Molly Gunther is a Plumber working under Magister Arnux, them working at the Plumber Base close to Earth. When John, Charmcaster and Hex arrive, Molly tries to arrest John, who was still a wanted criminal.
She returns John's flashbacks of the time after he lost the Omnitrix. She accompanied John, Hobble and Patelliday as they raid Captain Kork's ship to save the hostages onboard.
Later, she appears with Hobble to bring John his new Proto-Truk. The two appear together to assist in a raid at a Slave Auction house, and again to take Trumbipulor away.
Molly is stationed at Mt. Rushmore, as all Plumbers on Earth are unless in the field. She works directly under Officer Brago, and is his most trusted Plumber. She greatly dislikes Ryder, with his disobedience and tendency to attract trouble.