Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
General Information
Species Riyadey
Home World Riyadeyet
Body Humanoid
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Mind Blast
Enhanced Intelligence

Explosive "X"s

Voice Actor Dee Bradley Baker
First Appearance Unknown

Multiple is a Riyadey from the planet Riyadeyet in Ahmad 15. He is a math Alien. Tell me if you wish to use him.


He looks like a red humanoid, with the appearance in the picture.


Multiple has the ability to fire explosive "X"s, from his Blasters on his palms and on his wrist. He also can fire a mind-blast from his forehead at anything, granting it Intelect. The more the blast is fixed on something, the more it gets smarter. He already has enough intellect in him, granting his species the ability to enter the Universe's Smartest Species List. He also has the ability to clone himself.


He only knows stuff about Math and Sciences, so other stuff might vaporize off his memory, (regular memorizies stay there). He also HAS to solve every equation he runs into, even if that distracted from the battle. Certain Operations, like "0 by the power of one" and "4 divided by 0" cause him to malfunction. The effect of his mind blasts vanishes in a few moments.


  • None so far.