Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
022 Mothfreak by ScareWolf
General Information
Home World Xephyr
Predator None.
Body Humanoid Moth
Powers and Abilities
Abilities Enhanced Strength, Flight, Enhanced Durability, Sharp Claws, Skill at hand-to-hand combat.
First Appearance Every Frog Has His Day

The Moonsectoids are a deadly race native to the moon, Xephyr.


Moonsectoids are deadly beasts with a desire to fight anything that seems worthy. They will not hesitate to attack and/or kill their own kind, even when the latter does not want to fight. When they don't try to murder their own species they hunt Deesupadda, a yellow beetle-like prey.


Moonsectoids hunt their weak prey, Deesupadda, a yellow beetle-like insect that range in large numbers on Xephyr.

It is unknown if any Moonsectoids are cannibals.


Moonsectoids have humongous strength, strong enough to juggle three elephants, in fact. They also possess enhanced speed and access to flying. A Moonsectoid's anatomy suggests that their bodies can resist the harshest of climates (which is helpful on their cold planet) and can withstand even Ocean Pressure. This makes them the deadliest of enemies to go up against.

It can also be noted that Moonsectoid's have sharp claws that can scratch even diamond, with relative ease.


Moonsectoids, being bug-like aliens, are very weak to Toxic Chemicals. These substances are crucial to their overall health and strength.

Their wings are also fragile enough to be useless when struck hard enough.

Moonsectoids are feral and have a personality, meaning they are liable to kill without question.


  • Not all Moonsectoids are born feral, but those who aren't are usually killed off
  • Some Moonsectoids are cannibals
  • Moonsectoids are the only sentient lifeforms on Xephyr.
  • Rumors suggest that they attacked ships and ate the passengers.
    • However, this was eventually proven false.