Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Naoya Saitō (斉藤 尚弥, Saitō Naoya) is a 16-year-old boy who is the first year college student. He forming a contract with Splixson engineer Idiomus to transforms into Cyber Ditto (サイバーディトー, Saibā Ditō) to fight DNAliens and the Mutantborgs in order to protect the universe.


Naoya Saitō in Cyber Ditto Mode (Masked)

D-20 Cyber Ditto.

Naoya Saitō! Access granted!

–Cybertrix Access Card announcement


–Transformation call

Cyber Ditto! Complete!

–Transformation announcement

This is his basic form of Cyber Ditto.

Powers & Abilities[]

Ditto has the ability to clone himself without limits through binary fission.

Each Ditto operates independently, regardless of what the others want them to do and each clone is indistinguishable from the others. This allows Ditto to do multiple tasks simultaneously or to cover a large area. An example of this is when Ditto is able to extend his reach across a vast distance by simply cloning himself in a straight line, thereby forming a chain of Dittos.

The extended sensory nodes on Ditto's body assist in the sensory web that connects all of his clones by coordinating the hive mind communication between them. This allows the clones to share senses and physical sensations, such as pain.

Ditto is more flexible than a human, and can breathe underwater.

Ditto is quite agile and can burrow into the ground and pop out like a mole.

Ditto can also run very fast.

Ditto can jump surprisingly high for his size; while playing basketball, Ditto slam-dunked the ball through a hoop in a way that would be difficult for an average human to jump high enough to do.


Ditto's clones shared a link to keep track of each other, making it so that if one Ditto was hurt, all the others would feel the same pain and if one Ditto got killed, the others were automatically killed as well, thus negating the ability to form an army of clones. However, this is no longer true as of Omniverse, as each clone is independent from each other's pain and death.

Ditto's clones can be forced to duplicate or fused back together with enough force.

If the Dittos are too far apart from each other, he cannot change back into Ben until all the duplicates are close enough together. It seems that this requires more power from the Omnitrix (or D-20 Cybertrix) than normal, as seen later when he could only transform into Upgrade for a fraction of the normal time limit.

Ditto is not resistant to cold temperatures.

Ditto can be harmed by electricity while in water.

Alternate Forms[]

Cyber Ditto Vehicle Mode

D-20 Cyber Ditto Sports Hatch

Cyber Ditto Combiner Mode

D-20 Cyber Ditto Sports Hatch (Lower Right Arm Form)

Cyber Henkei!

–Vehicle mode call

Vehicle Mode!

–Vehicle mode transformation announcement


–Combination announcement

Combiner Mode!

–Combiner mode transformation announcement

By switching his Cybertrix dial to its vehicle mode, Ditto can transform into his mecha form, D-20 Cyber Ditto Sports Hatch. In this form, Ditto can combine as the lower right arm of Cyber Omni-Kaiser combination.

