Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10 Fan Fiction Wiki
Ben 10: Unbound
Season 1, Episode 6
Air date 10/10/14
Written by Steve & Dragon
Directed by Steve & Dragon
Episode Guide
Beats Me
A Day in the Life of Rook

 Minus 10 is the sixth episode of Ben 10: Unbound.


Ben is outside sitting on the porch fiddling with Omnitrix.

Comment: Of course he is

Rook hops over the fence into his backyard.

(Rook): Why do you even bother?

(Ben): I want a master control.

(Rook): And I want your Mom's cooking for dinner everynight. We can't always get what we want.

(Ben): Sure, we can. If we use our (does the SpongeBob Imagination rainbow) Imagination.

He continued to fiddle with the Omnitrix. Rok hits his hand, causing Ben to recoil, and hit a mysterious button on the omnitrix, causing it to glow gren and leet out a shockwave.

(Ben): What the?

Just then, Heatblast and the rest of the original 10 appear.

They look at eachother then run away, leaving Ben on his porch.

(Ben): Aw man!

Theme Song!

(Rook): What just happened?

(Ben): No idea, but XLR8's probably in China by now!

(Rook): What if he speednados the Greatwall?

(Ben): Then I'll Jury Rigg it.

(Rook): Okay. But what if...

(Ben): What if what?

(Rook): What if Azmuth fin-

Azmuth appears.

Comment: Perfect timing


(ben): Aww cannonbolts.

(Azmuth): You irresponisble, little bit-

(ben): Are you even allowed to say that?

Comment: I think not.

(Azmuth): (mutters something than looks at Ben) You fool! Do you know what you've done?

(Ben): Um..... I unleashes ten aliens... AND MEH PRECIOUS UPGRADE!

Comment: BOO HOO!

(Azmuth): Boo hoo. Anyways, you must recapture the aliens before sunrise.

(Ben): Cool story bro.

(Rook): He's been weird since he went on that mission t Slix Vigma's ship.

(Ben): Have not!

(Rook): Have too!

(Ben): Have no-

(Azmuth): Ugh... Anyway... go find them. Rescan them or you lose them forever. And that means UPGRADE

ENd scene

Ben and Rook are looking for the aliens at a Volcano

(Rook): Ben, how will we know when we find a alien?

Ben shrugs.

(Ben): Beats Me

Just then, a fireball hits Rook.

(Ben): I think we found one.

(Rook): Yes, I do too.

(Ben and Rook): HEATBLAST!

Just then, Heatblast appeared.

(Heatblast): Yo!

(Ben): I'll deal with him! Upgrad- I don't have him. ECHO ECHO!

He transforms

(Swampfire): SWAMPFIRE!!! Ugh...seriously? Can't this thing ever get it right?

Heatblast started shooting fireballs.

Swampfire raises Plant sheilds

(Rook): I do not think that is a good idea.

(Swampfire): Why?

Rook point to the shields which are on fire.

(Swampfire): Crap! did he?

(Rook): He is made out of fire.

(Swampfire):I knew that!

(Rook): Whatever! Change into something else!

(Swampfire): Oh right!

He transformed.

(Water Hazard): WATER HAZARD!

(Water Hazard): Let's Dance!

(Heatblast): How about a tango?

(Water Hazard): Hell no.

He blasted Heatblast with water.

(Heatblast): AH! I'M MELTING! I'M MELTING!

(Rook): Good for you.

Water Hazard reverts and sucks Heatblast into teh Omnitrx


Ben and Rook are at a pet store looking for Wildmutt.

(Rook): He might be in a dumpster, you know, since he's from Vulpin

(Ben): Good idea!

They go to the dumpster.

(Ben, looking in a trash bin): I don't see anything.

Just then, Ben is pounced on by Wildmutt.

(Rook): I did.

(Ben, trying to get Wildmutt off): Ugh...(activates Omnitrix) Come on, gimme someone useful for a change.

He smacked it and went under a transformation sequence. 

(Rath): RATH!

He knocked Wildmutt off.


Wildmutt gets scared and goes into the omnitrix.

(Rath): Wimp.

He reverted.

(Ben): Two down, eight more to go.

The scene switches to them looking for Diamondhead in a jewelry store.

(Rook): he's probably in a diamond mine


(Rook): Because you never listen

(Ben): Good point.

The scene switches to them in a diamond mine.

(Ben): Diamondhead.... Come out come out wherever you are...

A diamond shard hits Ben on his butt.

(Ben): OOF!

(Rook): That was funny.

(Ben): Oh, shut up.

(Diamondhead): But it was funny.

(Ben): It's hard to believe we were ever the same perso- err- Alien.

(Diamondhead): Ikr. Let's fight.

(Ben, activating Omnitrix): With pleasure...

He scroll to Echo Echo's hologram and smacked it down but instead he became...

(The Worst): The Worst!?

(Rook): Oh dear.

(Diamondhead): You ARE the Worst!

(The Worst): Shut up!

(Diamondhead): Make me!

(The Worst): I will.

(Diamondhead): And how are you gonna do that, shrimp?

(Rook): Ben, change into something else.

(The Worst): KK


(Echo Echo): ECHO ECHO

He multiplies.

(Diamondhead): Oh no!

(Echo Echoes): Wall of Sound!

They shatter him and the shards zoom into the omnitrix. The Omnitrix timed out.

(Ben): Who next?

(Rook, thinking): Hm....I believe XLR-

Just then, a blue blurr runs off and grabs Rook.

(Ben): Rook!

He tried to transform but couldn't.

(ben): Stupid Watch.

(Omnitrix): I heard that. I might just Self-Destruct now


(Omnitrix): You better be.

The Omnitrix shut off.

(Ben): How am I supp-(sees a motorcycle).  That works.

He drove off while the owner of the motorcycle appeared.

(Person): Hey, who stole my motorcycle?

He chase after XLR8.


(XLR8): Yeah, no.

(Ben): Ugh....

XLR8 ran faster. Just then, the Mystery Machine appear.

(Fred): Need a lift?

(Ben): No thanks, I'm good.

(Shaggy): Too bad, we have Cheese Fries and Milkshakes!

(Ben): I'm in.

He is then see in the back of the Mystery Machine with Shaggy and Scooby.

(Scooby): He;.'s Weird!

(Shaggy): Ikr.

XLR8 passed by the Mystery Machine and stuck his tongue out. He ran off.


Fred nods.

(Fred): Us too. 

(Velma): We've got a mystery on our hands

The Mystery Machine went into highgear and chase after XLR8. Soon, they catch up, and Ben transforms

(Fasttrack): FASTTRACK!

He headlocks XLR8 and pushes him into the omnitrix, saving Rook by putting him in the Mystery Machine. He reverted.

(Rook): Ben, thanks.

He noticed Mystery Inc.

(Rook): Who are your friends?

(Fred): We're Mystery Incorporated.

(Rook): Cool. I'm leaving.

He gets out of the MM. 

(Ben): I'll go with him. I'll see you guys later.

He got out and follow Rook.

(Ben): So...where do you think Grey Matter is?

(Rook): I'd say a science Lab

(Ben): I would have said To Store, but yours makes sense!

They're shown in a Sciene Lab.

They find Grey Matter trying to make an omnitrix

(Rook): It took Azmuth years to make one. Nice try, though

(Grey Matter): You'll never stop m-

He is picked up by Ben.

(Ben): Too eas-

Grey Matter bit him.

(Ben, dropping Grey Matter): OW! THAT'S IT!

He transforms

(Chromastone): CHROMASTONE!

He blasts GM and puts him in the omnitrix. He reverted.

The scene switches to them in a wrestling ring where Four Arms is.


(Ben): I do.

He transforms

(Humungousaur): HUMUNGOUSAUR! Eh, in a pinch, he's not that bad. Especially, cause I can do this.

He went Ultimate.

(Ultimate Humungousaur): ULTIMATE HUMUNGOUSAUR!

Four Arms' jaw drops.

(Four Arms): You win.

He goes into the omnitrix

Ben reverts

(Ben): Aww man, no fighting today! *sad Face*

Just then, Rook smell something bad.

(Rook): Ugh...Ben-Dude, did you fart?

(Ben): No.....maybe...yes.

(Rook): Ew...

Just then, Stinkfly flew by outside.

(Ben): Oh, that explains it.

They follow Stinkfly to a Swamp.

Ben transforms

(Swampfire): Oh yeah!

(Rook): Great, now it's triple smell

(Stinkfly): Ha! You'll never stop me!

He flies into a tree and falls into the water

(Swampfire): Just did.

(Rook): Oh yeah!

He high fived Swampfire. The scene switches to the lake where Ripjaws is.

(Ben): go first.

(Rook): No, you!

He pushed Ben into the lake.

(Ben, drowning):  ROOK! Mmm....

He transformed.

(Ampfibian): AMPFIBIAN!

He finds Ripjaws, whoo bites him.

(AmpFibian): Grr... I'd so go Ripjaws on you... but you are him... Err..

(Ripjaws): Ha ha! Can't get m-

(Ampfibian): Oh shut up!

He shocked Ripjaws and sucked him back into the Omnitrix. He went back up on land and reverted.

(Ben): Please tell me Upgrade's next.

(Rook): He is.

(Ben): Woo! Let's go find him!

He grabbed Rook and run off.

(Rook): I hate my job

They are shown looking for Upgrade.

(Rook): He's probably at a Car dealership

(Ben): Well duh

They go the Car Dealership where Upgrade is merged with a car attacking people.

(Ben): Hey Upgrade!

Upgrade looks at him

(Upgrade): Buddy! Nice to see you!

(Ben): I know!.... Now get in the omnitrix

(Upgrade): What?

(Ben): I'll use you more.

(Upgrade): Not possible

(Ben): I'll download new software.... and give you Taydens

(Upgrade): Deal.

He goes into the omnitrx.

(Ben): Welp...that's all of him.

(Rook): Ben, are you not forgetting someone?

(Ben): No.

Rook facepalms


(Ben): Oh right. I knew that

(Rook): Orly?

(Ben): Yes, let's go him find!

They're shown in a Haunted House.

(Rook): He's in the graveyard, idiot.

(Ben): Well duh!

They go to a cemetery. They see Mystery Inc looking for Ghostfreak.

(Rook): You guys again?

He traps them in a net.

(Shaggy): Like, not cool man!

Just then, Ghostfreak appeared.

(Ghostfreak): Tennyson!

(Ben): Hey Ghostfreak!

He turned into NRG.

(NRG): NRG! Ha ha! NRG is G-O-O-D!

He escaped his suit and burnt Ghostfreak.

(Ghostfreak): The light!

He gets sucked into the omnitrix, and Azmuth appears

(Azmuth): You still lost them!

(Ben):...... Go suck my di-

(Rook): Don't talk like that to the first Thinker!

(Ben): Whatever.

(Azmuth): You have done some stupid immature things, young Tennyson.... but you are worthy

(Rook): SERIOUSLY?!?

(Ben): Wow, tnxs.

(Azmuth): You are welcome. But next time, don't count on anything.

He disappeared.

(Ben): That went well


Major Events[]

The original 10 escapes the Omnitrix.

Azmuth makes his Unbound debut.

The Scooby Doo Gang appears.

Water Hazard, The Worst, Chromastone, Ultimate Humungousaur, Ampfibian and  NRG makes their Unbound debuts.
