forward before stopping. The view then raises up, showing off Jake in his Defender gear.

Defender: We don’t have a lot of time for this so let’s make the most of it, alright?

Emma: Yes, of course. S-sorry.

Elias: ...I thought we were being trained by the Vigilante.

Defender: You’re being trained by some vigilantes. That’s what matters.

Elias: (scoff) Right…

Defender: There’s going to be three of us, Helpers, training you three, recruits. Since our teaching styles might be a little different, I figured we take turns with training: giving you all an idea of what it means to be Helpers.

Emma: What type of training is it, anyways?

Jake: Well, that depends on the trainer. As for me, I think we should start off with some basic exercises to see just what you can do.

Elias, pounding his fist in his hand: Heh! No sweat. This’ll be a piece of cake.

Emma rolls her eyes just before the scene cuts to a moment later where some targets are set up towards the back of the training room, all of which appear to be hand-drawn in somewhat of a rush. One of which appears to be a Xyrion, another appears to be an Infinite Darkness soldier while the third appears to be Anton Reeves. Defender stands at the side of the room with his arms crossed.

Defender: Alright, the targets are all set. Now just use your powers to knock ‘em down.

Elias: Seriously, that’s your training?

Defender: Hey, I’m giving you the space to do what you want. Besides, that also means you can be creative with how you fight. Not everything is just punches and kicks. Sometimes you need a combo move or two to get the job done.

Emma: That does sound nice but I mean- those targets could look better.

Defender: Yeah well, we had Velocity take care of that before he left. It was finished pretty quick though... probably too quick but it gets the job done. Besides, it was either this or this some old punching bag that drops stuff every time you hit it.

Emma: I think I’d rather that actually…

Defender: Well, we can stand around talking about it or we could make something of this. Training starts now. Let’s see you guys got!

Defender looks over at a wide window and nods. Behind the glass, in a control room of sorts, Emmett- in his Leviathan gear, minus the helmet- activates the controls. The targets at the back of the room then reel ahead as the recruits get into place. Emma looks up ahead with her eyes widening as her target approaches quickly.

Emma, in a panicked tone: Uh! I don’t actually have any powers anymore!

Defender: Huh?

Emma: Wait, wait, wait! Eek!

She holds out her hands but the Xyrion target slams right into her, knocking her down to the ground.

Emma: Gah!

She groans for a moment as she lays against her side. Some laughter can then be heard causing her to turn over, onto her chest and glance up- seeing Elias holding his stomach and bellowing out a laugh whilst also pointing directly at her.

Elias: Ha! You should’ve seen yourself. It was WHACK! (laughs) Seriously, you really gotta keep your guard up, girlie.

Just as he says that, the Anton Reeves target collides with Elias- knocking him back.

Emma: Ha! Now how does it feel?

Elias holds his side with his other hand and glances in anger at the target. His eyes then start to glow a bright green whilst the scars on his hands and face stretch open and radiate with light. He then- almost instinctively- charges ahead and strikes the target, snapping it in half with small pieces of the target flying outwards. Emma looks ahead, shocked. Zara- in the corner- watches carefully.

Defender: Heh. Nice work.

Elias starts to calm himself- taking a breath as his scars close up and his eyes return to normal. What looks like steam comes off from his fist and fades away soon after the attack he delivered.

Elias, looking down at what remains of the target: ...Is that all you’ve got? That was nothing.

Defender: Oh there’s more. We’ll keep at this for a bit so you can get used to your powers… or just y’know general combat.

Emma, getting up: R-Right. I get it…

Defender seems a little unsure of himself but then glances at something else, causing him to gasp.

Defender: Hey, you didn’t even line up. We can’t overlook you… even if you want us to, Zara.

Emma and Elias turn to Zara who takes a step back, clutching the edges of her tracksuit.

Emma: Hey, you can do it. I’m sure it’s not as bad as my attempt.

Elias: Please, nothing can be as bad as that.

Emma: Hey! A little sympathy here?

Elias: Just hurry up already… I wanna get through these tests and face the man himself, the Vigilante.

Defender: You’ll get your chance. Right now, let’s not jump the gun here. Anyways, you ready, Zara?

Zara looks off to the side with great hesitation but turns to the start of the railing where the targets reel down from. She approaches the edge and gives a short nod to Defender.

Defender: Alright then…

He looks up at the window and waves his hand. Drake watches Zara approach the starting position. He turns to Emmett, manning the controls.

Drake: You sure this is going to work out? Zara doesn’t even want to be here and you two forgot that Emma doesn’t have any powers.

Emmett: H-Hey, come on. We didn’t forget- we just didn’t anticipate it when it came to a training room. I’ll have to make some modifications.

Drake: You?

Emmett: Well, Danny, Jake and I. Not to mention Adam, of course.

Drake: Danny’s a technician so it makes sense and Adam uses computers. I guess your hand in resources is what’s really helping here.

Emmett: And I know how to input stuff. I’m not a caveman, y’know.

Drake: Still. I didn’t think Jake would be into the whole technology thing.

Emmett: Jake’s actually been learning a bunch of traits while you were away, including computers. I guess as a way of controlling that device on his arm better. Anyway, time to test out Zara’s powers.

Drake: Makes me think… what could they be?

Emmett punches in some commands and the target starts to reel down towards Zara. She closes her eyes and takes a breath. Her hands rise up and her fingers arrange themselves into strange positions. Her eyes then open sharply and her twists her hands outwards, delivering a bolt of raw energy from her fingertips. It impacts with the target and destroys it completely before it can reel out any further. Everyone, including Elias, watch with wide eyes and looks of surprise as Zara curls her fingers, places her hand to her chest then holds it with her other one.

Defender: Wow… I mean- uh, yeah- let’s uh- let’s take a break. Gotta reset those targets, right?

He says that last question with some nervous chuckling. Zara glances over at Emma and Elias but turns away after seeing their stares. Emma and Elias then glance at each other but Elias turns away, leaving Emma by herself. The scene then cuts over to a moment later where the recruits are standing in the same area, still in different positions but closer this time. The trainer is now Leviathan, fully suited this time.

Leviathan: Alright, recruits. You guys ready for your training?

Emma: I can’t believe I’m working with Leviathan. I heard about your good work in Pennsylvania.

Leviathan: Thank you but this session is about you three, not me and my accomplishments.

Elias: I couldn’t care less about that place but you gotta admit he is pretty powerful.

Leviathan: Uh gee… thanks.

Back in the control room, Jake is manning the controls this time whilst Drake remains where he was.

Drake: Aren’t we supposed to be training them? Feels like they’re just… uh what’s the word?

Jake: Spoiling him?

Drake: Yeah, that.

Jake: Heh, you know if you hold yourself like he does, you’d be getting that praise too.

Drake: I’m not doing this for the praise, Jake.

Jake: I know. You’re in it for the justice. That’s why we’re all here, y’know.

He glances down at the recruits talking to Leviathan.

Jake: That’s why they’re here.

Drake: No. They’re here for different reasons.

Jake, turning to Drake: Huh? What do you mean?

Drake: Emma is here to help but she’s obviously here because of her brother.

Jake: John… Right, that makes sense.

Drake: Yeah… John…

Jake: Well, uh- what about the others then?

Drake: The others… Zara, well- she’s here because of her father. He wants her to change but change doesn’t happen like that. If she’s really going to belong here, she needs to find something. Something that keeps her grounded, I guess.

Jake: What was your thing?

Drake: ...It was someone actually.

Jake: Huh. And Elias?

Drake: I don’t know but I’m going to find out.

Jake: Oh yeah? Planning on filling me in.

Drake, looking at the window: You’ll see.

He keeps staring out the window, specifically at Elias. The scene cuts back to Leviathan, talking to the recruits.

Leviathan: As for your training, well- Defender had you testing out what you can do, what you’re capable of. Now I want you to use that against someone. Against me.

Elias: You want us to fight you?

Leviathan: No, of course not. I want you to show you can do. I’m definitely the most durable person here so I can take a few hits. There’s a saying you know! If you want others to succeed, then you have to take some hits for them.

Emma: Yeah but I don’t think they meant it literally.

Elias, quietly to himself: What’s wrong with these guys.

Leviathan: I heard that.

Elias: Erk! Don’t tell me… you have super hearing too?!

Leviathan: No, it’s just an isolated room. Besides, the wall panels are made from a specialized material that resonates with sonar and light properties. With the right frequencies, it can simulate images and sounds, making them appear almost realistically.

Emma: Huh, so in theory, they should be able to create simulations of locations for you to practice in.

Leviathan: Exactly. Now you guys can check it out.

Elias: How does that help?

Leviathan: Different situations can lead to different results. If you’re trying to negotiate with someone, maybe they have the upper hand in a location they’re familiar with or if they’re trying to escape they might have hidden areas known to them but not to you. Alternatively, combat is based on location as well. Fighting in the air is not as easy as fighting on the ground. Getting used to these changes is a great way of not getting accustomed to the same setting. Because that- makes you static and your opponent can easily take advantage of you if you stay in the same place for too long.

Emma: I wish I could take notes.

Elias: I wish we could get started already.

Leviathan: Heh. Be careful what you wish for. Alright, let’s get started. Give me your best shot, guys!

Emma approaches Leviathan, hesitantly.

Emma: I don’t uh-

Leviathan: That’s okay. I know a Helper or two without Mutant abilities. Doesn’t mean I can’t train you though.

Emma: Really?

Leviathan: Square up.

Emma: Hm?

Leviathan: Come on, square up.

Emma readies herself with some hesitation. She holds up her arms.

Leviathan: You enter a fight against a big guy like me. What do you do?

Emma: I uh- punch you?

Leviathan: You could. You could do that but why? Why would you do that?

Emma: Well it’s just- it’s combat, right?

Leviathan: You could get hurt. Sometimes, retreating isn’t pretty but it could be helpful. But here’s a trick you can do for someone bigger than you. Footwork, if a big guy isn’t as advanced in fighting than they probably don’t have great footwork. Go on, try for my legs.

Emma: A-Alright.

She kicks at his leg- still with some pause- and Leviathan goes with it, dropping down to one knee.

Emma: Oh, um- are you alright. I didn’t mean to-

Leviathan: Come on, it’s fine. I’m taken worse hits.

Emma: Of course you have, um- sorry.

Leviathan: It’s fine. So I’m on my knee. Head at arm's length. You could hit me in a sensitive spot like the neck but I wouldn’t recommend- The neck plating is made from a carbon fiber plating.

Emma: I guess that would explain the flexibility and rigidness. Quite the ratio for neck support.

Leviathan: Well, we have the resources. You really know your stuff.

Emma: But not about combat… apparently.

Leviathan: That’s uh- what the training is for. Alright, who’s next?

Elias: Me.

Elias steps up.

Leviathan: You know how to fight?

Elias: Oh yeah. Street rules, man.

Leviathan: Well then, let’s try somewhere that isn’t the street.

Leviathan raises his hand, showing two fingers. Jake works the controls and, soon enough, the hexagons on the walls reveal a hidden sneaker behind them which lets out a frequency. The lights next to the speaker shine outwards, simulating an image. Within the minute, the walls project the illusion of some type of lab and a bunch of robotic armor displayed around the area.

Elias: What in the world is this place?

Leviathan: Just a research facility from an old friend of mine.

Elias: Is that some kind of flex on how many resources you have?

Leviathan: It’s to put you in a place you’re not familiar with. As a Helper, we may have to go from city to city to help people out. And with each city comes, well, a bunch of unexpected places we might end up fighting in.

Elias: In the streets, in a lab, doesn’t matter- a punch is a punch and you’re about to it!

Elias strikes against Leviathan’s chest but he ends up recoiling his hand back and holding it with a good amount of pressure.

Elias: Agh! What are you made of?! Steel?

Leviathan: You’re not focusing on using your power.

Elias: Should I? Shouldn’t this stuff come naturally to me or something?

Leviathan: It should but there’s also a level of control that you need to use. Otherwise, you’ll be using your power left and right without any end. For you, it looks like you need some concentration in order to harness it or your punches will fall flat.

Elias: Look, this isn’t working. Guess there’s point in continuing this training.

Leviathan: Giving up already?

Elias: Hey, I don’t give up. I just can’t do it.

Leviathan: Can’t. Or won’t?

Elias: I see what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to get me all worked up but you can forget it. I’m not breaking my hand over this.

Elias turns his back to Leviathan and starts to walk away but Leviathan gets him a slight push- nearly knocking him off his feet.

Leviathan: We’re here to train. If you’re not willing to push ahead then you need a push yourself. Otherwise, you won’t make it.

Elias’ back then starts to glow with a green light as his scars open up. He then turns sharply to Leviathan.

Elias: Alright, that’s it!

Elias runs up to him with a fist at the ready. Leviathan throws up his arm, which is soon struck by Elias’ clenched up fist as it impacts. The impact, itself, creates a force strong enough to push him back by a bit. Elias catches his breath as steam blows from his fist and his scars close up again. He then looks ahead and sees Leviathan lower his arm and look ahead at him. Leviathan’s stern expression is soon replaced by a smirk and chuckle afterwards.

Leviathan: Nice work. I knew you had it in you.

Elias: ...Yeah, well- Of course I have it. I just gotta work on making it not come out like a reflex or whatever it is.

Leviathan: Like I said, that’s what the training is for. But first-

He looks over at Zara who hesitantly approaches after being called out. She readies herself as Elias moves to the side.

Leviathan: Are you ready to start? Remember, hit me with all you’ve got and don’t hold back.

Zara holds up her hands close to her chest with great hesitation. Her face crunches up a little uncomfortably. Leviathan sighs and loosens his stance.

Leviathan: It’s alright. You don’t have to go easy on me. I can take whatever you’ve got.

Zara seems to loosen up herself a little and closes her eyes, as she takes a breath. Leviathan grins and steps back into his previous stance. She then draws her hands outwards as energy encircles them. She opens her eyes as the energy grows in power and takes a step forward- blasting ahead with a bolt of her power. The energy bolt cracks forward as Leviathan throws up his arm, however- as the energy continues reaching him- his eyes widen and mouth grows agap. Once the energy impacts, a power pulsates from the hit with enough force to knock Leviathan off his feet as he flies backwards. He then crashes against the ground and rolls over, a faint smoke coming off of his costume. Elias and Emma step a step forward in surprise then look at each other with unbelieving expressions. Zara treads back slightly and covers her mouth, sheepishly. His body seems to close in as her arms and legs move closer together. Leviathan raises his arm, giving a frail thumbs up.

Leviathan: I’m okay… ugh… nice one.

Back in the control room, Jake sighs in relief and adjusts the controls.

Jake: I guess we’ll give him a few minutes to catch his breath before they continue with their training session. Then it’s all you, Dr-

Jake turns over to Drake who is already leaving the room. Jake’s expression changes from smirking to slight surprise.

Jake: You’re leaving already? But you’ve still got some time until you’re up.

Drake: Yeah but I’ve seen what I need to.

Jake: You’ve seen their powers, sure. But- you could learn a lot from seeing how they talk to each other. It’s good to know everything you can. It’s better than waking up and not knowing anything at all… I should know.

Drake: That might be the case for you but for me, it’s different.

Jake: Just giving some advice. So what are you gonna do now?

Drake: Prepare for training. But once we’re done, we’re done. We don’t have a lot of time to waste. Remember, the city needs us.

Jake: ...It needs them too, Drake.

Drake: Hmph. We’ll see about that.

Drake then leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Jake sighs to himself then turns back to face the window- looking into the training room. As he adjusts the controls once more, the scene fades over to a later scene where the three recruits are approaching the training room. Elias strides ahead, looking uninterested, while Emma walks forward, hiding her unease, and Zara threading not far behind them, keeping to herself but also watching them intently.

Emma: This is the last training session. Against the Vigilante, himself.

Elias: About time, if you ask me.

Emma: Don’t tell me you didn’t learn anything at all.

Elias: All I know is when I face the Vigilante, that’s when I’ll really learn something. All I have to do is beat him and I’ll be a Helper.

Emma: I don’t think it works that way actually.

Elias: Whatever. You’ll see.

The three of them then enter the training room and- square in the middle of the room- stands the Vigilante, looking ahead at them coming from the entryway.

Vigilante: It took you three long enough to get here.

Elias: What’s the big deal? We’re here now.

Vigilante: I’ll tell you what we’re dealing with here. The city is suffering. People are mutating and the situation is getting more out of control by the minute. People are getting hurt and we don’t have any time to waste. So if you don’t learn anything, if you don’t prove yourselves- then this would be nothing but a waste of time.

Emma: Hey, we’re not going to let that be the case.

Elias: Yeah, you can stop trying to scare us off and actually train us already.

Vigilante: Fine. You want training? I’ll give you training. When you’re in a fight, you need to take your enemy down- fast and hard. You have to watch their movements and act based on them. So that’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to take down your enemy- all three of you together.

Emma: ...Wait, who are we fighting?

Vigilante: Me.

Emma: You?! We can’t fight you… can we?

Elias: No arguments from me.

Emma: He’s the Vigilante. The Vigilante. He’s not some thug on a street corner.

Elias: Neither am I. I have powers now so just wait ‘till he sees what I can do with ‘em.

Vigilante: I don’t see you moving. Come on already.

Elias: Heh. Just you watch!

Elias squats down and runs ahead- charging towards the Vigilante.

Emma: Wait, shouldn’t we come up with a plan.

Elias: This is my plan!

Elias prepares a fist while the Vigilante tightens his grimace. He then side steps Elias- dodging him completely. Elias stops and turns towards the Vigilante.

Vigilante: You left yourself open and came at me with no back up. Not a great plan.

Elias: Who asked you?

Elias swings for the Vigilante again but he back-steps again- then again- dodging each of his sluggish strikes.

Vigilante: You’re weighing yourself down instead of lunging at me. You punch just to hit something, not to hit someone.

Elias: Shut it already!

Elias swings with his other arm- more quicker and fiercer- but the Vigilante catches it with his hand, tightening his grip on it. He then pushes ahead- forcing Elias to drop to his knee.

Vigilante: You need focus or you’re just going to fail.

Elias, struggling: I- won’t fail!

His fist then starts to glow green with energy. The Vigilante then lets go and backs away as Elias slams his fist into the ground- the force from the impact is enough to knock him back. Elias looks up, taking a breath as the sizzle fades from his fist. Emma rushes over- helping Elias to his feet.

Emma: Are you alright?

Elias: Are you kidding me? I’m fine! I just took down the biggest vigilante in the city.

Vigilante, unseen: Keep telling yourself that.

Elias and Emma look ahead as the smoke clears. A scale shield is then seen before then as it moves away to show an unscathed Vigilante. He gets up and reverts to his normal form as he approaches the two. However, as he continues moving forward, a crackling sound is heard- catching his attention. The Vigilante turns his head and side steps away as a blast of energy cracks through the air and just nearly misses him. He now curves his glance at Zara whose hands glow with energy. He then squints beneath his goggles and runs towards her. She sharply inhales and quickly concentrates on focusing the energy into her hands once again. She then opens her eyes and shoots out the energy once again- which whips around before impacting with the floor before her- missing the Vigilante. The Vigilante then jumps forward and forms his Fire Fists form, before slamming his hand down against the floor- releasing a wave of heat. Zara falls over from the heat and appears out of breath, as sweat rolls down her cheek. As the Vigilante rises from the punch, Elias charges for him- with a yell. The Vigilante reverts his arm back to normal and, with a swift motion, he reaches out and grabs Elias’ arm with both hands. He then pulls him ahead and spins around before throwing him ahead. Emma runs towards them but stops short as Elias is flung right at her. She tries moving away but can’t avoid his body crashing into hers.

Emma, weakly: Ugh…

Elias lifts up from Emma and glares at the Vigilante across from him. He glances back at Emma- seeing her unresponsive. He then turns to face the Vigilante once more. He then clenches his fist- with his body shuddering and soon glowing as his scars expand. His heel then turns as he pushes off from the ground and races towards the Vigilante, with another punch ready. This time with power coursing through his arm. The Vigilante stands still, grunts then rushes towards Elias as well. The two run forward at one another with Elias trying his punch out at the Vigilante who jumps over him. Elias’ punch then falters as he tries to regain his balance. He turns around- swinging his arm at the Vigilante- only for him to grab his arm once again and throw him into the ground. Elias grunts out in pain. The Vigilante then steps on his chest.

Vigilante: Ready to give up?

Elias tries to use his power again but it does not seem to work for him this time around. He then loses the strength to press against the Vigilante’s weight and drops his arms to the floor. The Vigilante’s face tightens before he steps off from Elias.

Vigilante: That’s what I thought. We’re done here. Now we can stop wasting time and focus on the city.

The Vigilante walks off towards the exit. Elias presses off from the floor and looks at the Vigilante leaving.

Defender, over the speaker: Alright… that uh- was a good effort, guys.

Emma looks up from the ground, a weak expression on her face.

Defender, over the speaker: We’ll pick this up later.

Elias then slams his fist against the floor and the scene cuts over to one of the bedrooms in the building. The walls and floors are metallic-like but there are posters and carpets to give it a comfortable atmosphere. Within the room is a desk lamp beside the bed, some bookshelves- completely filled and a wooden desk. On the desk, there’s a laptop, some stacks of paper, a pen, a DVD with an egg on the cover, and some small trinkets that appear either slightly burnt or damaged; adding to their condition, there also appears to be specs of rust and wornness.

Jake’s Quarters
Helper Headquarters
March 18, 18:22 EDT

Jake sits at the desk, glancing over at the screen which shows footage of the city. He sighs then turns to the book in his hand. The title of the book, itself, is “Adolescent Behavior and Other Studies”. Just then, there’s a knock at the door.

Jake, turning from his book: It’s open.

The mechanical door slides open and the Vigilante steps inside with the door soon closing behind him.

Vigilante: Hey.

Jake: Hey. What’s going on?

Vigilante: I just went out on a patrol.

Jake: You’re supposed to be training these guys, Drake.

Vigilante: Yeah, well, I needed to see how the city was doing instead of staying here training.

He says this with some emotion. Jake sits there, watching him, only for the Vigilante to take a breath. He reaches for his goggles and lowers them so they rest at his collar.

Drake: I just needed to do something. Staying here while people are out there suffering because of something I failed to stop… (grunts) it makes me feel trapped. It’s… It’s…

Jake: Annoying?

Drake: ...No. Another word.

Jake takes a moment, thinking to himself before looking over at Drake.

Jake: Frustrating?

Drake: ...Yeah. Frustrating.

Jake: Look, I get it. I wanna help too. That’s just who we are. But rushing into things can make things go south pretty bad. Believe me, I’ve been thinking it over all day now. If all this training is even worth it.

Drake: And?

Jake: ...I don’t know. I don’t know if it will be. I can only believe it will. I’m the leader. I have to come up with all these plans and I don’t know if they’ll work or not. But it’s because I’m leader that they have to work. The team is relying on me and the city is relying on us.

Drake: I’m not questioning you as a leader. But it’s like you said, the city is relying on us. Us, the Helpers.

Jake: And if we can’t help? That’s why we need them, Drake. Because sometimes the regular team just isn’t enough. A whole city was mutated overnight and until we get a full report from Danny and Fionna, we don’t know what we’re up against. And I can’t take that chance.

Drake: ...Then we’ll wait. We’ll train. I trust you.

Jake: Thanks. But do you trust yourself?

Drake: What do you mean?

Jake: You said you weren’t going to treat them like how you were treated. But I wouldn’t even call it a fight… more like a beating.

Drake: Fighting me is a challenge but it’s not a danger. Out there, there’s the danger. When they overcome the challenge, then they’ll be ready for the danger. If they can’t get past me then they shouldn’t be out there.

Jake: Drake, I don’t know if you know this but you’re a pretty powerful person. One of them just got their powers the other day, one of them doesn’t even have powers and the third- well- we don’t even know what her powers are. Maybe you’re too much of a challenge for them.

Drake: Then what do I do?

Jake: I don’t know. I’m not saying you’re wrong- I mean we all have our own ways of doing things and heck, sometimes it works. But if you’re going to give them a challenge, they need to be up for it.

Drake glances off to the side, with thought. He then turns to the door and starts to leave the room.

Jake: Going out again?

Drake: Yeah. But this time it’s for the training.

Jake: What do you have in mind?

Drake: ...I don’t know. But I know someone who does.

The scene then cuts over to a different room; specifically, the room where Elias had been staying. Inside, Elias is packing up his personal belongings in a duffel bag. He turns to exit the room as soon as possible. As he steps into the hallway, he looks up and stops in his tracks. Zara is there- in the hallway- watches him leave his room. Elias freezes on the spot, eyes slightly widened.

Elias: What? What are you looking at?

Zara remains silent as she keeps watching him.

Elias: So what if I’m leaving. What’s it to you? You gonna tell on me?

Zara keeps standing there, observing him silently. Elias lets out a sigh and clenches his duffel bag strap before glancing off to the side.

Elias: Fine. Do whatever you want. But I’m leaving either way.

Elias turns to walk off down the hallway. But after a few steps, he stops and looks back at Zara. She remains there in the hall, watching him leave.

Elias: What?

Zara glances off to the side but steels herself to look back at Elias. She then approaches him until she is besides him. Elias cocks an eyebrow but she just looks ahead. A few seconds pass as Elias scratches his head in thought before being struck by some kind of realization.

Elias: Oh. Oh! You want to leave too, don’t you?

Zara presses her lips together and simply turns to face him with a hard look.

Elias: Alright. You can tag along. But I don’t want you doing something stupid and getting us caught, got it?

Emma, unseen: Caught doing what?

They both turn ahead and see Emma standing before them, blocking the hall with her arms crossed.

Elias: Aw crap…

Elias glares at her and starts looking down not wanting her to know where he is going.

Emma: And… where do you think you’re going?

Elias: It’s none of your business. So, just go back to the others already.

Emma: I know you’re hiding something… so just tell me now, or I will alert the others.

Elias looks at Emma and sighs, with the look of annoyance. . He scratches his a little bit and then folds his arms deciding to tell her what he plans on doing. Elias doesn’t know how she would react, however he still tells her so she can stop asking him.

Elias: Fine, we’re heading out to fight some real enemies instead of sitting around here all day.

Emma: What? You can’t do that. You can get in trouble.

Elias: With you? These guys? They’re not my parents, and neither are you so quit being so overbearing.

Emma: I’m being overbearing because I’m trying to keep us together. We’re supposed to be training to be heroes.

Elias: (scoff) You think we’re actually learning anything here? These guys aren’t heroes, they’re vigilantes. They break the law to do whatever they want, so why can’t we do the same? Besides, you weren’t doing so hot during our “training session”.

Emma steps back, in slight surprise.

Elias: Yeah, that’s what I thought. Come on, Zara, let’s go.

Elias takes a step forward.

Emma: Stop!

Elias looks at her but takes another step.

Emma: I mean it! They might be a bunch of vigilantes to you but they were everything to my brother. I owe them for helping him… for helping me. Now if they’re going to train us then we need to stay and train. This isn’t for them… it’s for the city.

Elias: Yeah, that’s what I thought. But the Vigilante just kicked my butt- all of ours- and they call it training. They’re just using us. If they really wanted to save the city, they would have done it already.

Emma: It doesn’t work like that. They need us to-

Elias: Would you just stop lying to yourself? Look at you. You have no powers, no experience, you have nothing to offer. Why else would they keep you here? You’re a lost cause and they either feel pity for you or just see you as a joke. I’m not about that life. So you can keep standing around in this hallway, pretending you’re special but I’m heading out to the real world, making real change.

Elias walks past her as she stands there- shaking slightly. Zara glances over at her as she continues standing there, holding herself.

Elias: You coming or what?

Zara looks back over Elias and sighs. She then follows after him. A moment passes before Emma reaches out to the wall, placing her hand on it- only to slip. She then drops to the floor, finding it hard to breath. Tears drop from her eyes and onto the floor as her vision begins to blur.

Emma: I’m not… worthless. I’m- (struggling to even speak) I’m a Helper. I’m-

She looks at her hand as it starts shaking. Her arm then begins to pulsate as it enlarges. The changes continue down to her hand which twitches as it grows. Her nerves pulse outwards as her body mutates more.

Emma, her voice becoming more distorted: I’m- I’M-

A door slides open and Leviathan walks out.

Leviathan: Hey, what’s going on? I heard some noise out… here? Emma, is that you?

He walks over to her, struggling against the floor.

Emma: Go away…

Leviathan: You don’t sound so good. Do you need some help?

Emma: NO! I don’t want your help. I’m not helpless. I’M A HELPER!

She then swings around, striking Leviathan away with an enlarged arm. He hits the wall and lets out a groan as a shadow overcomes him. He raises his head and weakly opens his eyes. His eyes widen as he backs closer to the wall. A low growling is heard across from him.

Mutated Voice: I’m a- I’M A-

Before him, a mutated version of Emma with grey-blue skin, gills where her eyes should be, long dark claws- three fingers each, two toes, small spikes on his elbows and back. She’s gained in stature but since she’s hunched over, her head isn’t hitting the ceiling. The creature where Emma was once standing breaths in and out heavily as it stands in the hall. It looks at Leviathan with what looks like a teary human pupil filled with sorrow in her mutated gills before it flickers away as the mutation finally settles in. She then grabs her head and lashes out with a roar.

Mutant Emma: MONSTER!

She then lunges ahead and bolts down the hallway on all fours as Leviathan watches in surprise. He tries to get up but groans in pain, holding his side. He then uneasily reaches for the side of his helmet.

Leviathan: We need the building on lock down. We have an outbreak in the facility. I repeat, we have an outbreak in the facility!

The scene cuts over to the main room, where Adam is then seen rushing over to his laptop. He frantically types against the keyboard and hits the space bar. Soon enough, the windows start to lock down with a metallic barrier but- before they can- the mutated Emma bursts through the window at the end of the hallway and leaps across the way and over onto the rooftop of the building next to the Headquarters. The windows then lock- with the exception of the broken one. Leviathan is then seen making his way over to the window- still holding his side. He looks down at the rooftop, seeing the mutated Emma fleeing from the scene.

Adam, over the comms: I activated the lock down. Is everyone alright? What happened?

Leviathan: ...Emma happened.

Adam, over the comms: Is she in danger?!

Leviathan: I don’t know. But I know one thing for certain. Emma does have powers.

Adam, over the comms: How do you know?

Leviathan: Because she just mutated right in front of me.

The scene cuts once more to the streets of the city. They’re pretty desolate with small pieces of debris here and there. Elias and Zara walk together, remaining silent as they continue to their unknown destination. Zara walks with a calm presence but Elias, on the other hand, appears impatient with their situation.

Elias, breaking the silence: Gah. We should’ve been there by now. I know they’re around here somewhere. I just- (sigh)

Zara stops and glances over at Elias. She then looks up and sees the upper level of a parking garage that’s besides them. She then grabs his sleeve and tugs on it- also grabbing his attention.

Elias: What?

Zara points up at the upper level.

Elias, looking over: What? It’s just a- wait… we should be able to see them from up there. Come on! We don’t have time to lose.

Elias rushes into the parking garage with Zara delivering a flat expression. She then nonchalantly follows after him. A moment passes before Elias reaches the top- which is clear of any people with a few cars and trucks parks up top. He stops for breath and bends down, leaning on his knees. He then stands back up to see Zara standing before him.

Elias: Gah! Don’t-! (lowering his voice) scare me like that.

Zara looks at him with a certain look.

Elias: What’s up? You found something?

Zara turns to the ledge where Elias looks over to. He then heads over and kneels down by the ledge, looking out, as Zara soon joins him. A distance away, a small enclave can be seen between some abandoned looking buildings. The enclave is lit with decor and graffiti- like a little hideaway. Some people can be seen coming in and out, specifically thugs. Elias squints as his face hardens. Zara glances down and sees his fist clenched and shaking from the pressure. She then reaches out and places her hand on his own. Elias flinches slightly but calms down when he realizes it’s only her.

Elias: Sorry. I’m just- I’m just going through some things.

They sit in silence once again. Elias then looks around the area- seeing apartment buildings, playgrounds and small stores.

Elias: I grew up here. We used to play at the swings when we were kids. (scoff) But I was always the first at the monkey bars. There were nice days with ice cream and friends and… and family being there, altogether. But then the problems happened. Crimes started rising, people… people I knew got hurt really bad. And those friends I used to play with? They started acting a lot less friendly. It was rough but it toughened me up.

He looks at his arm, seeing the scars he’s gotten.

Elias: I hated the fighting at first… but I don’t have powers. I don’t leap rooftops and I don’t save people for a living. Fighting on the street, it’s the one thing I can do to keep those I care about safe. But it just kept getting harder and harder for us when the Incident happened. But the Vigilante shows up- starts fighting Mutants and taking down criminals. I think he’s going to help us out but he never comes.

He looks over at Zara.

Elias: He never saved us… (glancing away) he never saved me.

He falls silent once again as Zara keeps watching him.

Elias: So when I get an offer to get some powers and help people, I take that chance as soon as I can. It just so happens the guy who gave it to me is a criminal. So what does that make me? A bad guy?! (scoff) Now that I have powers, I’m going to teach these gangsters not to mess with me or my family. I’ll show them who the real bad guy is.

He turns to look at Zara again, who is still looking at him. He then glances away and sighs.

Elias: Sorry. I don’t know why I just dumped that all on ya. It’s just… one of those days, y’know?

He places his hands over his face and groans.

Zara: Yeah, I understand...

Elias lowers his hands slowly and glances over at Zara. She’s still looking at him but is leaning more comfortably now.

Elias: ...You- talked?

Zara: ...Yeah, I can talk. So can you, right?

Elias: Yeah, no. I just meant- well- why didn’t you say anything before?

Zara: You just didn’t have anything worth talking about.

Elias, agitated: What’s that supposed to mean?!

Zara: I’m not… uh- from around here. I grew up in a village and my father taught me all I need to know about life. And my gift.

Elias, more calmly: You mean... your powers. You got them when you were born?

Zara: Something like that.

Elias: So you’re just what? Shy?

Zara, embarrassed: N-No! …I mean, maybe? I don’t know. I snuck out a few times but I’ve never really left the village before. Being somewhere new is fun but being there to become this Helper thing is overwhelming for me. I don’t want to become something to use my gift. I just want to use my powers without the responsibilities that come with it. (sigh) I guess you can see why I ran off with you. I just want to be… myself.

Elias: Sounds like we’re in the same boat. Looks like you and I aren’t so different after all. I knew there was a reason I kept you around.

Zara: It was more like I kept *you* around.

Elias: (chuckles) Whatever. Well, you know why I’m here now. You don’t have to come with me.

Zara: You’re about to go into a whole bunch of danger, you know that, right?

Elias: Yeah. What, you scared?

Zara: Scared? I love danger. I ran away for a reason… so let’s go make the most of this. Together, alright?

Elias grins then turns to face the hideaway in the distance.

Elias: Fine by me.

The scene then cuts over to the city once more, this time with the focus being on one apartment building in particular.

Palatial Valley Apartments
March 18, 18:59 EDT

Inside, Kate sits on her bed, criss-cross, looking down at some documents spread out before her. She rests a finger against her chin in thought as she reaches for one document in particular.

Kate: Howard Gacho… former martial artist and supposed underground fight club owner. You may have been thrown from a tower by an unknown assailant but the truth will start spilling with you off your guard.

A knock is then heard against glass that causes her to look up. She then turns her head to face the window and sees a hooded Vigilante standing there, slightly hunched over in a stance. She carefully gets off the bed and moves to the window; standing there before opening the door with a surprised then unresolved expression.

Kate: What are you doing here?

Vigilante: I need to talk.

Kate: I’m working on something. A story, actually, because I’m a journalist now. Look, I told you I don’t want to be involved anymore.

Vigilante: I know I just- I need someone to talk to. You’re the only one who understands.

Kate is silent for a moment before moving out of the way. The Vigilante looks at her then the open space before him and walks inside the apartment. She sighs and closes the door after him.

Kate, turning to him: So what do you want to talk about? Let me guess- more Vigilante stuff.

Vigilante: Yes but-

Kate: I knew it.

Vigilante: Just listen to me. It’s not about me or the team… it’s about well- the recruits.

Kate: Recruits?

Vigilante: Yeah…

He takes off his hood and lowers his goggles.

Drake: We have new team members. I’m supposed to be training them to be like us but they… they don’t work the way we do, Kate. They just don’t understand what’s at risk here.

Kate: ...It’s the city again.

Drake: ...Whatever Reeves did, it affected the people of the city. People becoming Mutants. Right now, it’s not too bad but I know it’ll get out of control soon enough. That’s why we need to be there, protecting the people. If they can’t understand what I’m training them for then what’s the point of it?

Kate: ...Are you sure it’s that they don’t understand what’s at risk and not that they just don’t trust you with teaching them?

Drake: What do you mean?

Kate: When I came up with that alter-ego for you to use, I did that so you can experience life as a Human and blend in. But now it looks like you’re not even yourself anymore. Like there’s only room for the Vigilante.

Drake: The city needs the Vigilante.

Kate: But your teammates need you, Drake. Even the new guys. If you’re doing to show them the ropes, they have to make sure they can rely on you. Not someone wearing a hood but the person beneath it.

Drake: ...That wasn’t a problem for you.

Kate: That was different. It was the hood that drew me in but if you didn’t risk your identity for me, I might not have gotten the chance to be friends with you.

She glances off into the distance, holding the side of her arm with a slight bite of her lip.

Kate: Listen, I still don’t know what we’re going to do. It’s a little strange for me to be talking again. Not that I mind, it’s just-

She turns to Drake who gives her an understanding expression.

Drake: Different?

Kate: Yeah. I guess so. But yeah, what I was trying to say was, don’t close yourself off to them- you might be pushing away some people that can help.

Drake: I think I know what you mean now… Thanks, I-

Jake, over the comms: Drake, can you hear me?

Drake: Huh? Jake?

Kate: Jake?

Drake: He’s calling on the comms. (answering) Jake, what’s going on?

Jake: Something bad, man! I don’t know how but Emma- she just-

Drake: Wait, something happened to Emma?!

Jake: She mutated in the hallway. We’ve been trying to figure out why but-

Drake: Mutated? Emma used to be a Mutant but we were able to cure her with a Nanogene formula and my healing power. But the Xyrions took her… experimented on her…

Jake: You really think that’s enough to turn her back into a Mutant?

Drake: I don’t know but what matters is finding her right now before she gets hurt… or hurts someone else. Do you know where she went?

Jake: No. But she’s big and can’t have gotten too far from Headquarters. If you’re on your way back, you should be able to find her.

Drake: I’m on it!

Drake ends the transmission and rushes to the door.

Kate: That doesn’t sound good. Emma, is she- will she be alright?

Drake stops at the door for a short moment and starts to speak without facing Kate.

Drake: She will.

Drake opens the door and stands in the doorway, looking out on the balcony. He reaches back and throws on his hood.

Vigilante: I’ll make sure of it.

He then runs across Kate’s balcony and kicks off- jumping ahead and over the edge. As he dives downwards, whizzing past the apartment building he just flung himself from, he reaches up- placing his goggles on tight. He then throws his arms back as the momentum carries his body down even faster as the ground gets closer, then closer- until he flips back and throws his arm out in front of him- forming the Acidic Thorn form. The ax-end of the arm stretches out and cuts into the side of the building- attaching there and allowing the Vigilante to swing across and use the built up momentum to soar across the city. He then latches onto another edge and reels himself over to a rooftop, before dropping down onto a water tower. He looks over the city then takes a breath.

Vigilante: I don’t see anything… yet. I better change my viewpoint.

The Vigilante then activates another one of his forms, a helmet-like device with wires attached to a tank grown onto his back, the Smart Swim form. He peers with enhanced vision across the cityscape and picks up traces of dust and smoke in the air. Small- almost hard to read due to the size- calculations appear in the corner of his vision, analyzing the smoke in the distance.

Vigilante: There!

He grunts as he pounces off from the water tower, dropping down- almost heavily onto the rooftop before him. He regains his footing and soon his balance as he reforms back to normal. He then starts to pick up speed and run off the side of the rooftop, activating the Stealth Wing form. He glides over the streets and the scene cuts over to the mutated Emma running through the streets of the city, charging away. The Vigilante flies over, watching her from below.

Vigilante: Jake, I found her. She’s running down Columbus Avenue.

Jake, over the comms: We have to stop her before she hurts anymore people. I know it’s Emma but…

Adam, over the comms: Wait, I don’t think this is her just rampaging.

Vigilante: Adam?

Adam, over the comms: Look at the way she’s running. She’s already destroying property like cars and even then, it’s all collateral damage. The way she jumps from wall to road isn’t effortlessly, I can tell you that much.

Vigilante: Wait, how are you seeing what I’m looking at right now?

Adam, over the comms: Oh, you didn’t know. Your goggles work with technology and have camera lenses built into them. Which means I can connect my laptop to your goggles and see what you see.

Vigilante: You’ve been watching me?!

Adam, over the comms: What? No! Well, only recently... Relax, I just turned it on when you started chasing her from the water tower. And since then, I’ve been studying the footage.

Jake, over the comms: You should leave this to us, Adam. I know you’re trying to help but-

The scene cuts over to Adam, in the main room, with his laptop.

Adam: I am! I am trying to help. I’m trying to help her… Look, I might not know Emma as long as you do, Drake, but when I saved her from the Xyrions- I felt… I dunno, responsible somehow. Like her brother was trusting me to look after her. And now, he’s gone and she’s mutated… I don’t know what else I can do except help. So please, just-- just let me do what I can.

There a short silence over the comms before a voice is heard.

Jake, over the comms: Alright. Tell us what you can.

Adam: T-Thank you. (sigh) Okay, so I’ve been reviewing the footage from your googles, Drake, and it looks like her movements aren’t just random charges.

Vigilante, over the comms: It looks like that actually might be the case.

Adam: I know, I know but if you look- like really, really look- you can see how she moves is different than any raging Mutant beast. It’s organized, in a way. Like she’s moving on instinct but has the knowledge to move in certain places at the right time.

The scene switches back to the Vigilante, who continues gliding over the mutated Emma. He looks more carefully- seeing a pattern in her movements, similar to how Adam is describing it.

Jake, over the comms: So… what do you think this means?

Adam, over the comms: She’s damaging cars and walls of the buildings but the people-

Vigilante: -Aren’t hurt. She’s avoiding them.

Adam, over the comms: Right?! That’s what I’m trying to say. I think that Emma is still in there.

Jake, over the comms: Alright but she’s still wrecking the place. So if that’s not her goal, then what is she after? Is she going somewhere?

Vigilante: Not somewhere. But to someone. I have an idea where she’s going. I’ll try and clear the roads and follow after. Jake, can you call Fionna and Danny? Get them to clear the area before us?

Adam, over the comms: I’ve got a map of the city here on my screen. I can estimate a route and give them some locations to check.

Jake, over the comms: Okay. We’re on it. Keep in touch if things change.

Vigilante: Will do.

The Vigilante reaches over to his ear, ending the transmission on the comms. He then focuses on Emma and flies down closer to her, with a determined glare. The scene then cuts away to the hideaway, now up close by its entrance. Within the corner where it was hidden away, several thuggish individuals rally around a shabby-looking fortress made from what remains of an abandoned building.In a small opening in one of the walls surrounding the hideaway, both Elias and Zara climb up onto the top- with Elias helping Zara by pulling her up onto the ledge. They both then look down- conveyed by a tarp hanging from some discarded scaffolding; only flapping with the passing breeze.

Gang Hideaway
March 18, 19:16 EDT

They peer into the hideaway with its torn down cobblestone walls. Within the hideaway, there’s a larger man with long, droopy, black hair and a goatee to match. He’s wearing a blue overcoat with no shirt on underneath. He’s seen overlooking everyone else, who wear punk-ish gear.

Zara: There they are… inside.

Elias’ gaze seems focused on the larger man. Zara glances over at Elias slightly then turns back to look ahead. Her gaze is now on the larger man as well.

Zara: Who is he?

Elias gets caught off guard by Zara’s question but collects himself and looks back at the man ahead.

Elias: That’s Morgan Lynx. (pause) He’s the leader of this gang. He commands them like an army. They raid and riot small communities in the city.

Zara: ...Like your home.

Elias, glancing down: Yeah. (turning back to the hideaway) Hang on, I think he’s about to say something.

Zara leans in closer and get a better look while Elias crouches further.

Morgan Lynx: Alright, listen up now!

The thugs turn to face their leader attentively.

Morgan Lynx: The city’s in chaos with this mutant stuff spreading around. The cops don’t know whether to make heads or tails of this nonsense and those too good for their own sake vigilantes won’t be around to bother us either. I say it’s time we spread ourselves. Make these people know our names. Knock down doors and take what we want, when we want. No matter who gets in our way!

The thugs pump their fists in the air and shout in agreement.

Morgan Lynx: Heh. And we start with the East Side! TONIGHT!

The cheers from the thugs rise louder. Elias’ hand clenched into a fist- simply shaking from the pressure. Zara glances over at his hand and turns to face him.

Zara: Elias?

Elias: No… Ggh! I can’t let him do this!

Zara: Elias, what’s-

Elias then jumps from the platform and into the tarp flowing before him. He grabs onto a hole in the sheet as gravity takes hold of him. The tarp starts to tear from where he grabs it, allowing him to swing downwards until the flap he’s holding onto reaches the bottom- tearing from the tarp, itself. He then falls onto the side, clinging to some scaffolding before dropping down onto a smaller platform below him. He then turns to face the hideaway with a couple of thugs already noticing his presence.

Elias: LYNX!

His shout echoes slightly through the area with the view focusing on Lynx from the back. He lowers his fist from pumping the air slowly then resorts to softly chuckling. He then turns to face Elias.

Morgan Lynx: Ha. I thought I recognized that voice. Hernandez, right?! You haven’t changed a bit.

Elias: And you’ve become a disgrace, Lynx.

Morgan Lynx: Actually, it’s the other way around. I’m on the top now and you’re on the bottom. You all are.

Elias: You grew up in the East. You know the type of people that live there and you want to just rob them because you feel like it?! My friends? My family?!

Morgan Lynx: There can’t be life without sacrifice. They just had to pay the price so that way we can live! It’s not too late to take back what’s yours, you know.

Elias: I would give anything for a chance like that. But there are just some lines you shouldn’t cross. And there are just some things you shouldn’t turn your back on!

Elias charges forward but is struck in the stomach by one of the thugs. He wobbles back and gets hit from behind by another thug. He spins around quickly and strikes down one of the thugs but is tackled from the back by another- knocking him into a weak brick pillar, causing it to topple down over him.

Elias: Gah!

He crawls out from beneath the bricks and struggles to his feet. He tries to clench his fist but the cuts on his hand cause him pain doing so. He then clenches his teeth and looks back at the thugs approaching him with weapons such as bats and crowbars.

Morgan Lynx: You’re gonna regret ever coming here. (grins)

Elias holds his ground but Zara drops down behind him- releasing a wave of energy ahead which knocks over a group of thugs. She then rushes over and stands by him.

Elias: What are you doing here?

Zara: Saving you.

Elias: I don’t need saving...

Zara: Yeah, because that’s what it looked like from up there.

Elias: That was really stupid, you know. Now we’re both surrounded. You could’ve gotten out of here but now you’re stuck with me and these thugs.

Zara: Well, I did ask for some excitement!

Zara focuses her energy and fires at another thug charging right at them, blasting him away. Morgan watches her with some intent.

Morgan Lynx: So… you’ve got powers too, eh? Well, so do I!

He rushes right for her, catching her off guard. She focuses another beam of energy with crackles through the air before hitting him square in the chest. She lowers her hands, catching her breath when her eyes widen in surprise. A sinister chuckle echoed through the hideaway as the smoke clears, as Lynx stands there with steel-like skin without a mark on him.

Morgan Lynx: You like that? That mutant stuff spreading around ain’t so bad when it gives you cool powers like this!

Zara: I didn’t even put a scratch on him. Are my abilities that weak?

She looks down at her hands with her head hung low. Lynx races towards in his steel-form, ready with an attack of his own.


He runs up ahead, pushing her aside as he just barely dodges his attack. They both tumble to the ground hard with Lynx recovering from his charge. He glances over and turns to face the two of them.

Morgan Lynx: Heh. I won’t miss next time!

Zara: This really is it, isn’t it?

Elias: I’m sorry I got you involved…

Zara: I guess it’s on me for coming along.

Lynx takes a step forward but the ground starts to shake before him. He looks around the area.

Morgan Lynx: What the-

With that, the shaking resides for the moment. The armed thugs look around and walk through the alleyway entrance to their hideaway when the mutated version of Emma climbs up over against the alleyway walls, dropping down onto them from above. She lets out a distorted roar and swings her arm around- swiping away a line of thugs. The Vigilante drops down behind her, slowly raising his head to see the scene before him. He then rushes over to the side of the hideaway and finds Elias and Zara there.

Vigilante: There you are.

Elias: H-How did you find us?

Vigilante: Emma followed after you. When I heard that you weren’t at the Headquarters, I had a feeling that she would come after you. She’s just that type of person.

Elias: Wait, you’re telling me that giant mutant… thing is Emma?

Vigilante: It’s… complicated. Can you walk?

Elias: I’m fine. I don’t need your help.

Vigilante: If that were true, you wouldn’t have stayed.

Elias: Well, I didn’t. As you can see. Y’know, you might think you’re better than me but that’s in your world. Out here, this is what matters. Something you wouldn’t understand. All you have is that hood. But this… this is my hood. My neighborhood. And I’m not leaving it to freaks like these thugs here.

Zara nods. The Vigilante turns from her and looks at the both of them.

Vigilante: I understand. This is your home. Your friends… and family. I know what that means to you.

Elias: How can ya? You’re not a vigilante. Nothing more, nothing less. You do whatever you want and help whoever you want. Letting everyone else suffer. But I have the power now, Vigilante. I can save them.

Vigilante: It’s not about the power. And it’s not about what you are. It’s about who you are.

He lowers his head and reaches for his hood. He then pulls it back and removes his goggles, showing his face to the two of them.

Drake: I had a family once. And now I have friends that I’d do anything for. Because I know they would do the same for me. I don’t have a home… but the city… the city is what I have. It was there for me when I had nothing. No past… no future. And now it’s trouble. You saved me back at that facility. I asked you to join the team because I trusted you to do the right thing. And now I’m asking you to trust me. Trust me to help you. Both of you.

Elias: ...Why? Why would you trust me? I- I worked with Reeves. I gave up who I am just to get some super powers. I’m- I’m not a hero like you!

Drake: No. You joined Reeves because you wanted to save your neighborhood. You felt like you needed powers to do it and wanted to help the people you care about. That’s all that matters. Besides-

Drake places the goggles back on and raises his hood once again, looking down at Elias as he stands up to do so.

Vigilante: I’m not a hero either. So what’s going to be, you two? Will you help me?

Elias looks at his extended hand for a moment; his face looking as if he’s still progressing his situation. But with a look of determination, he reaches out and grabs his hand- with the Vigilante pulling him up from the ground.

Elias: I trust you, Vigilante. I just hope you know what you’re doing.

The Vigilante gives a single nod then turns to Zara. She looks down and her hands again, with doubt written on her face. Elias kneels next to her.

Elias: Hey… don’t get quiet on me now. The excitement’s only getting started.

Zara, quietly: I… I couldn’t stop that man. He could’ve killed me. He could’ve killed you. Maybe I’m not using my gift right.

Elias: It’s like he said, Zara. It’s not the powers. It’s about who you are. I know you. The real you. You wanted to get away, be your own person. Well now’s your chance. You don’t have to be something you don’t want to be in order to use your powers. Just be yourself.

Zara: ...Just be myself?

Elias offers his hand and she glances down at it before looking at him. She then takes it hesitantly and holds it with conviction. He then stands up- helping her up at the same instance- as the Vigilante stands before them.

Zara: What do you need me to do?

Vigilante: Emma’s mutated form is unstable. We have to get to calm down before I can try to cure her again. Then there are the gang members to deal with.

Elias: Lynx is their leader. We take him down. They’re sure to back off.

Zara: I’ll see what I can do for Emma.

Elias: And Lynx is mine.

Vigilante: Then I’ll hold off the gang members.

Zara: All on your own?

Vigilante: I’ve dealt with worse.

Zara: If you say so…

She turns to head off towards the mutated Emma. Elias starts to storm towards Lynx but a hand grabs his arm, stopping him. He looks to his side- seeing the Vigilante, holding him still.

Vigilante: Remember, it’s not about your power. But who you are; deep inside. I know you can do this.

He lets go, looking at Elias as he takes his steps back. He then gives Elias one last nod before turning towards the thugs coming up behind him. Elias turns back towards Lynx, a determined look in his eyes.

Morgan Lynx, getting up: So… you thought you could try again, eh? Round two, huh?

Elias: I’m afraid of you.

Morgan Lynx: Why? ‘Cause you got powers too? Don’t act surprised. Word on the street travels fast. That a rich business type was recruiting in this area and came across someone that sounded real familiar to me. Who’d have guessed it was good ol’ Elias Hernandez from the ‘hood.

Elias: I’m not with him anymore.

Morgan Lynx: All the more better. You could still join me and my gang. We could hit up any joint and point we want in this city. And people getting powers overnight, we could recruit and become unstoppable. Not even the police would be able to stop us! Let alone the vigilantes!

Elias: But by hurting anyone that gets in your way?

Morgan Lynx: Don’t make me laugh. You hurt people all the time!

Elias: That’s different, Morgan!

Morgan Lynx: You still enjoy, don’t you? The pain they feel and the sting on your knuckles from the punches you give. The bruises and scars from all those back alley fights.

Elias: You’re right… I did enjoy it. I enjoyed being stronger. But I never lost sight of what I was fighting for. The reason I got these powers… was so I could stop you from hurting my friends and family. And I’m gonna do that right now!

Elias charges ahead, his fist ready for an attack. He strikes Morgan square in the chest but Lynx activates his power- hardening his skin into a steel form. Elias retracts his hand, clearly bruised from the punch.

Elias: Gah!

Morgan Lynx: Heh. You were saying?

Lynx strikes Elias- knocking backwards, to the ground.

Morgan Lynx: I’m already unstoppable. Nothing can break through steel! (laughs)

Elias gets up and charges again, ready for another punch but it goes the same way, with him unable to damage Lynx, only hurting himself in the process. Elias holds his hand with pressure but Morgan whacks him again, knocking him further back and to the ground once.

Morgan Lynx: You can’t beat me! But I… (chuckle) I can beat you. As many times as I want.

Elias remains on the ground, motion-less. The scene cuts over to the Vigilante who strikes one of the thugs square in the face- knocking him out. Another one grabs him from behind but the Vigilante knocks his head back, reverse-headbutting him then throwing his weight forward to throw the thug ahead of him. He then gets up and strikes him on the ground, knocking him out as well. The Vigilante stands, catching his breath, with the sound of a blade being drawn is heard. He turns around and sees, behind him, a thug with a scarf wrapped around his mouth and a glowing sword held in his hands. He’s wearing a white fur coat with tears on the sleeves, a Japanese symbol on the front, shredded jeans and some white sneakers.

Sword-wielding Thug: I am Lynx’s right-hand man. The weapon of his wreckage and the blade of his brutality. I am known only as Katsu Fukuhara, the White Dragon!

The Vigilante slightly lowers his fists and tilts his head somewhat to the side as he watches the man before him.

Vigilante: ...Really?

White Dragon: You doubt my sword-skill?! My mutant power lets me steal the soul of the people I slay. Care to join the collection?

Vigilante, readying himself once again: It’s not happening.

The Vigilante turns his arm into his Acidic Thorns form and rushes ahead at the sword-wielding thug. The two’s weapons clash against each other with a flash and the scene cuts over to Zara making her way to a rampaging Emma.

Zara: Emma. Emma! Please, you must calm yourself!

Emma continues slashing her arm about at the thugs. Zara huffs and closes her eyes, focusing her power to her hands. Her palms glow with energy and she opens her eyes, releasing a wave of energy like before- cracking through the air before hitting the ground close to the mutated Emma. She then steps back from the blast and turns in Zara’s direction, as if glaring at her.

Zara: Okay… I got her attention. Now what?

The mutated Emma slams the ground with her hand and growls ahead as she approaches Zara. She stands before Emma with her hands extended towards her. She closes her eyes and sighs.

Zara: No… Even if it works, it would hurt her when she’s just trying to help.

She opens her eyes and sees the mutated Emma before her. At first, she’s alarmed but takes a step back, as if preparing her stance.

Zara: Right then. Time to find another way to settle this.

Zara reaches into one of the compartments in the belt around her waist. She then grabs something and flings it at Emma; it being a pile of dust that sparkles in the air- leaving behind a mysterious aroma, lingering in the air. Emma’s head reels back as if her gills are sensing what’s in the air. She then drops to her knees suddenly with her arm lowering from its attacking position. She then jumps ahead, onto the descending arm and kicks off- flipping once through the air before landing onto her back. Zara grips onto Emma’s long mane in order to position herself properly on her then places her hands at the side of her head.

Zara: Cessabit-A Nimo!

A flare emerges from her hands, encompassing the scene. The scene then returns to Elias, on the ground, with Lynx approaching him- still in his steel form.

Morgan Lynx: You really should’ve joined me, Elias.

He remains there on the ground as Lynx grows closer.

Morgan Lynx: But just because we knew each other doesn’t mean I’m gonna go easy on ya.

As Lynx draws in close, Elias starts to move again. Morgan stops in his tracks and looks ahead at the struggling Elias, as he tries to stand once more.

Morgan Lynx: You must’ve broken your hand and you’re still trying to punch me? Man, you must be real dense! I don’t think you understand what you’re in for. I’m Morgan Lynx. I’m the Steel Man!

Elias, getting his leg up: Shut up.

Morgan Lynx: Eh?

Elias: You’re nothing. Nothing but a thug and a bully.

He places his weight on his knee and pushes himself up.

Morgan Lynx: Heh. Just the way I like it.

Elias: You’ll hurt anybody, no matter what. You don’t care about anyone but yourself! That steel skin you have isn’t your power… it’s the shell you hide behind because you don’t know what real pain is.

Elias looks down and grabs his hand. His fingers are definitely fractured but he clutches them into a fist either way. He bares his teeth with a grunt, closing his eyes as he finishes up. But then fiercely opens them again as he leans in Lynx’s direction.

Elias: So I guess it’s time someone showed you!

Morgan Lynx: What?! I should kill you right now!

Lynx rushes towards Elias, who readies himself. Morgan takes a swing for him but Elias side-steps out of the way, just missing his strike. He then takes his fist and readies a punch. The whole moments slows down as Elias prepares to strike back against Lynx.

Vigilante, voice over: Remember, it’s not about your power. But who you are; deep inside.

Elias: I’m not fighting for myself like you.

Lynx turns to face Elias and his eyes widen in surprise as a light appears in his sights. Elias then holds his fist as his whole arm pulses with green glow piercing from the scars that suddenly appeared.

Elias: I’m fightin’ for everyone!

Elias swings ahead and strikes his fist square into Lynx’s chest, knocking him back with a pulse of power. Lynx leans ahead, using his hand to drag against the ground. He looks up and holds his chest, seeing a dent in his steel skin.

Lynx: H-How did y-

Elias’ hand shakes in pain as he curls it up together to make another fist. As the fist completes, a glowing light pierces from within, continuing down the rest of his arm. He then rushes ahead for Lynx who throws his arm up and grabs Elias by the arm, squeezing it hard. Elias yells out then looks at Lynx with a dangerous look. He clenches his other fist with the glow moving from his other arm to the next until it reaches his fist.

Elias: This is my pain, Lynx.

He swings again as Lynx tries getting up, hitting in the chest once more. The force knocks him back further than before, crashing through a pillar of his hideaway. Elias struggles to stand with the state of his hand but rushes ahead again. He strikes Lynx once more.

Elias: My family!

He strikes again.

Elias: My friends!

He strikes another time.

Elias: My city!

Lynx drops to the ground again, struggling to even get up.

Elias: They’re my power! And won’t let you hurt anyone else again!

He clutches his broken hand into a fist one more time, the glow radiating immensely this time. He then runs up to Lynx and strikes him in the chest once more. With the force being powerful enough to shatter his skin, breaking through the steel armor around him. Lynx, now in his regular form, falls back, tumbling until he crashes into some metallic container. He looks up at Elias weakly then falls unconscious. Elias stands there, sweat coming down his face and heavy breaths escaping his mouth. He flinches in pain as he holds his damaged arm.

Vigilante, off screen: Elias.

Elias looks ahead and sees the Vigilante approaching from the side. He throws the White Dragon ahead, who has also fallen unconscious from their fight. Elias looks down at the thug on the ground then turns at the sound of footsteps. He soon sees Zara coming over to them, carrying Emma over her shoulder; Human once more.

Elias: Emma…

Emma: (sigh) Hey guys. Guess, I have powers after all. Heh.

Elias lightly chuckles while Zara looks away, smiling slightly. The Vigilante stands there, among the three of them but faintly nods.

Vigilante: You did a good job today. (looking around) All of you.

The three of them stand there as the view zooms away from the hideaway. The scene then cuts over to the Helpers Headquarters in the city, later in the day.

Helper Headquarters
March 18, 20:45 EDT

Inside the Headquarters, the team is fully assembled in the main room with the screen showing the news coverage of the gang hideaway. On the screen, Morgan Lynx is being taken away with his henchmen into MCA custody. The reporter on the screen is wearing a magenta buttoned shirt underneath a purple sweater. She has short brown hair and green eyes.

Reporter, on the screen: And there we have it. Gang leader, Morgan Lynx, has finally been detained by MCA Agents in the area after responding to a call put in to the NYPD. One of the results of the sudden mutant outbreak happening in the city since just a couple of days ago. What other effects it has on the city is unknown but at least the people in East Harlem would be able to rest easier tonight without super-powered gang members in their community. This is Sharon Shimmers, reporting to you live in the city.

The screen is then placed on pause with Adam turning from the couch to the other members.

Adam: So that was an eventful night…

Jake: I’m just glad everything worked out well. It could’ve gone worse, I think.

Vigilante: Probably. But still- the three new members, they have some possible strength with us.

Emmett: I believe the word you’re looking for is potential. And I have to agree. From what I’ve seen and based on the incident reports alone, their power is something we need on this team.

Danny: Even though they trashed our headquarters and the city?

Vigilante: It’s like Jake said. It could have been worse but it wasn’t. It’s because they were there that things did not get out of control. Emma looked over Zara and Elias while they looked out for each other. Today might have been a bad start for them but they learned something that training never would have taught them… or me.

Fionna: ...And what’s that?

Vigilante: Trust. In each other.

Jake: I think I see what you’re saying…

Fionna looks down for a moment but turns to the Vigilante.

Fionna: If you trust them… to be apart of this team, then I will too.

Jake: Look, that’s good and all but there’s more to being a Helper than that.

Elias: Then we’ll do it.

They look over and see Elias enter the room.

Elias: I know I will. I know I didn’t want to be on this team before but- I think I’m ready now.

Jake: We asked you to wait.

Emma, coming in after him: Sorry. We were just… curious.

Zara watches from the doorway, but can be seen by the others as well.

Elias: I just- needed you to hear me out first...

Fionna: How’s your hand?

Elias: Better. I guess I can heal up faster now.

Danny: Yeah, you’ll get used to that.

Adam, getting up from the couch: But try not getting too used to it. We’re not a hospital. I fix computers so I’m barely making due with the Professor.

Leviathan: Noted. I’ll uh- see what I can do about that.

Jake: Thanks.

Adam: Hey, you alright?

Emma: Y-Yeah. I’m better now. Thank you. I don’t really know what happened but I know you’re doing your best to help me out.

Adam: It’s the uh- the least I can do.

Emmett: I’d actually like to know more about that myself. She had no abilities before and was cured of her mutation yet was able to transform like, well- what she transformed into.

Adam: My guess is that the alien experimentation Emma went through had an effect on the cure she took. I remember her being a factor when it came to changing the alien soldiers back into mutants.

Vigilante: So she can cure Mutants?

Adam: I think she can cure herself… and reverse the cure- bringing back her mutation.

Emma: So I can turn into that… monster again?

Adam: It should be under your control, Emma. What you went through earlier, I believe that might have just been instincts or something clouding your judgement. But you were still there. I saw you in there.

Emma: I wanted to help my friends… my team.

Elias: And you did. (beat) Y’know for someone who didn’t have powers.

Emma: (light chuckle) Thanks, Elias.

Zara: We are apart of the team, right?

Everyone looks at Zara- some being somewhat in surprise. She clutches to the sides of her cloak. The Vigilante glances at Jake, who sighs.

Jake: Yeah. You’re apart of the team. All of you. We need the help and you’re willing to give it. Things got out of hand today and the city is in a state that might get worse… but if we work together, stay by each other- we should be able to pull through.

Fionna: While we were doing recon, we noticed more mutations happening to people.

Danny: Nothing too crazy at the moment but yeah, it’s pretty wild out there.

Fionna: And whatever effects the facility had the city had already passed. No one else has a chance of becoming a Mutant from Reeves’ experiment.

Danny: From a quick head count, I’d say maybe close to half of people in the area we searched have mutated. Which we can probably guess that applies to the whole city too.

Emmett: Half a city of Mutants…

Emma: There’s a chance that most of them are just confused with their powers. I should know.

Elias: But there’s also a chance that some of them are just waiting to let loose now that they have the chance to.

Vigilante: We don’t know what we’re getting into. This is new… for all of us. But we'll have to face it as a team. As Helpers.


The scene then continues in the bedroom that Drake had woken up in before. There, he sits on the edge of the bed, looking at the wall before him.

Helper Headquarters
March 18, 21:17 EDT

He continues looking ahead with a sort-of relaxed stare as the sound of the wind blowing soon comes to his ears. His eyes widen ever so slightly as he glances to the side, seeing a shore of sand and rock before him. He grips onto the edge of a wooden boat, looking at the bank. A blurry figure of a man approaches him, reaching out his hand.

Distorted Man: D-Drake.

Drake, himself, reaches out to the man; slowly extending his hand towards him. However, as he ceases, the scene has returned to the present in the room, with Drake reaching his arm out into the open space before him. He remains there for a short moment before closing his open hand into a delicate clench.

Emma: Drake?

Drake looks over at the doorway and sees Emma standing there, looking over at him.

Drake: Hey…

Emma: Hi. Elias was looking for you. They’re about to show it to him. I guess it’s something you should be there for.

Drake: ...I’ll be right there. But thanks, Emma.

Emma nods with a small smile. She closes the door, leaving Drake in the room by himself. He then looks off to the side and sighs. The scene cuts ahead to another section of the headquarters, on a lower level than the main floor- with the ground appearing closer in the windows. The room is surrounded by a bunch of computers and racks of different prototype vigilante suits lined up against the wall; they appear to be in some phase of development. On the table at the center of the room, a can of orange Fizz Slam soda sits close to the edge. A hand reaches, grabbing the soda and drinks from it.

Adam, putting the drink down again: Alright, should be just about ready with the inputs I just added.

Elias: Shouldn’t we wait for the Vigilante?

Emmett: He doesn’t have to be here.

Elias: No but… I’d like him to.

Drake, unseen: Then let’s get started.

They turn to the door, seeing Drake enter the room. Elias nods to him.

Adam, typing on his tablet: Alright, let’s get to the unveiling.

Emmett: With Murphy Industries supplying resources and materials to the Helpers, development and repairing our suits couldn’t be easier. Usually I take an input- er one of our old suits and upgrade it with materials but I had a little help from-

Danny then speeds into the room, holding his arm around Emmett.

Danny: This guy. That’s who. Designing decals was a hobby of mine so super suits should be no-brainer, especially with my two lovely assistants.

Emmett: Don’t push it.

Elias: What exactly do you mean by… suit?

The rack before Elias then opens with steam spewing from the opening as the door soon unfold. As the steam dissipates, a suit remains on display before them. It’s a suit consisting of a black armored jacket with covered sleeves, a chest plate with exposed circuitry that continues down the suit on different places of its torso.

Elias: That’s… my suit? Dude…

Vigilante: You’re a vigilante now, Elias. Welcome to the Helpers.

Noteworthy Events[]

Major Events[]

  • Elias, Zara and Emma join the Helpers
  • Elias learns how to use his powers
  • Emma learns that she has powers

Minor Events[]

  • The team now trusts the new members
  • Elias gets his vigilante suit



  • Morgan Lynx (First Appearance)
    • Lynx’s Gang of Thugs (First Appearance)
    • Katsu Fukuhara/White Dragon (First Appearance)

Forms Used[]

  • Sonar Scales
  • Fire Fists
  • Acidic Thorns


  • The title, New Recruits, is an allusion towards the soundtrack from Captain America: Civil War; one of the tracks is titled, A New Recruit, and is used on Peter Parker’s introductory scene.
  • The old punching bag that drops items that was referenced by Jake during the training scene was an allusion towards Sandbag from the Super Smash Bros. series.
  • The story that Kate was researching a mysterious assailant throwing a supposed fight club owner from a tower is a reference towards the Fatal Fury series, with the mysterious assailant being an allusion towards Terry Bogard.
    • Howard Gacho is actually a reference to Geese Howard, the antagonist of the series, with the name Gacho being the Japanese word for Goose.


  • There was a choice to either have Danny stay behind for training and have Emmett join Fionna for recon or Emmett train the new members with Danny doing recon with Fionna. The latter option became part of the final cut.
  • This episode was in development for quite a few months. Mostly due to scheduling issues.