The Nemetrix II is the recreated version of the Nemetrix.
After claiming the Nemetrix for a 2nd time, the Plumbers decided that it couldn't fall into the wrong hands again. So, the destroyed they core. Leaving the pieces out in space. Eventually Albedo gathered enough pieces to rebuild the core. He found Khyber who has regained his sanity but became a better hunter due to the Tyrannopede incident and gave the new Nemetrix to him to put on his Panuncian.
It resembles the original Nemetrix but the red on the core is now a scarlet color and the grey is now silver. The new collar is now colored white unlike the original collar with 2 spikes missing.
Predator - Prey
- Hypnotick - Big Chill
- Tyrannopede - Humungousaur
- Plaiju - Way Big
- Buglizard - Stinkfly
- Crabdozer - Heatblast
- Woodworm - Spidermonkey
- Pitpull - Four Arms
- Cracrab - Cannonbolt
- Ghostsucker - Ghostfreak
- Panuncian - Ditto
- Hypnotick - Big Chill
- Vicetopus - Brainstorm
- Omnivoracious - Grey Matter
- Slamworm - Armodrillo
- Terroranchula - Ball Weevil