No known rating. |
Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 18 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous The College Spirit |
Next Rampage |
Dr. Animo was sneaking into the Bellwood Zoo. He had just picked the lock and disabled the security cameras when a Security Guard rounded the corner and shined his light on him.
Night Guard: Hey! Stop right there you!
Dr. Animo: No, I don`t think I will.
He fires his Transmodulator at an Alligator and it turned into a mutant resembling a Sarchosuchus. The Mutant Alligator bellowed and chased the Guard up a tree. Animo then releases more animals and mutates them as well.
Animo: Let my reign begin!
Theme song!
Ben and Rook went to the now closed off zoo to investigate. They try to get clues to try and find Animo`s whereabouts.
Ben: Here we go again, Animo gets loose from Plumber HQ and makes mutant animals. Can he ever do something else for once?
Rook: Probably. But he chooses not to.
Ben: Figure of speech, Rook.
They question the Night Guard. He points them to where he and his army escaped. Ben then turns into Wildmutt and tries to sniff them out. Rook follows in his truck.
Meanwhile. Dr. Animo continues to mutate more animals. He gets on a Mutant Frog and orders his Mutants to prepare to attack.
Wildmutt finds Animo`s lair. A Mutant Kangaroo attacks him. Wildmutt tackles it and they fight. Rook fires at a few Mutant Ants.
Animo sees this from his monitors and releases every Mutant onto them. They all go out except for one silver Mutant Ant with black splotched markings on it`s body.
Animo: Why aren`t you going outside? I ORDER you to attack Tennyson!
The Mutant Ant rears up and reveals a Blue and Green Omnitrix symbol on it`s chest. Animo`s eyes widen behind his goggles.
Animo: No. No stay back!
The Ant turns into Ghost King. He runs his fingers along some metal siding as he approaches Animo.
Ghost King: Did you really think I`d forget about you? The man who murdered my best friend for reviving a yeti who didn`t even want to be hybridized? The man who got us sent to the Null Void where we were nearly killed countless times? The void in which we lived in constant fear of Mutant To`kustars before we escaped?
This is all your doing Animo. And karma`s coming to get even. I`m Karma. Oh how Jersey wishes he could be here. But as long as the job gets done he`ll be happy.
Animo: Please, I beg of you! Don`t kill me-.
Ghost King: Who said anything about killing?, Doc.!
He cycles through his Omnitrix and turns into the Jersey Devil. He roars out the name "Leeds" and glares at Animo. Animo lets out a scream of terror.
Suddenly Ben ran in. He sees Leeds grab Animo by the throat and roar in his face.
Ben: Ghost King! Stop it!
Leeds turns his head and glares at Ben. His eyes seem to fill him with fear. But Ben pushes on.
Ben: I know you aren`t going to kill him. But what you`re doing is STILL wrong!
Leeds: Of course it is. I`m the bad guy, remember?
Ben: No Ghost King. I`m starting to think you aren`t. You act tough and mean but me and my cousin have noticed you do good things.
You warded off a planetary invasion from those space kaiju by befriending one. You allow those who wrong you to live. You even are able to put aside grudges to protect those who you care about! You`re just going about life the wrong way. Now put Animo down and let`s talk.
Leeds stared at him for a minute. He then seems to calm down as he lowers Animo to the ground. He then lets out a long exhale.
Leeds: No. I`m still a bad guy. But you`re right. I don`t kill.
He extends his wings and crashes through the roof.
Leeds: Farewell for now, Ben Tennyson!
Rook then ran in after wrangling all the Mutants.
Rook: What did I miss?
Ben: Ghost King tried to attack Animo. But I talked him out of it.
Ben grabs the cowering Animo and places him in handcuffs.
Ben: Let`s go Animo. We`re taking you back to jail.
As they walked away Ben noticed Leeds watching from a shady tree top. Ben waves but Leeds flies away.
Rook: Now what is up?
Ben: I think I may have gotten through to him. Even if it`s by a little bit.
They place Animo in the back of the truck and drive away.
Other Plumber vehicles arrive and haul the mutants off. However a few are missing. Those missing few appear in downtown and rampage across it.
Ben: Rook! Look!
Rook: I see them.
A giant Ape, Wolf, Lizard and Rat attack Downtonwn. The Ape climbs a skyscraper and roars, beating his chest. The Wolf attacks a bus depot. The Lizard attacks a statue and the Rat attacks the dump.
Ben: We can`t get them all on our own. And the Plumbers are busy with the other mutants!
Suddenly a loud booming distorted bird cry is heard. Ben and Rook looked at the sky to see a tri-colored Ghidorah with the same Omnitrix symbol as Ghost King fly above them. He roars again and shoots gravity beams at the Ape, Wolf and Lizard. All three fall down as the Rat returns. It lunges at Ghost King but Waybig smacks it away.
Waybig: Thanks for the assist. See? You can be good-.
King Ghidorah grunts then turns into Ghost King.
Ghost King: I only helped because I owed you. Now we`re even!
Waybig turns back.
Ben: Yeh, right.
Ghost King grunts and vanishes. All four monsters are hauled away and Rook returns after jailing Animo.
Rook: Perhaps you are right. Maybe he CAN be redeemed.
Both stand there for a moment then returned to the truck and drive away.
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Ghost King finally gets even with Animo.
- Ben and Ghost King team up once more.
Minor Events[]
- Animo makes a Mutant Army.
- Ghost King reveals the Jersey Devil and a Mutant Ant are in his Omnitrix.
- Ben Tennyson
- Rook Blonko
- Zoo Night Guard
- Plumbers
- Ghost King
- Dr. Animo
- Mutant Alligator
- Mutant Kangaroo
- Mutant Frog
- Mutant Ants
- Mutant Ape
- Mutant Wolf
- Mutant Lizard
- Mutant Rat
- Other Mutant Animals
Aliens Used[]
By Ben:[]
- Wildmutt
- Waybig
By Ghost King[]
- Mutant Ant Transformation
- Leeds
- Ghidrah
The Mutant Ape, Wolf, Lizard and Rat are supposed to represent George, Ralph, Lizzie and Larry from Rampage.
- Ghost King finally gets even with Animo.
- Ben starts to get through to Ghost King slightly.
- Ghost King unlocked Jersey Devil at an unknown point and unlocked the Mutant Ant on the day of the story.
- The final four villains are homages to the original four Rampage monsters.