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Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki

Moo-vie Make-Out is the nineteenth episode of Tennyson Force.

Tennyson Force
Season 2, Episode 6
Air date 7/15/11
Written by Redoalien
Episode Guide
It Came From The Omnitrix
The Sweet Smell of Stink


Ben and Candy are at the movies...

Candy: This is a great movie.

Ben: I know. It`s even better with you.

(Candy giggles.)

Candy: Why did why get pineapple pizza before this.

Ben: Because it`s good. You`ve got some pineapple on your lips. I`ll get it.

(They are about to kiss when a moo can be heard)

Ben: I`ll be right back. (Runs outside where a herd of cows are.) You guys are so busted now! (Transforms) RamMan! What the Heck? (Blinds cows with mist sprays water in their faces and rams them into a tree.)

Back In The Theater...

Candy: I suppose it went well.

Ben: Where were we?

Candy: Lip to lip?

Ben: Oh yeah! (They are about to kiss then the cows are heard again; Ben runs outside again.) What is with interupting my kiss?! (Transforms) Muscleman! I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ties Them up after three punches.)

At The Theater Again...

Ben kisses Candy

Ben: YES! I KISSED CANDY!! WHAT!! SUCK IT, COWS!! IN YOUR FACE!! I KNEW A COW COULD NOT GET IN THE WAY OF ME AND CANDY!! Umm..I mean how about another? (Leans close for another, but a cow is there instead.)

Cow: Yeah, too late.

Candy (On the other side.): He asked me nicely.

The End
