Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Inhabitants: Samunja

Gourmand (Perk)

Gourmand (Murk)

First Appearance The Samunja's Return Part 2

The Mirage is an alternate dimension accessable via a Samswordone sword. It is a dimension much like the Null Void, only more dangerous through what it does, rather than it's inhabitants.

This dimension is not able to bring beings out without going into it first. The sword is the only known way to access it so far.

The Mirage has a very strange way of working. For normal species, it gives the individual their dream lives, and once they are in a total trance, they are put into a nightmare. For species of higher power, they overcome the dream stage, and can continue into the dimension.

Notable Prisoners of the Mirage[]


The Samunjas were imprisoned in the Mirage years before the creation of the Alpha-Omegatrix. They were the predators of the Samswordones. When the Samswordones teamed up and aligned on the equator of Japatornn, they sent out dimension rays across both sides of the planet, hitting all Samunjas and sending them to the Mirage. The Samunjas had no dreams, so they took over the empty dimension.

Murk Gourmands[]

The Murk Gourmands were imprisoned in the Mirage shortly after the Alpha-Omegatrix's creation. They were imprisoned in a war between them, teamed up with the Perks, and the Samswordones. They, along with their Perk counterparts, bombed half the planet. They were all imprisoned by the same way the Samunjas were. The Murk commander, Sergeant Cast Iron, went past the dream stage, but went insane and evil, all around mutated due to the dimension. So evil that the Samunjas wouldn't mess with him. He is the last Murk in existence.

Perk Gourmands[]

The Perk Gourmands were imprisoned in the Mirage shortly after the Alpha-Omegatrix's creation. They were imprisoned in a war between them, teamed up with the Murks, and the Samswordones. During a meating, Sergeant Cookmeister ate a sword, which caused the war. They, along with their Murk counterparts, bombed half the planet. They were all imprisoned by the same way the Samunjas were. The Perk commander, went past the dream stage, but went insane and evil, all around mutated due to the sword he ate. So evil that the Samunjas wouldn't mess with him. He is the last Perk in existence.


  • The Mirage's name means "optical phenomenon in which light rays are bent to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky". The name is given to it due to the dreams and nightmares.
  • It is such a mysterious dimension that none of the Faction or Rhynehaters know about it or it's inhabitants.