Mutant Drake is a series that follows the protagonist, Drake, as he and his friends battle against mutant foes and save the city.
Drake is a not-so average teenager in a not-so average world; a world infested with mutated creatures, mercenaries and more. Taking on the role of a crime-fighting vigilante, Drake must use his special Mutant ability to change any part of his body into an enhanced and powerful weapon. With the help of his new found friends, Drake will not only learn what it means to be Human but he'll go through life-changing experiences and save his city.
Main article: Mutant Drake Episode Guide
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- He's a meanie with a beanie, the man with a plan, he's MiggyThePiggy 21:41, October 3, 2015 (UTC)
- UltiEpic! (Wall - Blog - Contribs) 01:12, October 4, 2015 (UTC)
- When you know you have a lot to do, but your brain is just like: Meh, I Quit! And than you spend the rest of your day being useless... (Wall - Blog - Contribs) 21:07, January 17, 2016 (UTC)
- Drake
- Kate Wilson
- John Reed
- Agent Gabe Owens
- Director May Harper
- Detective Wilson
- Fionna
- Emmett Murphy
- Danny Campbell
- Jake Lincoln
See More: Mutant Drake/Characters
- Ryder (Spin-off series)
Special Pages[]
Video Games[]
- Mutant Drake: The Game (In Development)
- Mutant Drake is the second series created by Brandon 10; the first being Brandon 10, disregarding its sequels.
- Mutant Drake is the first series to be co-written by Brandon 10.
- Mutant Drake takes inspiration from a few television series' including: Arrow, Daredevil, Generator Rex and Young Justice.
- While the series was in development, certain aspects, ideas and templates were created/evaluated by Sif.
- Mutant Drake was nominated for Featured Series for October 2016 and won.