No known rating. |
Ben 10: Haunted | |
Season 1, Episode 60 | |
Written by | Ghost King001 |
Directed by | Ghost King001 |
Episode Guide | |
Previous Stranded |
Next Vengeance of Ghost King |
A motley crew of alien scientists were gathered in a run-down warehouse, they were known criminals...wanted throughout the cosmos for various misdeeds.
Dr. Psychobos: Do we know who called this meeting?
He was fully aware who it was, but he was curious of who else knew. The others shook their heads, genuinely not knowing.
Albedo: Whoever this is called a lot of us here...from the looks of it we`re all wanted. And so I deduce the mastermind behind this is of notoriety as well.
???: You would be correct, sir!
Ghost King appeared from a mysterious fog, backed up by two of his minions.
Ghost King: I bet you`re all wondering why you`re here...I`ll be straightforward and to the point...Who wants to see Ben Tennyson go down?
Theme song! (In an eerie organ version)
The villains looked at each other. A few didn`t like Ghost King...but they hated Ben more.
Dr. Psychobos: And will we be paid?
Ghost King: Most handsomely. Of course I`m not expecting you all to work for free on the belief that Tennyson will be brought down instantly.
He snapped his fingers, his minions drew forth two briefcases full of thousands of Tayden.
Albedo: How did you get that much Tayden!?
Ghost King: I stole it, how else? Are you in or not?
They all looked at each other. Debating on whether they should join this venture or not. Ghost King glared at Psychobos, non-verbally giving him a cue to drum up hype.
Psychobos: I`m in!
Gar Skuther: I`m in too!
???: And so am I.
Loud thuds can be heard, the doors are kicked open...Krang is back.
Ghost King: Ah Krang, you`ve returned...excellent to have you back.
Krang: After what Tennyson did to me last time!? He`s in for a world of hurt now. What`s your plan?
Ghost King: Simple, collect enough DNA to outdo Ben`s watch...fill mine with dangerous beings in other words.
Krang: Well, if worse comes to worse we can explore...the multiverse!
A few villains gasped, they looked shocked Krang would suggest such a feat...but then a few of them knew his origins so they didn`t really act surprised by this bold plot.
Albedo: Oh please, the multiverse isn`t that bad.
Ghost King: May I remind you that you`ve only been to a small fraction?
Albedo: Good Point.
Ghost King: Remember people, riches for whoever brings me enough samples!
Gar Skuther: Can we have an estimate?
Ghost King: Alright, tell you all what, I`ll give you one thousand Tayden for each DNA sample you provide me. That should be enough incentive. Now GO!
Most of the villains leave, Gar Skuther stays behind.
Gar: I have some DNA on I offer my own.
Ghost King: How much do you have on hand?
Gar: Myself, my Skuthers, those wretched Oogies...and I may have stolen some skin cells from that XL Terrestrial guy.
Ghost King: That`s worth four thousand Tayden. Cough it up Gar.
Gar Skuther obliges, he orders one of his genetic monstrosities to enter the warehouse with two vials of DNA. Krang presses the scan feature on Ghost King`s watch as a ray of light envelopes Gar and his Minion. He then poured the raw DNA samples into a machine he brought along, which computerizes the DNA and sends it directly to the watch.
Knock Off Omnitrix: New DNA acquired, Immanemques DNA, Infectonian DNA, Oogie DNA and Unknown Species DNA is ready to use.
Ghost King scrolled through his watch, he noted the outlines of four new species and nodded at his minions. They then pay Gar.
Ghost King: Gar, my friend, it`s always good working with you. Pleasure doing business.
Gar took his payment and scuttles away, followed by his Minion. Ghost King looked at Krang and smiled devilishly.
Both: (In unison) Tennyson is going down!
They then laughed evilly, Krang walked out.
Krang: Come along, you can go through your Omnitrix on the trip.
He then lead him to the Technodrome Mark II.
Ghost King: Did it shrink?
Krang: The real one is being repaired, blasted turtles. Besides, this is more covert.
Ghost King nodded and walked in.
Ghost King: Minions! If anyone comes back with more DNA, Krang left instructions.
His minions salute and stay behind, Krang buckles up.
Krang: Fasten your seatbelt. This is going to be bumpy.
Ghost King did as told, Krang pressed a button as the Technodrome Mark II began to shake as it was pulled into a portal. Ghost King looked out the window and was amazed at the sheer amount of universes they passed. Suddenly the mobile fortress landed in some suburbs.
Krang: We`ve landed...the lifeforms here may be hostile so be ready.
Ghost King nodded and got out. They saw an odd house amongst a cul-de-sac as Krang smirked and knocked on the door. A green, upright "dog" answered the door.
???: Yeeeeees?!
Krang: I know what you really are, you can drop the act.
The "Dog" looked confused, he then looked around.
???: Ok!
He let them inside. Suddenly running legs could be heard...enter, a green alien resembling a humanoid insect.
???: GIR! Who did you let in!?
He looked over at Ghost King and Krang and scowled.
Krang: I`m-
Ghost King: Well, we`re trying to-
Krang: SHUT UP!
???: Hmmm, fair point.
Krang looked over at Ghost King, a very annoyed expression is now on his face.
Krang: Let`s just knock him out, he`s very irking.
???: Well of course I`m an Irken! What kind of stupid question is-
Ghost King grabbed a cane GIR presumably stole and knocked the Irken over the head, he fell down, unconscious.
GIR: Is he ok?
Krang: Relax, he`s fine. Just sleeping.
GIR: Ok!
He then begins laughing like a psychopath, both criminals stared at each other.
Krang: Well, Scan away. Coming here was a mistake!
Ghost King nodded and scanned the unconscious alien.
Knock Off Omnitrix: Irken DNA acquired and unlocked.
Krang: Good, now let`s go before this annoying pest wakes up!
Both flee back to the Technodrome Mark II, leaving the strange Alien duo behind. They then land in a bizarre pocket dimension. They exit, only to be greeted by Marx.
Marx: Well well well, look what we have here. Aren`t you guys from that one universe I was dragged to for some gameshow?
Krang: He is, I`m not.
Marx: No matter, you`re dead meat!
Ghost King: Uh...I`m already dead.
Marx: Well then you`re gonna croak AGAIN!
Krang: Wait! How would you like revenge on the human who made you look like a fool?
Marx stopped his planned attack and tucked his wings back away to...wherever.
Marx: I`m listening.
Krang: That watch he`s wearing, it can turn him into various life forms. We`re going from universe to universe collecting samples and-
Marx: Say no more!
He stood still, Ghost King then scanned him.
Ghost King: Thanks.
Marx: Hey, no problem. If you want I can beat up Kirby and you can scan him.
Krang: I`ll come back later, we`re kind of on a time crunch.
Marx: Ok, see ya!
They then go back to the Technodrome Mark II and continued their quest, going from universe to universe. They eventually go back home.
Ghost King: Do you think I`m ready?
Krang: Sure, why not?
Ghost King waltzed over to his minions.
Ghost King: Any Tayden left?
Ghost #1: Yeh, barely. Those guys brought so much DNA!
Ghost King: Worth it. Get ready Ben Tennyson, you`re no match for the new and improved Ghost King!
Noteworthy Events[]
Major Events[]
- Ghost King and Krang embark on a multiversal tour to collect DNA of aliens powerful enough to hopefully defeat Ben.
Minor Events[]
- Ghost King and Krang briefly visit Invader ZIM.
- Both also briefly visit Marx, marking his return since "The Greatest Gameshow".
- Ghost King
- Ghost #1
- Ghost Minions
- Krang
- Dr. Psychobos
- Albedo
- Gar Skuther
- Skuther
- Alien Scientists
- Dib Membrane (cameo, sneaking outside ZIM`s house)
- Mini-Moose (cameo)
- Robot Gnomes (cameo)
- Robot Parents (cameo)
- Marx
- Xiliens (non-speaking)
- Furons (non-speaking)
- Future Fun Landers (non-speaking)
- Space Dragons (non-speaking)
- Zorathians (non-speaking)
- Several Kaiju (cameos)
- Decepticons (non-speaking)
- Tameranians (non-speaking)
- Space Ameobas (non-speaking)
- Alien Pod Mimics (non-speaking)
- Space Kooks (cameo)
- Decapodians (cameo)
- Ymirs (cameo)
- Various evolved Oogies (cameo)
- Krangazoids (cameo)
- Rigelians (non-speaking)
- Xenomorphs (cameo)
- Endermen (cameo)
- Face Hoggers (cameo)
- Shapeshifters (non-speaking)
- Melmacians (non-speaking)
- Grebleips' (non-speaking)
- Sleestak (cameo)
- Gems (cameo)
- Corrupt Gems (cameo)
- Various Pokémon (cameo)
- Triceratons (non-speaking)
- Tachyons (non-speaking)
- Klyntars (cameo)
- Alien Cyclopes (non-speaking)
- Ro-Men (non-speaking)
- Roadkill Rodneys (cameo)
- Instant Martians (non-speaking)
- Wookies (cameo)
- Schlurches (cameo)
- None
Aliens Used[]
- None
Several pop-culture aliens appear as cameos during the DNA collecting montage
- Several universes are visited in a montage to get DNA.
- Several hostile species were sampled by using robots as expendable retrievers.
- The Knock Off Omnitrix didn`t sample the Tachyons DNA because they were already unlocked in secret during the events of "Visitors from Another Earth" and "Winter`s Revenge"
- A few of the species scanned were present in Ben`s universe...but Ghost King and Krang weren`t aware of this or didn`t care to track an individual of that specific species down.