Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Kurt 10
Season 1, Episode 12
Air date 12/15/11
Written by Kross
Directed by Kross
Episode Guide
Negrox's Invasion
Ghastly Surprise


Kurt woke up and looked at the futuristic castle.

Kurt: Maybe someone there could help me.

Out of the castle came a Benvicktor shock trooper, who reached towards Kurt.

Kurt: Get away! (transforms) The Moon! (the moon on his chest becomes a full moon)

The Moon shot a light beam out of his right hand at the shock trooper, knocking him out. The Moon went over to the gate and blasted it down.

Theme Song!

A dozen shock troopers came out of the castle and charged at The Moon. The Moon defeated the first six, but the final six shot lightning at him and knocked him down.

The Moon: OW! (transforms) Kid Buu!

Kid Buu blasted the final six troopers with ki blasts to defeat them. He then turned into Malefic Truth Dragon and flew to the top of the castle. When he got to the top of the castle, he turned into Chromadrillo and smashed through the ceiling. Chromadrillo started smashing through walls until he reached Negrox’s throne room. The last surviving commanders – Vicktorwolf, and Vicktorgrade – stood in front of Negrox’s throne.

Chromadrillo: Negrox! Prepare to be destroyed!

Negrox: How about no. Attack!

Both commanders shot lighting at Chromadrillo, who absorbed it and shot it back. Vicktorgrade jumped on Chromadrillo’s back and tried to merge into the Divinematrix. The Divinematrix shot a red beam at Vicktorgrade that caused him to fly into the wall.

Chromadrillo: Wow! I didn’t know the Divinematrix could do THAT! (transforms) The Fiend!

The Fiend possessed Vicktorgrade and shot lightning at Vicktorwolf dodged it and used his sonic howl to push The Fiend/Vicktorgrade back into the wall. The Fiend unpossessed Vicktorgrade and turned into Malefic Paradox Dragon. He used his size to defeat Vicktorwolf, and then turn towards Negrox.

Malefic Paradox Dragon: Give up, Negrox.

Negrox: Never.

Negrox pressed a button on his throne that teleported himself, Malefic Paradox Dragon, Vicktorwolf and Vicktorgrade to an unknown location.





Aliens used[]

By Kurt[]

  • The Moon(debut)
  • Kid Buu(debut)
  • Malefic Truth Dragon(debut)
  • Chromadrillo
  • The Fiend(debut)
  • Malefic Paradox Dragon(debut)


  • The second time Kurt has been teleported