Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

General Information
Species Prypiatosion-B
Age Unknown
Affiliations Richard
Richard's teammates
Occupation(s) Prypiatosion-B DNA Sample
Powers and abilities
Abilities Nuclear Energy Blasts
Radioactive Blasts
Intense Heat
Pyro Immunity
Cryo Immunity
Enhanced Strength
Durable Armor
Flight (outside armor)
Intangibility (outside armor)
Energy Absorption (outside armor)
Equipment Alpha-Omegatrix (Richard 10)
Simplicitrix (Alpha-Omegaverse)
Containment suit
Relatives None
Alias Prypiatosion-B
Alternate Counterparts None
Voice Actor Richard
First Appearance The Evil Within

NRG (Energy) is the Alpha-Omegatrix's DNA sample of a Prypiatosian-B.


NRG is a humanoid alien made of pure, red, radioactive energy contained in a heavy, oven-like blue and black steel suit that is capable of containing high levels of radiation.

AlphaOmegaverse NRG

NRG in Alpha-Omegaverse (credit to creator of original NRG)


The energy NRG radiates is so hot that it enables him to generate intense heat through his suit, which will glow red with heat, and melt through solid metal and rock by merely touching it. NRG is also capable of firing highly radioactive energy beams through the vents on his helmet which can corrode and melt metallic objects. NRG can channel his heat through the ground, resulting in a massive geyser of lava. NRG's suit gives him some degree of enhanced strength. NRG's suit allows him to enter hazardous areas and provides protection against heat and radiation. The only known element able to cut through NRG's suit is Taedenite.

NRG can fire a nuclear laser from the three cutouts on his suit and is demonstrated by NRG in The Evil Within.


Because NRG is always in his containment suit, his abilities are weaker than if he was outside the suit. Because of the radiation his body gives off, NRG must stay in the suit for the safety of others to keep its radiation to a minimum. NRG's suit decreases his speed and agility. Taedenite is the only known element that can damage NRG's suit. Outside of his suit, NRG is very weak to ice beams from aliens like Big Chill, but inside his suit, he is invulnerable to ice attacks, and can simply melt the ice.

Richard 10[]



Richard 10[]




  • He is similar in appearance to the Haywire NRG toy from the Ben 10 Toy Line.
  • He was the first alien used by Richard, making him one of five heat alien first used. The other three being Heatblast from And Then There Were 10, Swampfire from Ben 10 Returns Part 1, Ultimate Swampfire in The Final Battle Part 2, and Lavalamp in The Start of Something New Pt.1, the first Mig 10 episode.

Other/See Also[]
