Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

"zir murk'het at your zervice"

-Murk'het introducing himself

General Information
Species Modified Chronosapien
Residence Unknown (Formerly)

Null Void (Formerly)‎


Affiliations Plin Straff, Ying
Occupations Bounty Hunter
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Time Travel, Time Rays, Retrocognitive Projections, Built-in Weaponry

Murk'het is an intergalactic bounty hunter hired by the Goopulator to kill the Trixters.


Murk'het resembles a standard Chronosapien with silver-ish armour and a red holographic face on his screen. His left eye resembles a simplified purple monocle. His left "pectoral" area is made of a different metal to the rest of his body. Behind the red screen-like structure on his stomach is a bunch of gears. In place of legs, he has silver tank treads.


Murk'het is a rather self-centered character. He suffers from "main character syndrome", sees himself as the centre of the universe & views all those around him as beneath his existence. Murk'het is one for dramatics, monologuing over every action he takes & flaunting hints of his "mysterious past". Murk'het only ever attacks those he sees as weaker & slinks away into another time when faced with anything that may truly threaten him. Despite these negative traits, Murk'het is a fairly capable combatant & knows when to drop his act if needed. He tries to play a long game but more often than not fails on that front & has to constantly adapt his plans around his own incompetency.


Before the events of Murk'het becoming a bounty hunter, he lived a fairly normal life by Chronosapien standards; working at a repair shop, fixing and selling armour to Chronosapiens who wanted or needed it. However, he ended up slightly altering the future when he travelled back in time by accident in an attempt to gather materials for a client. Due to the extremely strict time laws that Chronosapiens have, Murk'het had most of his time cogs removed. However, he managed to break out of his prison cell halfway through the removal process, fleeing from the Chronosapiens. Despite his now weakened abilities, Murk'het was capable of successfully escaping them by fleeing into the Null Void temporarily where they could never follow him. It was here where he changed his name, face & entire identity thanks to his engineering skills & scrap from nearby debris. He would then escape the Null Void & back into his reality, where he'd use his newly modified body to kill as a bounty for hire, which also acted as a way to vent his frustrations.

At some point in time, Murk'het meets up with Plin Straff & Ying: two other bounty hunters. The three are all hired by The Goopulator to kill the Trixters & steal their watches in exchange for rewards. Murk'het was promised new time cogs, however, he had plans of wielding one of the Omnitrixes for himself in secrecy.

He would first appear with Plin Straff & Ying on Earth to take out the Trixters. Murk'het would lay low during the fight, only occasionally firing a time ray in Fish's direction. He would inevitably flee the scene when told by the Roach to leave.

Powers and Abilities[]

Murk'het possesses the very same abilities as many other Chronosapiens such as holograms of the past, time travel, aging rays & general chronokinesis. Although, due to his lower number of time cogs, Murk'het's chronokinetic abilities are at a much lower level than others of his kind. This means that his powers are harder to control, require more energy to be used & tire him out significantly faster.

Murk'het has made various bodily modifications to himself, giving him various weapons built into his body to be swapped out like a swiss army knife. Some examples include buzzsaws, blades, guns preloaded with bullets, shields & harpoons just to name a few.


Murk'het possesses standard Chronosapien weaknesses such as his lower stamina & vulnerable head key. His durability weakness is circumvented thanks to his more reinforced body.

Murk'het's more cowardly & egotistical attitudes are often his own undoing, and will usually be his downfall in most battles.


  • Murk'het was reused from an old Ben 10 oc made by Cubey earlier in March 2024. A page for this version of Murk'het was made around the same time