A Group of Villains that First Appear in Ben 10 Villain Crossover: My Negative 10
First Negative 10 Members[]
1. Name = Lord Nosidda[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Leader
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited= Before Azmuth was even born there lived a tyrant that ruled 12 galaxies with an iron fist. He was later overthrown by a mysterious warrior. He fled to a hidden Space Ship full of powerful and dangerous Technology. He placed himself in suspended animation many years later alien archaeologists found his ship and awakened him, were he killed them all. With all of his Powers and Technology he could take over any planet he wanted all by himself but he knew if he wanted to take over entire galaxies and to make sure his rule on any world to permanent he would need help. He decided to rebuild his empire staring with Earth, because of its Tactical location. There learned of Ben Tennyson and he heard the story of the Negative 10 witch inspired to make his own. He built a dimensional portal to travel the Multiverse looking for recruits.
Why He Joined= To Start Rebuilding His Empire
2. Name = Malware[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Use his powers to make all Plumber Technology useless
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Omniverse
How He Was Recruited= Lord Nosidda used an alien device to bombard his remains with an unknown energy, thus bringing him back to life
Why He Joined= Revenge on Ben Tennyson
3. Name = V.V. Argost[]
His Role For The Master Plan= Use Lord Nosidda’s Technology to amplify his power over Cryptids to control every cryptid on the planet and use them to wipe out half of the Earth’s Populace
The Show He Originates From= The Secret Saturdays
How He Was Recruited=He was brought out of his coma-like state by the same machine that was used to revive Malware
Why He Joined= Lord Nosidda did the math and told Argost that he could of easily destroyed the Saturday family in his Cryptid Hybrids Body if Ben Tennyson wasn't there so He agreed to help destroy Ben Tennyson first
4. Name = Jeremiah Surd[]
His Role For The Master Plan= Use his Mastery over Cyberspace and Nosidda’s Technology to take over every computer on the planet and was placed in a thought activated robot combat suit to protect himself
The Show He Originates From= The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest
How He Was Recruited= Nosidda had Surd’s mind put back in his body, had his virtual mobility in Quest World restored and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why He Joined= Lord Nosidda gave Dr. Surd a serum that would keep him alive for centuries and promised to restore his real mobility if he would help
5. Name = Imhotep[]
His Role For The Master Plan= Use his magic to raise Bellwood to the sky
The Show They Originates From= The Mummy: The Animated Series
How He Was Recruited= He was freed from the Underworld and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why He Joined= Lord Nosidda promised that after start taking over other worlds he would leave planet Earth under his control
6. Name = Tilian[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Keep Ben Tennyson busy while the rest of the Negative 10 put the finishing touches on Lord Nosidda’s plan
The Show He Originates From= A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)
How They Were Recruited= Rescued from Colonel Steel’s Island and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why They Joined= He does everything Lord Nosidda tells him to do both out of gratitude for saving him and out of fear that Lord Nosidda will destroy him if he does not
7. Name = Wrecka[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Capture Kevin Levin so he can’t help Ben Tennyson
The Show He Originates From= A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)
How He Was Recruited= Rescued from Colonel Steel’s Island and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why They Joined=He does everything Lord Nosidda tells him to do both out of gratitude for saving him and out of fear that Lord Nosidda will destroy him if he does not
8. Name = Firekat[]

Her Role For The Master Plan= Steal technology from the Forever Knights
The Show She Originates From= A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)
How She Was Recruited= Rescued from Colonel Steel’s Island and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why She Joined= She does everything Lord Nosidda tells her to do both out of gratitude for saving her and out of fear that Lord Nosidda will destroy her if she does not
9. Name = Rayza[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Capture Rook Blonko so he can’t help Ben Tennyson
The Show They Originates From= A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)
How He Was Recruited= Rescued from Colonel Steel’s Island and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why He Joined= He does everything Lord Nosidda tells him to do both out of gratitude for saving him and out of fear that Lord Nosidda will destroy him if he does not
10. Name = Stingfly[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Steal technology from Carl Nesmith / Captain Nemesis / Overlord's company
The Show He Originates From= A.T.O.M. (Alpha Teens On Machines)
How He Was Recruited= Rescued from Colonel Steel’s Island and brought over to Ben Tennyson’s Dimension
Why He Joined= He does everything Lord Nosidda tells him to do both out of gratitude for saving him and out of fear that Lord Nosidda will destroy him if he does not
Second Negative 10 Members[]
This Part of The Page is Incomplete a work in progress more of Information will be be typed in due time[]
Other than Lord Nosidda and Malware this Negative 10 has Entirely Different Members
3. Name = Scarab[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= The Mummy: The Animated Series
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
4. Name = Rackshasa[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Use his Shapeshifting powers to Impersonate Max Tennyson
The Show He Originates From= The Mummy: The Animated Series
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
5. Name= Two Bad[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002 TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
6. Name Stinkor=[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (2002 TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
7. Name = Scrapperton[]
His Role For The Master Plan= Bulid a Robot Army
The Show He Originates From= Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go!
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
8. Name= Zombozo[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined= Revenge on Ben Tennyson
9. Name=[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From=
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
10. Name = Snakeweed[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
Third Negative 10 Members[]
2.Name Spider Bytez[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
3. Name Darkstar[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Alien Force
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
4. Name = Tracker[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)
How He Was Recruited= Lord Nosidda used Dark Magic To Resurrect him
Why He Joined=
5. Name= Frost[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
6. Name = Dr. Psychobos[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From=Ben 10: Omniverse
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
7. Name= Sevenseven[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Alien Force
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=Money
8. Name Sunder[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Alien Force
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
9. Name = Trumbipulor[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
10. Name = Alpha[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Ultimate Alien/Generator Rex
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
Fourth Negative 10 Members[]
1. Name = Ganthar[]

His Role For The Master Plan= Leader
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
2. Name = Dr. Animo[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
3. Name = Adwaita[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
4. Name = Meltdown[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
5. Name = Lord Transyl[]

His Role For The Master Plan=Take control of the Mutant To'kustars
The Show He Originates From=
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
6. Name = Toxic Reapa[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
7. Name = Witch Doctor[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
8. Name = Aquagon[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
9. Name = Bruizer[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
10. Name = Khyber[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
Why He Joined=
Fifth Negative 10 Members[]
Other Than Ganthar and Dr. Animo this Negative 10 has Entirely Different Members
3. Name = Techadon Weapon Master Number 13[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
How He Was Recruited=
4. Name = Black Phantom[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From=
5. Name = Scarox[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
6. Name = Drilldozer[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
7. Name = Speeda Demon[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
8. Name = Tridart[]
His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= The Show He Originates From= W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)
How He Was Recruited=
9. Name = Splitface[]

His Role For The Master Plan=
The Show He Originates From= None
How He Was Recruited=
10. Name = Ember[]
Her Role For The Master Plan=
The Show She Originates From= W.I.T.C.H. (TV series)
How She Was Recruited=
- Imhotep, Jeremiah Surd and V.V. Argost have their henchmen, but they are not considered members of the of the Negative 10, more like foot soldiers for the Negative 10
See also[]
- League Of Super Mutants
- Society Of Mutant Cyborgs
- Magic Mutant Gang
- Legion Of Darkness
- Negative 10 (Ben 10: Galactic Smash) Season 2